X-15 #670

Flight No. 8 Date of Request

Scheduled Date of Flight

Subject of Test: Altitude build-up Flight.

Airplane Configuration: Basic X-15

Engine Identification: XLR-ll (2 engines)

Launch: M » 0.82, hp » 45,000 ft., SAS 4, 4, 8 at Silver Lake on magnetic heading of 243°.

  1. After launch light 8 chambers and perform 8°a climb to 60,000 ft. (min. Vi = 260 Kts).

2. Accelerate in level flight at 60,000 ft. At M = 1.9 perform 1.5g pullup and simultaneously reduce to 6/8 thrust.

3. Maintain 1.5g until a = 15°.

4. Maintain 15°a until burnout. This will occur in nearly level flight at M » 2.2 and 110,000 ft. altitude. (Minimum dynamic pressure 25 to 30 psf.)

5. Reduce angle of attack to 10° and maintain until recovery at approximately 65,000 ft. (Normal acceleration will peak at about 2.0g, maximum dynamic pressure will be about 360 psf.)

6. Data maneuvers, as specified, will be performed during the supersonic level deceleration.

7. Console stick and SAS evaluation will be performed prior to attaining high key position.

8. Vector to high key for landing maneuver. Jettison residual propellants when subsonic.

9. Landing: SAS 4, 4, 8, approach speed 300 knots, jettison ventral; flaps and gear down.

10. Before APU shutdown, cycle controls, retract flaps and set stabilizer trim to zero.

NOTES: The X-15 ground control officer will transmit radar altitude and Mach number to the X-15 pilot during the climb and entry.
Flight No. 8

Duration of flight approximately 10 minutes, depending on usage of speed brakes.

Requirements for emergency landing lake sites remain the same as for flight No. 7 (5/12/60).

Figure 1 indicates the Mach number - altitude profile for this flight. Figure 2 indicates the altitude - range profile.

Launch wt. 33,500 lb Landing wt. 14,400 lb  Pilot:

Launch c.g. 21.4% Landing c.g. 19.0%


X-15 #670 Flight #8

1. In the event one chamber cannot be lit, the range and performance capabilities are sufficient to obtain the desired objectives; consequently with 7/8 thrust, the primary flight request will remain in effect.

2. If 4, 5, or 6 chambers are lit, circle Silver Lake within a 10 or 12 nautical mile radius, and position for landing at Silver Lake. When positioned for approach to high key, shut down engine and initiate propellant jettisoning.

3. If 1, 2 or 3 chambers are lit, shut down engine, jettison, and turn to Silver Lake for landing.

4. A pitch SAS malfunction, or a combined roll and yaw SAS failure prior to launch will constitute an abort.

5. With yaw SAS only inoperative or roll SAS only inoperative, proceed with the primary flight request.

6. With a pitch SAS malfunction, or a combined roll and yaw failure on climbout, push over immediately. If a re-entry is to be made 5°a will be used.

7. In the event of a no-launch abort, the B-52 will circle Silver Lake to permit adequate erection time of the inertial platform for evaluation of platform characteristics, provided other operational difficulties do not interfere.


Basic (Altitude, airspeed, a, b, An)

Handling qualities

Landing gear

Horizontal tail loads (strain gages)

Fuselage side-fairing vibration and flutter

Upper vertical tail and fuselage pressure distribution

Environmental temperatures

Structural temperatures

Free-skin temperatures

Wing strain gage responses (calibration not available)

Vertical tail hinge moments (from preliminary calibration)

Lift and drag (including base pressure measurements)

Inertial attitude and component velocity (stable platform)