Technology Assessment Advisory Council

The Technology Assessment Advisory Council (TAAC) was established by OTA's statute, and members are appointed by OTA's Congressional Technology Assessment Board (TAB). The Council advises TAB and the Director on issues and other matters related to science, technology, and technology assessment.

                        Neil E. Harl, Chairman
                Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor
                         Iowa State University
                              Ames, Iowa

James C. Hunt, Vice Chairman              Max Lennon
Distinguished Professor,                  President and CEO
Health Sciences Center                    Eastern Food, Inc.
University of Tennessee                   Atlanta, Georgia
Memphis, Tennessee

Charles A. Bowsher                        Thomas J. Perkins
Comptroller General of the                General Partner
United States                             Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield
Washington, D.C.                            and Byers
                                          San Francisco, California

Lewis M. Branscomb                        L. Douglas Smoot
Director, Science,                        Dean, College of Engineering
Technology & Public Policy                  & Technology
Program                                   Brigham Young University
Harvard University                        Salt Lake City, Utah
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Herbert (Ted) Doan                        Daniel Mulhollan
President (Ret.), The Dow                 Director, Congressional
Chemical Company                          Research Service
Midland, Michigan                         The Library of Congress
                                          Washington, D.C.

Joshua Lederberg                          John F.M. Sims
Professor, Rockefeller                    Vice President, Marketing
University                                Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc.
New York, New York                        Fairbanks, Alaska

                                          Marina v.N. Whitman
                                          Professor, Institute of
                                          Public Policy Studies
                                          University of Michigan
                                          Ann Arbor, Michigan

Updated 1/10/95
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