WWC snapshot of http://www.nbs.gov/nbii/aibs.html taken on Mon May 29 1:00:30 1995
American Institute of Biological Science
On March 24, 1995 a Cooperative Agreement between the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) and National Biological Service (NBS) was signed. Through the auspices of the cooperative agreement, AIBS will convene a peer review workshop on the draft NBII Metadata Standard for Non-Geospatial Data. The workshop will be held May 17 & 18, 1995 in the vicinity of Reston, VA.

Workshop Description

This workshop is one step in the development of a metadata standard for non-geospatial data for the National Biological Service's (NBS) National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII). The purpose of this workshop is two-fold. Foremost, the participants will review the content of the strawman Metadata Standard for Non-Geospatial Data. The goal is to assure completeness and utility of the content from the biological science perspective. A secondary purpose is to ensure the robustness of the standard as a metadata standard. The strawman is derived from the Metadata Standard for Geospatial Data created by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) and so parallels it closely. The FGDC standard is crosswalked to USMARC standard used by the Library of Congress for representing and communicating bibliographic information in machine-readable form. The goal here is to ensure the metadata standard under development is complete and facilitates use because of its similarity to the existing standard.

The workshop panel will judge the maturity of the draft standard at this point in its development. To evaluate the content, the panel will be comprised primarily of researchers from the biological sciences. To review the format and structure in the context of FGDC/USMARC standards, the panel will include a few individuals very knowledgeable about metadata standards and library science. The panel will strive for consensus on its views and will rate the acceptability of the draft standard and recommend revisions and provide options.


Panel Members:

Mike Domaratz, U.S. Geological Survey
Betsy Mangan, Library of Congress
Julian Humphries, Cornell University
Henry Wilbur, University of Virginia
Russ Graham, Illinois State Museum
Jim Quinn (Chair), University of California - Davis
John Schnase, Washington U. School of Medicine Library
Frances James, Florida State University
Susan Balikov, Wilderness Society - Seattle Office
Debbie Kama, Missouri Botanic Garden

AIBS Representative:

Susan Maroney

NBS Representatives:

Maury Nyquist
Susan Stitt

Last Updated 5/16/95