Plane:  X-15-1 Date: 5/19/60
Flight: 1-8-13 T. O.:  
Pilot: Major White Launch:  

B-52 Brake Release
White: Got the commutator on, ventral jettison is off, both blowers are off, ram air open. 
B-52: 5000, nice flying, Bob.
White: Yes, looks lovely.
Chase 1: Airborne.
B-52: 10,500 now.
White: Russ, I'll just be standing by for whenever you want to start the stable platform midway, just give me the word.
B-52: 15,000 feet.
Russell: NASA 1 .......... radar is on normal.
White: Russ did they answer you?
Russell: Didn't hear any answer.
B-52: NASA 1, did you hear the launch panel operator?
NASA 1: Repeat please.
B-52: The launch panel operator don't think anyone heard him awhile ago.
NASA 1: OK, have him. Want to repeat that Russell?
Russell: Doppler shift normal.
NASA 1: Roger.
Russell: Lox fuel light on at 930.
NASA 1: Bob, you want to give us those APU source pressures again?
White: OK, #1 is 3700 and #2 is 3500. It's been 3500 since takeoff.
B-52: 20,500 feet.
NASA 1: Bob, go to lower antenna please.
B-52: 25,000 feet.
White: Lower antenna, read me NASA l?
NASA 1: Reading you loud and clear.
White: OK.
NASA 1: Blackbird 2, keys to the Chev Carry-all are in the wagon on the ramp. (put this in just for kicks Della Mae, Betty)
B-52: 30,000 feet.
.....: .......... clearly.
White: .......... external.
......: .......... direction.
......: .......... 3, 2, 1, jettison.
......: .......... wind direction ..........
......: Winds aloft are 340 now. 330 now.
White: Thanks 
B-52: Data burst.
Russell: Your launch fuel light has stayed on during this last cycle, we are now at 740 gallons.
NASA 1: Russell, are you checking your overflow?
Russell: Looks normal.
NASA 1: 003, we'd like to have you to attempt to get on your outbound heading in the next 5 minutes now, if possible.
B-52: We will.
NASA 1: And you can do your SAS maneuver anytime during this turn so we get that over before the thing comes out of cage. 
B-52: Bob, let me know when you want to do a SAS maneuver please?
White: OK Jack I'm ready anytime you are.
B-52: As soon as these aircraft move out, we'll roll from left to right now.
White: OK, I got it roll and yaw.
B-52: 0K NASA 1, 003 .......... runs to the drop now. Get that Bob and NASA?
NASA 1: Yes.
White: Yes, will give you some readings again, helium source is 3750, ..... source is 3450. .......... temp 440, control pressure -60. #1 control temp is now at 161, #2 is at ................#1 is -30 and #2 is -10. #2 source is 3750. APU source on. #1 is 3700 and #2 is 3500. #1 APU peroxide tank temp is 0. Get all that Neil?
NASA 1: Got it all Bob, thanks.
White: Lox fuel light on.
......: ..........
......: .......... 2, 50° on the prime tank.
......: Pressures read on the .......... Bob?
White: .......... still going up .......... at 44 now.
B-52: 38, 300 feet.
Chase 2: Airborne
Chase 3: Airborne
NASA 1: Bob, did you get those Silver Lake surface winds?
White: No I didn't.
NASA 1: OK, you might get those again from the C-130 out there.
......: ..........
White: ...... I'm straight and level now ......
......: ..........
NASA 1: What's your heading ...... ?
B-52: Now 345°, 40,250 feet.
NASA 1: OK ..........
......: ..........
NASA 1: Want to get a data burst?
......: ..........
......: Russell, the altitude is ......
NASA 1: What's your altitude look like now Bob?
White: OK, it's about 42,500.
B-52: 20 minutes to launch now.
NASA 1: Jack, will you roll your airplane just a little bit, just a little right rudder.
......: ..........
......: ..........
......: ..........
White: What's your heading right now, Jack?
B-52: 055, what do you read?
White: 054. -36. NASA 1, I got 044 on the gyro. 
NASA 1: Yes, we expect it will settle down a little better, later on. OK Russell, coming up on 25 north.
NASA 1: Standby, mark.
White: #l is -55 and #2 is -35. APU source is 3700 on #l and #2 is ...... 3500. Everything else looks pretty close to being the same as the previous pullout. OK intercom switch coming off and lower antenna , Neil.
