Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 02:22:53 -0800 To: Subject: Majordomo results Welcome to BEIJING95-L (United Nations Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995) BEIJING95-L is a fully moderated international electronic forum FOR WOMEN ONLY dedicated to the discussion United Nations Conference on Women which will convene in September 1995 in Beijing, China. It is hoped that BEIJING95-L will provide a network for women where we can exchange information concerning the upcoming conference. Topics include, but are not limited to: ** Pre-conference events (regional meetings, etc.) ** Prior U.N. Women's Conferences (Mexico City, 1975 and Nairobi, 1985) ** Travel and tour arrangements ** Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) information ** Caucuses ** International formal & informal reports on the current status of women ** Job, volunteer and organizational opportunities related to the conference ** Post-regional and post conference follow-ups. Especially in reference to travel and tours that are posted to BEIJING95-L: please exercise prudence and thoroughly check-out the companies/individuals before committing any financial resources--the list moderator nor NETCOM is libel in the event of any problems. Also, even though the goal of this forum is primarily the exchange of information, please honor copyright rules of information that you wish to post (a summary & source citation may be a better posting). Although the origin of BEIJING95-L is the United States of America (more specifically: San Jose, CA) and the moderator in english-speaking, it is hoped that BEIJING95-L will transcend a northamerican-centric focus. Please feel free to post in English, Spanish, French, German, etc. If there is a call, language-specific lists may be created. A digest-form of the list is also in the works. If enough men are interested, a separate male-inclusive list may also be included. BEIJING95-L is not officially sponsored by the United Nations nor any organization--it is a labor of love born from the belief that the U.N. Conference on Women, Beijing 1995 will be a catalyst for women all over the world to lead humankind and creation into the 21st century! This list is also born from the frustration of the lack of media coverage of pre-U.N. Women Conference events (and women's issues in general) plus difficulty accessing direct information about the conference itself. It is also hoped, that the information provided on this list will enable as many women as possible from every conceivable background to attend the conference. For information, input, or if you are having technical difficulties, please contact the list moderator, Jennifer Gagliardi, Finally, BEIJING95-L is a FULLY MODERATED LIST. This means that each posting is screened--not to censor information--but mostly to protect the "women-only" cyberspace of the list, to control traffic, to promote netiquette, and to discourage flaming. Although making 'net friends/contact is highly encouraged, please "chat" off-list. Occasionally a posting may be returned with suggestions concerning netiquette(very, very rarely, I hope!) Courtesy, accuracy of information exchanged, and having fun are paramount! To subscribe to BEIJING95-L please send a message to: address: LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM subject: (leave blank) text: subscribe BEIJING95-L First name & Last name email-address OR address: LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM subject: (leave blank) text: subscribe BEIJING95-L To post to BEIJING95-L please send the message to: address: BEIJING95-L@NETCOM.COM To unsubscribe to BEIJING95-L please send a message to: address: LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM subject: (leave blank) text: unsubscribe BEIJING95-L Other LISTSERV commands available: which, who, info, index, get, lists, help, end. Please send these command requests to: address: BEIJING95-L-request@NETCOM.COM subject: (leave blank) text: (listserv command) Thank you for your support and efforts to make this an effective communication device for women, humankind, and creation. Blessings! Jennifer Gagliardi [Last updated Wed Jan 18 20:01:16 1995] >>>>