WWC snapshot of http://www.whitehouse.gov/White_House/Tours/Welcome.html taken on Fri May 19 23:46:08 1995
[Tours Banner]
[AUDIO: President Clinton introduces the White House on-line tour] (~103K) [TRANSCRIPT: [President Clinton introduces the White House on-line tour]
[ICON: New] The White House Collection of American Crafts

Presented by the National Museum of American Art

There are three virtual tours that you may take:

[ICON:  Aerial View of the White House] The White House

[ICON:  Frontal View of the OEOB] The Old Executive Office Building

[ICON: Shield by Judith Shea] First Ladies' Garden of the White House

Here is some information on the White House Visitors Office...

[W2WH Footer - Clickable Image]

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