NASA 1: Reading you about the same, Bob.
White: OK, I'm reading you much better. The intercom is back on. On lower antenna, how's that?
NASA 1: Still about the same.
White: OK, fuel light on 350.
NASA 1: Coming up on 35 east .......
White: Thank you, Neil.
NASA 1: Standby, mark.
White: .......... level.
NASA 1: ..........
White: .......... short period of time.
NASA 1: OK, I guess you'll just have to use your best judgment there Bob, can you confirm whether you're on auto or lower antenna presently?
White: OK, I'm on auto antenna right now.
NASA 1: Well, we request you go back to lower please.
White: Back to lower, here it comes, here's lower.
NASA 1: Right.
......: How's our time coming Bob?
White: 15-1/2 minutes to drop now.
B-52: 19-1/2 knots and 45,000 feet.
NASA 1: You say again the time please, Charlie?
......: ..........
......: ..........
White: OK, 14 minutes, got that Neil? 
NASA 1: Sounds better.
B-52: 13 minutes. 
White: Is there anybody down there who can give me the Silver Lake surface winds?
NASA 1: Well Bob, in case they don't call you again, the last reported winds were 14 knots from the north, gust to 18.
White: OK, thank you. 
Chase 3: Cuddeback Range has been informed and acknowledged.
NASA 1: Standby for 70 east Jack. Standby, mark.
White: Now reading 050°, heading on the gyro. 030° on the ...... what's your heading Jack?
B-52: Continue heading 060 right now.
White: OK, I show 41,000 on the inner ......... 
NASA 1: Coming up on 40 north, standby, mark. 
B-52: Windshield N2 off, windshield heat is on.
B-52: 9 minutes. 
NASA 1: What's your altimeter holding Bob?
White: I'm holding just about 42,000.
B-52: 8 minutes.
NASA 1: Coming up on 60 north, standby, mark.
B-52: Topoff is complete. 7 minutes.
White: Full pressure cooling, blowers and LN2 is on ......... Control temp on #l is -60 and #2 is -40. APU source on, #l is 3700 and on #2 is 3420.
NASA 1: Good.
White: #1 APU peroxide tank pressure 520, #2 zero.
NASA 1: Are you on your way around, Bob?
B-52: 6 minutes.
White: OK, data off, #2 APU warning coming on now. Helium pressure 104 ......... hydraulic pressure has started to come down ...... now ...... Hydraulic pressure 3700 ...... #2 tank pressure 550, #1 is 550. #2 APU source is 3300 ...... data off. Jettison switch is off, fire extinguisher auto. Pressure on all 8 chambers 
B-52: 5 minutes, 40 seconds right now.
......: Re-jettison.
White: ...... controls.
Russell: Controls look good.
B-52: 4 minutes.
White: ...... 4 minutes, power off Russell?
Russell: Jettison stopped.
B-52: Power off.
White: What's my ...... stabilizer position?
B-52: Stabilizer position looks good.
White: OK, controlling ...... pressure ..........
B-52: 3 minutes.
White: .......... data on, calibrate ...... Helium source 300, Lox tank is 34 .......... #l hydraulic temp +10, #2 is +10, #l APU source is 3500, #2 is 3250. #2 tank pressure is 3550. Hydraulic pressure 3250. #2 APU source 3700.
B-52: 2 minutes.
White: .......... chambers -30 to -20. APU .......... Camera switch coming on. Lower antenna. NASA 1, how do you read?
NASA 1: Read you loud & clear.
White: OK fine. How's the preheat looking .......... too white?
Russell: Preheat looks good Bob.
White: Time check?
B-52: 1 minute, 40 seconds.
White: Master's on, prime is on.
Chase: Prime has started.
White: #l APU is 40 and #2 is 40.
Chase: Prime looks good.
White: ..........
B-52: 14 seconds, 10 seconds, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 release.
White: .......... going?
NASA 1: Go to lower antenna Bob please.
White: OK, got lower antenna, is that better?
NASA 1: Yes.
White: .......... 
NASA 1: Say again, Bob.
Chase: Looks good, Bob.
White: .......... 
Chase: Everything looks good.
White: .......... coming up on ..........showing a pitch angle of 44° .......... 9° alpha.
......: Three Sisters area.
White: .......... 
......: Cuddeback area, you're in the Cuddeback area.

(Unable to transcribe rest of the flight tape.)

Good flight!