WWC snapshot of http://www.rmsd.com/comnet/wwwvl_commnet.html taken on Sat Jun 10 19:49:18 1995
Virtual Library

Community Networks

This page is part of the WWW Virtual Library; Information catagorised by subject. Please mail www-requests@rmsd.com if you know of a Community Network that is not on this list. Please include location information since I'm not a geographical wizard. Thanks to the Boulder Community Network for triggering this lists development.


Community Networks are as different as the communities that start them. Most often they would probably describe themselves the following way:

Community networks are computerized information services provided by and for the local community. Services often include access to issues concerning local government, local events, local business, school district information, etc. Also they are often commited to the idea of providing free public access to all information provided by the network. Community Networks are the grassroots of the developing National and International Information Infrastructure.


North America


Community Networks via Telnet

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