WWC snapshot of http://www.nbs.gov/nbii/nhn/tnc/nhpstate.html taken on Mon May 29 1:37:06 1995

State, Regional, and International Natural Heritage Web Servers

Association for Biodiversity Information/www.abi.org
State, Regional, and International Natural Heritage Web Servers: California

The California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES) is an information system being developed by the Resources Agency of the State of California to facilitate access to a variety of electronic data describing California's rich and diverse resources, such as information about physical environments, living creatures and their habitats, and environmental impact reports and studies. Information is made available through the CERES program to assist individuals, schools, community groups, government agencies and others in natural resource planning and stewardship, research and education. The resource information available through CERES comes in a variety of forms, including text, photos, satellite images, statistical databases and Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses, and comes from many sources, including local, State and federal government agencies, academic institutions, and community groups including the California State Natural Heritage Program.

Contact: The Resources Agency of the State of California httpd@agency.resources.ca.gov

State, Regional, and International Natural Heritage Web Servers: Maine

In process.

State, Regional, and International Natural Heritage Web Servers: Montana

The Montana Natural Heritage Program (MTNHP) systematically collects information on Montana's biological features, emphasizing threatened, endangered, or sensitive (TES) plants, animals, and plant communities. The Heritage Program is a member of the Montana Natural Resource Information System. The server contains the following sections:
Animal Species of Special Concern
Vascular Plant Species of Special Concern
Database Summary

Contact: Montana Natural Heritage Program
Montana State Library
1515 East Sixth Avenue
Helena, Montana 59620-1800
(406) 444-3009 VOICE
(406) 444-0581 FAX

State, Regional, & International Natural Heritage Web Servers: North Carolina

As North Carolinians we take great pride in our state and with good reason. From the forested mountains in the west to the marshes and dunes of the coast, North Carolina contains more natural diversity than all but a few of the other states. This diversity both comprises and is dependent on a wide range of native ecosystems varying from the grassy balds and spruce-fir forests of the mountains to the pocosins and swamps of the coastal plain. Although much of North Carolina's natural landscape has been converted to non-native ecosystems, some remnants of our native ecosystems remain. And it is in these remnants that some of the most rare plants and animals and the best examples of our natural communities of our state survive.

It is the Goal of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program to find these remnants, to document their location and condition, to study them and, when appropriate, to facilitate their protection. This report summarizes the methods, tools, and processes the Natural heritage Program uses to accomplish these goals and describes the progress we have made.

This Report Includes
A Program Overview outlining our program activities and our Biological and Conservation Database. A summary of our Inventory Process. Information Services goals and summary. Protection Actions for the registry of Natural heritage Areas and Dedicated State Natural Preserves in North Carolina.

Editing and Copy Design donated by Carolina Power & Light Company. Layout Design, Production and Printing donated by Action Graphics, Cary, NC.

Electronically hosted by the National Biological Service.

State, Regional, and International Natural Heritage Web Servers: Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory (ONHI) is continuing, computer- assisted biological inventory in the Oklahoma Biological Survey. The inventory exists to identify species and natural communities that are of significant or of special concern within the state, and to help establish protection prioities for them. The Home Page contains the following sections:

Rare Species Reports

Working list of rare animals for Oklahoma
Working list of rare plants for Oklahoma
Rare species presence in Oklahoma Counties
Explanation of rankings

Contact: Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory
111 East Chesapeake Street
Norman, OK 73019-0575
405-325-1985 or -7599 Voice
405-325-7702 Fax
Email: ibutler@uoknor.edu
Some Key Reports

Last Updated 3/22/95