Health, Education, and Environment Division

The Health, Education, and Environment Division comprises three programs: the Education and Human Resources Program, the Environment Program, and the Health Program.

The Education and Human Resources (EHR) Program is responsible for studies of technologies for learning, and of science-grounded human resource topics. Education studies critically examine technologies of all kinds, for learners of all ages and abilities, and in all settings. Human resources studies deal with the costs, availability, effectiveness, and impacts of technologies in areas such long term care and disability services, housing for people with disabilities, prevention of drug abuse, and issues of crime and violence.

The Environment (ENV) Program assesses scientific, technical, and policy issues related to the environment. Program areas include the use and conservation of renewable resources; pollution prevention, control, and remediation; and environmental health and risk management. Assessments have focused on such topics as agriculture; management of public lands; biological diversity; risk assessment methods and policy; air and water pollution; management of solid, hazardous, and nuclear wastes; and the effects of weather and climate change.

The Health (HLTH) Program's charter is reflected in three primary types of efforts: 1) assessments of specific clinical and general health care technologies, 2) studies of broader issues of health policy related to or with implications for technology, and 3) studies of applications, particularly to human health, of the biological and behavioral sciences (including biotechnology, human molecular genetics, neurological sciences, and health-related behaviors). The Program also is responsible for OTA's statutory, methodology oversight responsibilities regarding Vietnam veterans health studies

In addition, the Division provides the staff work for the OTA Director's mandated responsibility to select and appoint members of the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission, the Physician Payment Review Commission, and the Advisory Panel on Alzheimer's Disease.

Clyde Behney, Assistant Director
Carol Bock, Division Administrator
Phone: (202) 224-3695

Updated 1/10/95
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