WWC snapshot of http://www.nbs.gov/nbii/non-spatial.html taken on Mon May 29 1:00:30 1995
Non-spatial Metadata Standard
Developing an NBII metadata standard for non-spatial data: Strategy and Status

What are "Metadata"?

Metadata refers to data that are used to describe a database (e.g., describing the extent of the data, coverage, scale, what methods were used to collect the data, by whom and when the data were collected, etc.). With valid and complete metadata, someone can learn enough about a database (without communicating with the "owner" of the data) to determine if the data would be of use or interest to them.

Strategy for Developing an NBII Metadata Standard

The NBS is using the following approach, in consultation with our partners, to develop metadata standards for NBII.

Strawman NBII Metadata Standard

The ad hoc NBII metadata standards work group has developed a strawman metadata standard for use in NBII. This strawman is based on 1) defining non-spatial versus geospatial biological data; 2) using the Federal Geographic Data Committee metadata standard for geospatial data; 3) using USMARC standards for that portion of non- spatial data that already is or can be documented according to this library cataloging system; and defining a relevant subset or "profile" of the FGDC spatial metadata standard as the NBII metadata standard for the remaining subset of non-spatial data.

For the purposes of NBII implementation and compliance, an operational strawman definition of "Non-Geospatial Data and Information" is as follows: Data and information that do not have explicit geographical coordinates associated with them and that are not captured through existing, well established, standardized mechanisms (e.g publications documented by librarians in USMARC and served via OCLC).

Briefly, what this means is, if the data/information have explicit geographic coordinate associated with them (e.g. digital or analog forms of maps, DBMS or statistical files with a coordinate field, field forms , etc.) and they realistically could be used in a GIS (or easily converted for GIS use) then these data/information are considered geospatial and must comply with the provisions of E.O. 12906 (National Spatial Data Infrastructure), including the use of the FGDC Metadata Standard. [Note: Professional discretion must be exercised with regards to strict interpretation the concepts of "explicit geographic coordinates" and "used in a GIS". For example, some data sets like species lists may be geographically linked to political, legal or administrative units (e.g. counties, states, parks, refuges, etc) and could be valuable for regional or national level GIS applications. This being the case, these data/information sets that only have "fuzzy" geographic coordinates might be more usefully documented with the FGDC Geospatial Metadata Standard.]

In addition, some portion of the non-geospatial data/information may already be captured and have USMARC metadata associated with it via the "Library Cataloging Process". These data/information will be incorporated into NBII by linkages with the various electronic, library information systems. In other words, this subset of non- geospatial data/information does not need to be re-documented and efforts are underway to link USMARC and the FGDC metadata elements. This should allow the numerous searching tools to work on these files and there is no need to duplicate efforts. Examples of this subset of non-geospatial data/information includes but is not limited to: books, serials, peer-reviewed publications, films, photographic collections, thesis and dissertations, sound recordings, etc.

However, the remaining subset of non-geospatial data/information that is not captured through the "Library Cataloging Process" must be documented with forthcoming NBII Non-Geospatial Metadata Standard and served through NBII processes. Examples include but are not limited to: raw data files that have not been published, certain research reports, "grey literature", field notes, specimen collections, etc.

To download the wordperfect version of the strawman NBII metadata standard for non-spatial data anonymous FTP: ftp.its.nps.gov ( pub/nonspmet.gra/nonspstd.wp. This is a fairly large wordperfect file, with strikeouts showing recommended deletions to the FGDC spatial metadata standard, and redlines showing additions to the spatial standard.

Color graphics representations of the strawman NBII non-spatial standard are also available as Postscript (ps), encapsulated postscript (eps), graphics interchange format (gif), tiff (tif), and pcx formats.

Last Updated 5/16/95