WWC snapshot of http://www.nbs.gov/nbii/nhn/nhnet.html taken on Mon May 29 0:00:30 1995

Welcome to the Interim Connection to the Natural Heritage Network!

The International Network of Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers

This page is preliminary and for demonstration
This project is a joint effort of The Nature Conservancy and the Association for Biodiversity Information (ABI). Support is also provided from the National Biological Service. ABI represents 85 biodiversity information centers across the Western Hemisphere (and Hawaii) known as the Network of Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers. Central and regional support to the network is provided by The Nature Conservancy. Biodiversity centers exist in the United States, Canada, and Latin America. Centers with World Wide Web servers already exist in California, Montana and Oklahoma and more are in process.
California Natural Heritage Division

Montana Natural Heritage Program

Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory

A project is underway to develop home pages for all Natural Heritage Programs. A Central Natural Heritage Network Web server and corresponding home page will be the first product of this project. When that central home page becomes operational this page will be removed and replaced with an appropriate link.
Contact: dmeyer@tnc.org