WWC snapshot of http://www.nbs.gov/nbs2/nb2_5_15.htm taken on Mon May 29 0:08:12 1995

Initiative: Status and Trends Report

Major Objectives
Produce a comprehensive summary of the status and trends of the Nation's biological resources that will provide a starting point for a status and trends program by establishing a format for biennial reporting, creating a focal point for trend data collection, and identifying information gaps.

Current Actions/Status
Two reports are being produced as part of the Status and Trends effort. The first report is a sourcebook with an August, 1994, target publication date that will include nearly 200 separate contributions on status and trends of biological resources from scientists across the country.

The second report targeted for publication in April, 1995, will be a comprehensive description of the status and trends of biological resources by including information from the sourcebook as well as from other sources to identify important national and regional issues and trends.

Partnership Objectives