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LIST Subject-oriented searching

Subject-specific information continues to collect in various pools on the Internet. Guides containing subject-specific information are sometimes called yellow pages because they are like the yellow pages of a phone book---you look up services by subject or topics related to that subject.

The * World-Wide Web Virtual Library Subject Catalogue has long been a repository for subject-oriented information, and the repository of * Usenet FAQs represents the collective knowledge and experience of millions of people over many years.

EINet has created a * Galaxy guide world-wide information and services.

Yahoo provides a large collection of links into a wide range of subjects.

The University of Michigan's library has a growing collection of * subject-oriented Internet guides.

The * Gopher Jewels collection brings together Gophers oriented to particular subjects. You can also look at the collection of Subject Trees that provide jumping off points to many subject-oriented resource lists.

O'Reilly has expanded Ed Krol's * Whole Internet Catalog online.

See also: Information Sources: Subject searching

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