Partners in Education 






In picture:  Front Row (left to right)  Mollie Morgan, Volunteer Coordinator MHHS; Trish Beck, Treasurer; Stacey Covington, Vice President; Teresa Bell, Volunteer Coordinator Nelson-Wilks-Herron; Sara Zimmerman, Volunteer Coordinator MHJH; Alison Cardin, Volunteer Coordinator Kindergarten


Second Row (left to right) Nancy Milholland, Secretary; Susan Bergman  District Coordinator; Tracy Dunn, President; JoEllen White, Volunteer Coordinator Pinkston Middle School; Laura Knox, Volunteer Coordinator Kindergarten and not shown, Traci Ohler, Volunteer Coordinator Guy Berry  



PIE (Partners in Education) volunteers work in close cooperation with principals, teachers, and the community in general:


  1. To make public education more effective for the pupils, the schools, and the community.
  2. To assist the professional staff in their responsibilities of giving needed service to students.
  3. To enrich the experience of pupils beyond what is available in school.
  4. To build better understanding of schools and their programs among citizens, and to stimulate widespread support for  public education.

Mountain Home Partners in Education (PIE) was founded in 1986 to provide assistance to teachers and other staff members of the Mountain Home School District by promoting school volunteerism within the district.  PIEÆs motto ôHelping Teachers Help Kidsö is really what the program is all about.  Our aim is to recruit, train and place volunteers who can provide services deemed appropriate by professional staff in order to maximize effectiveness of the districtÆs educational programs.  PIEÆs volunteer program serves as a link between the district and the community and provides patrons and citizens an opportunity to be significantly involved in the education of youngsters.  PIE strongly believes that those who experience our schools firsthand come to share our conviction that Mountain Home schools provide quality comprehensive education for students.


Volunteer services are varied and broad.  The kind of service depends upon the individual schoolÆs or teacherÆs needs as well as the volunteerÆs interests and abilities.  During the 2006-2007 school year volunteers donated over 27,000 hours.  General areas for volunteer assistance include:  tutoring individuals or small groups in academic subjects; general classroom assistance; library, office, nurse, and playground assistance; making instructional games; assisting with art, music, science, home economics special projects; mentoring; special education for the gifted or those with learning challenges; helping with special activities; chaperoning field trips; enriching the curriculum as a resource volunteer.  


Incentive Programs--Please Participate


Oversight of PIE is provided by the following: 


Board Members:
Click on address below to send email.

District Coordinator:

        Susan Bergman, 425-1215


          Tracy Dunn, 425-4679

Vice President:

          Stacey Covington, 425-1374


          Trish Beck, 467-5422


          Nancy Milholland, 492-5375

Building Coordinators:

Kindergarten:  Alison Cardin, 425-5755
NWH:   Teresa Bell, 424-6969
Guy Berry:  Traci Ohler, 430-5070
Pinkston:  JoEllen White, 424-3193
MHJH:  Sara Zimmerman, 425-2010
MHHS:  Mollie Morgan, 425-6166