WWC snapshot of http://www.nbs.gov/nbii/nhn/tnc/bioservers.html taken on Mon May 29 1:37:06 1995

Other Biodiversity Servers

BIN21 - Australia
BIN21 - Brazil
BIN21 - Ecuador
BIN21 - Finland
National Biological Survey
ERIN - Environmental Resources Information Network
Missouri Botanical Garden
BDT Base de Dados Tropical

BIN21: Biodiversity Information at BDT
BDT is the Secretariat of the BIN21 Biodiversity Information Network/Agenda 21. The BIN21 contains databases that are searchable through an interface between Web and BDT's text retrieval software. The Server also contains sections on Who's Who in Biodiversity in Brazil, Biodiversity Information Network List Archive, Brazilian National Forests and Extractive Reserves, Brazilian National Parks and Ecological Reserves, Biodiversity information world wide via links to other Web Sources about Biodiversity and via links to other Gopher Sources about Biodiversity. The server also provides Related Information available at BDT that may be relevant to Biodiversity, namely: Bioline Publications, Calendar of Events, Brazilian Patents (INPI), and Brazilian Directories.

The U.S. National Biological Service
The National Biological Service (NBS), a new U.S. Department of the Interior bureau, became operational on November 11, 1993. "The mission of the NBS is to work with others to provide the scientific understanding and technologies necessary to manage the Nation's biological resources." The NBS Home Page contains sections About NBS, About the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII), Other Servers, and Internet Resources.

For more information, please contact:
Office of External Affairs at 202-482-2996 (FAX 202-208-6445)

Australian National Botanic Gardens Biodiversity Server
The Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) is part of the Biodiversity Directorate of the Australian Nature Conservation Agency (ANCA) and is located on the slopes of Black Mountain in Canberra, ACT. It is one of a number of agencies working on the botanical biodiversity of Australia. This World Wide Web server provides access to a variety of local and remote information sources. The primary vehicles for network delivery of information from the ANBG and forming part of the ANBG information system are the: ANBG World Wide Web biodiversity server; ANBG Biodiversity Gopher; and an Oracle relational database (internal use, with gateways to gopher and WWW).

Gap Analysis Home Page
Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Gap Analysis. Within this document, you should be able to find out everything you ever wanted to know about Gap Analysis. To move to the subject you are interested in, simply choose any item that is highlighted. The GAP Analysis Home Page contains the following sections: Overview, How-to Manual, Online Data Available, Bulletin Board, Investigators and Collaborators, and References. The Encyclopedia was developed by Brian Biggs at the United Nations Environment Programme's Global Resource Information Database in South Dakota, USA, in conjunction with the US National Biological Survey, and was funded by NASA through the Remote Sensing Research Unit at the University of California, at Santa Barbara.

World Conservation Monitoring Centre
WCMC is a joint venture between the three partners who developed the World Conservation Strategy and its successor, Caring for the Earth: IUCN - The World Conservation Union; UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme; and WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature. For further information on WCMC programme and information services contact: Information Services - info@wcmc.org.uk For further information on the WEB and other WCMC internet services contact: Ian Barnes - Ian.Barnes@wcmc.org.uk and Duncan Bennett - Duncan.Bennett@wcmc.org.uk

This Web has been created as part of the WCMC - BT Conservation Information Service which is sponsored by the BT Community Programme to promote wider communication of environmental issues. BT - winner of the 1992 Environmental Reporting Award from the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants.

Association for Biodiversity Information/www.abi.org

Last Updated 3/22/95