WWC snapshot of http://www.nbs.gov/nbs2/nbshp5_9.htm taken on Mon May 29 0:01:49 1995

Selected Internet Resources

NCSA/Commercial Activities

O'Reilley & Associates, Inc.
Global Network Navigator
Internet address: info@gnn.com
103A Morris Street
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Phone: (800) 998-9938
FAX: (707) 829-0104

O'Reilley & Associates is the leading publisher of books about the Internet and developer of Global Network Navigator (GNN), an Internet publishing platform with links to more than 650 information servers on the Internet. O'Reilly has licensed Enhanced Mosaic from Spyglass (see below) and bundles the software with the Mosaic Handbook, published in three editions for the Windows, Macintosh and X Window System platforms. The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, announced recently that O'Reilly & Associates will publish the NCSA Mosaic What's New page. Under the agreement, O'Reilly will assume responsibility for upgrading and maintaining the What's New page, including recruiting select sponsors for the page. The mission of the What's New page is to provide a well-known central clearinghouse on the Internet for public and private organizations to announce World Wide Web services and news of interest to the Internet community. NCSA's What's New page is perhaps the single most valuable resource for Mosaic users. Under the agreement, O'Reilly will redesign the What's New page and update it three times a week. An estimated 120,000 to 150,000 Web users access the NCSA home page every day. NCSA and O'Reilly will jointly establish guidelines and locations for submission of information to the What's New page.

Spyglass, Inc.
NCSA Enhanced Mosaic
Internet address: mosaic@spyglass.com
1800 Woodfield Drive
Savoy, IL 61874
Phone: (217) 355-6000
FAX: (217) 355-8925

Spyglass, Inc., was formed in January 1990 to enhance and commercialize technology from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Spyglass and NCSA have announced a master-license agreement assigning to Spyglass all future commercial licensing rights for the NCSA Mosaic graphical Internet browser. Spyglass recently announced that it licensed more than 10 million copies of Enhanced NCSA Mosaic, making it the most widely distributed and popular graphical browser for the Internet. This milestone was reached as AT&T said it is widely distributing Enhanced NCSA Mosaic as a World Wide Web browser within their organization. The next release of Enhanced NCSA Mosaic will include features enabling Mosaic and the World Wide Web to be used for more sophisticated electronic publishing as well as electronic commerce. As part of its agreement with the University, Spyglass is providing a number of its improvements to the University for incorporation into the public-with-copyright version and NCSA will continue to offer the public-with-copyright version of Mosaic over the Internet, which individuals can download for free.