WWC snapshot of http://www.whitehouse.gov/White_House/New/html/New.html taken on Sat May 20 0:02:46 1995
[What's New Banner]

Last updated Thursday, May 18th, 1995

Please note: Presidential addresses and the White House press releases may be found in Publications

Remarks By The President During "A Time of Healing" Prayer Service April 23, 1995 [MAP: USA] Keeping Faith With America:

A Look at President Clinton's Accomplishments
During the First Two Years
Federal Trade Commission [SEAL: FTC]

May 10th, 1995

[ICON: Greenball] President Clinton's address at Michigan State University's Spring 1995 Convocation

May 9th, 1995

[ICON: Greenball] Federal Deposit Insurance Commission [SEAL: FDIC]

May 5th, 1995

[ICON: Greenball] The Vice President established the GLOBE program to increase environmental awareness among children around the world.

[ICON: Greenball] The Peace Corps

[ICON: Peace Corps]

[ICON: Greenball] [IMAGE: Bridge] Bridge To A Sustainable Future

May 4th, 1995

[ICON: Greenball] The White House Collection of American Crafts

Presented by the National Museum of American Art US International Trade Commission [LOGO: NEH]

May 2nd, 1995

[ICON: Greenball] The National Electronic Open Meeting

[ICON: Peter Max Painting]

[ICON: Greenball] [LOGO: NEH]

April 1995 What's New

March 1995 What's New

February 1995 What's New

January 1995 What's New

December 1994 What's New

November 1994 What's New

October 1994 What's New

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