VariableFileTitle: Tables of Pictures With Detail Pages VariableFileDescription: Each picture appears on it's own row within a table. Clicking on the small in-line image causes one to go to the detail page, where the anchor image is used as a full sized in-line image. At the bottom of the detail page information about the image is displayed in a table. PageBodyBeginTemplate: ${BodyTag} ImagePersonName: N/A Description: N/A PageHeadTemplate: ${PageTitle}



PageIntro: Click on an image or highlighted text to follow a link. PageTitle: ${PageFullDOSFileName} PageLabel: ${PageFullDOSFileName} BodyTag: FileLeaderTemplate: FileEntryTemplate: FileTrailerTemplate:
Picture File List
Image File Size Name Description
${ImageTag} ${AnchorFileName} ${FileSizeInK}K ${ImagePersonName} ${Description}
DirLeaderTemplate: DirEntryTemplate: DirTrailerTemplate:
Page List
Sample Page Name Size
${ImageTag} ${PageLabel} ${TotalFileSizeInK}K
PageEndTemplate: ${ActualReturnLabel}

The the total size of files to download is ${TotalFileSizeInK}K.


ParentPageLabel: ${PageLabel} PossibleReturnLabel:

Return to ${ParentPageLabel} ImageTag: DetailPageTemplate: ${DetailPageTitle}


Picture Details
File Name ${AnchorFileName}
File Size ${FileSizeInK}K
Subject's Name ${ImageSubjectName}
Description ${ImageDescription}

Return to ${PageLabel}

DetailPageTitle: Additional Detail for ${AnchorFileName} DetailPageLabel: ${AnchorFileName}