WWC snapshot of http://www.nbs.gov/nbs2/nbs2_6_7.htm taken on Mon May 29 0:08:12 1995


CONTACT:  Mary Helen Thompson 202-208-6416

Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt today announced the appointment of Dr. Ronald Pulliam, a University of Georgia professor, as Director of the Department's newest agency, the National Biological Survey (NBS).

"I am very pleased to have Dr. Pulliam accept this new challenge," said Secretary Babbitt. "His exceptional service, high standards for science and professional experience will be a tremendous asset in addressing critical environmental issues and providing policy directions to this very important program."

Pulliam, 48, is a distinguished educator and research ecologist. Since 1987, he has been serving as Director and Professor of the Institute of Ecology at the University of Georgia, in Athens. Prior to that (1984), he served as an Associate Professor in the University of Georgia's Department of Zoology.

While heading up the Institute of Ecology, Dr. Pulliam expanded its research mission to a school at the University, offering a full graduate and undergraduate curriculum. The Institute has over 200 employees and a research and teaching budget of over $4 million a year.

From 1980-87, he was an Associate Professor at the State University of New York, in Albany. He also served two years (1978-80) as a research biologist with the H.S. Colton Research Center, Museum of Northern Arizona.

Dr. Pulliam has written and published several books, and is a member of numerous professional organizations and advisory boards, including serving as president (1991-92) and vice president (1986- 87) of the Ecological Society of America. He also served as vice president of the Southeastern University Research Association (1990-91).

A native of Miami Beach, Florida, Pulliam received his formal training at the University of Georgia (B.S., 1968), Duke University (Ph.D., 1970), and postdoctoral studies at the University of Chicago (1970-71).

Dr. Pulliam was highly recommended for the appointment to the NBS by the National Academy of Sciences, which at the request of Secretary Babbitt conducted a nationwide search for the candidates qualified for the Director's position. The Academy recently the nomination of the current Director of the U.S. Geological Survey, Dr. Gordon Eaton.

Babbitt noted that, "We want Americans everywhere to understand and learn more about the health of our nation's resources. The NBS is a tool that will make science more accessible to the public."

The NBS will gather, analyze and disseminate biological information helpful for good stewardship of natural resources.

H. Ronald Pulliam
Director, National Biological Survey
Department of the Interior

Professional Experience
Director and Professor, Institute of Ecology, University of
Georgia, 1987-94. Under Dr. Pulliam's leadership, the Institute
expanded from its research mission to a school at the University
offering a full graduate and undergraduate curriculum. The
Institute has over 200 employees and a research and teaching budget
of over $4 million a year.

Associate Professor, University of Georgia, 1984-87

Associate Professor, State University of New York, Albany, 1980-84

Research Biologist, H.S. Colton Research Center, Museum of Northern
Arizona, 1978-80

Assistant Professor (1971-75), Associate Professor (1975-78) and
Faculty of Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona

Professional Service
Scientific Advisory Board Member, The Nature Conservancy, 1993-94
Chair, Georgia Environmental Education Council, 1992-93
Atlanta Committee for Olympics Environmental Task Force, 1992-94
President, Ecological Society of America, 1991-92
American Institute of Biological Sciences Task Force for the
1990's, 1990-92
Trustee, The Georgia Conservancy, 1988-93
Georgia Forest Lands Commission, 1992

Authored over 70 publications, including two books and papers in journals such as Ecology, Science, Nature, Ecological Applications, Ecological Economics, and The American Naturalist, on topics ranging from biodiversity, landscape ecology, ecological modeling, and population ecology of birds to human cultural evolution and behavior.

Research Specialties
Conservation ecology, ecosystem management, and avian population dynamics. Recent focus on predicting the impact of land use changes on animal population trends.

Postdoctoral Studies, University of Chicago (population genetics,
Duke University, Ph.D., 1970
University of Georgia, B.S. Zoology, 1968