WWC snapshot of http://www.whitehouse.gov/White_House/WH_Fellows/html/educpro.html taken on Sat May 20 17:35:14 1995

White House Fellowships -
Education Program

Through a series of off-the-record meetings with senior government officials, journalists, community leaders, business executives and others, Fellows are exposed to a wide range of issues and opinions. The discussions are generally frank and lively. The 1993-94 class, for example, met with over 100 individuals, including the Vice President, Supreme Court justices, Cabinet secretaries, senior White House officials, members of Congress, historians, authors, and leading academics and business executives. Meetings in Washington are supplemented with occasional travel to experience, observe and examine firsthand major issues confronting our society. In past years, White House Fellows have travelled to major American cities, U.S. military bases and foreign countries.

Photo of Chris Chyba ('93-'94), with Dr. Carl Sagan.
Chris Chyba ('93-'94), with Dr. Carl Sagan.

Photo of Todd Ulmer and Kevin Grimes ('93-'94) with Defense Secretary William Perry.
Todd Ulmer ('93-'94) and Kevin Grimes ('93-'94) with Defense Secretary William Perry.

"During my Fellowship year, I travelled to three of the world's hottest trouble spots--Russia, Somalia and Macedonia. These are experiences I will never forget. On the ground over there, I learned a great deal about the complexities and constraints of executing foreign policy. I gained an unparalleled understanding of our world's problems firsthand, on the frontlines." --Todd Ulmer ('93-'94)

Photo of Members of the 1993-94 class, with ABC Nightline ancor Ted Koppel.
Members of the 1993-94 class, with ABC Nightline anchor Ted Koppel.

Photo of Paul Antony ('93-'94), during a Fellows educational trip to Camp LeJeune, North Carolina.
Paul Antony ('93-'94), during a Fellows educational trip to Camp LeJeune, North Carolina.

"This program is a great example of why countries around the world still admire the U.S. for the opportunities it makes available to all of its citizens. You don't have to come from a certain family or have wealth or have worked on a particular campaign to get the opportunity to work with the senior leadership of our country. You only have to be willing to work hard and have demonstrated some commitment to serving your community. I wish every young person in the country knew about this program and appreciated why even having a program like this says so much about our country." --Paul Antony ('93-'94)

Photo of Jami Floyd ('93-'94), tutoring a New York City student during a Fellows educational trip.
Jami Floyd ('93-'94), tutoring a New York City student during a Fellows educational trip.

Photo of Members of the 1991-92 class, atop the Great Wall of China during a Fellows educational trip to Asia.
Members of the 1991-92 class, atop the Great Wall of China during a Fellows educational trip to Asia.

For more information:
Phone: 202-395-4522
Fax: 202-395-6179
EMail: almanac@ace.esusda.gov ( type send brochure or send application in subject and body of message )
On-Line: White House Fellowship Application
On-Line questions or comments: White House Fellows Feedback
Mail: The President's Commission on White House Fellowships,
712 Jackson Place, NW, Washington, D.C. 20503.
To comment on this service: feedback@www.whitehouse.gov