Proceedings of the X-15 First Flight 30th Anniversary Celebration

Appendix B: Nomenclature

A/C aircraft
AFFTC Air Force Flight Test Center
AFRES Air Force Reserve Squadron
ANG Air National Guard
AOA angle of attack
APU auxiliary power units
ASSET aerothermodynamic/elastic structural system environmental tests
DFC distinguished flying cross
EVA extravehicular activity
g acceleration of gravity
GE General Electric Company
GN2 gaseous nitrogen
He helium
HSFS High-Speed Flight Station (now NASA Ames-Dryden)
L/D lift-to-drag ratio
LN2 liquid nitrogen
LOX, LO2 liquid oxygen
M Mach number
NAA North American Aviation, Inc.
NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NH3 anhydrous ammonia
PIO pilot-induced oscillation
PRIME precision recovery including maneuvering entry
PSAC President's Scientific Advisory Committee
q dynamic pressure; also called "q bar"
R/E redundant/cmergency (systems)
RMI Reaction Motors, Incorporated
SAB Scientific Advisory Board
SAMS surface-to-air missiles
SSTO single stage to orbit
T time, thrust
USAF United States Air Force
USN United States Navy
WADC Wright Aeronautical Development Center