WWC snapshot of http://www.nbs.gov/nbs2/n2_3_5_4.htm taken on Mon May 29 0:08:11 1995

Library - Midwest Science Center: Columbia, MO

Information Center                                     
Midwest Science Center                              
Columbia, MO 65201

Phone (314)875-5399
Fax     (314)876-1896

The Information Center collections reflect the Center's focus on effects of pesticides on aquatic ecosystems with a concentration in the following subject areas: fishery biology, ecology, microbiology, environmental toxicology, fish behavior, invertebrate zoology, statistics, biochemistry, computer science and environmental and analytical chemistry. A full range of information services are offered to Center researchers including searches of online bibliographic and numeric databases, reference assistance, and interlibrary loan services.

On-site users have access to an electronic index to the Center's 30,000 reprint collection. Also available are CD-ROM bibliographic databases on pollution, toxicology, and wildlife and aquatic sciences. The Information Center has 390 journal titles with 217 current subscriptions, 3300 books, and a collection of government publications, including 800 reports from the Environmental Protection Agency, and 800 reports from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The Midwest Science Center's researchers have published over 800 scientific articles in a wide range of refereed publication outlets. The Information Center maintains a database of these materials and manages and distributes them without charge.

Linda Jacobs
Librarian, Acting
(314) 876-1852