WWC snapshot of http://www.mindspring.com/~jlock/wwwbeer.html taken on Sat Jun 10 19:41:28 1995

[Icon] Beer & Brewing

[Icon] Refer to the WWW Virtual Library overview page for other subjects.
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This section of the WWW Virtual Library would not be possible without the truly excellent people at Mindspring Enterprises, Atlanta, GA, USA.....thanks folks!

This information is categorized in the following subject areas:

Beer Sites
WWW sites dedicated to beer-related pages and comprehensive documents maintained by individuals.

Personal Beer Pages
A collection of individual beer pages containing interesting information and many additional links.

Commercial Breweries
Commercial breweries providing or sponsoring their own WWW home pages.

On-line Retail Services
Mail-order resources providing on-line catalogs and ordering information.

Beer Festivals & Homebrew Competitions
Pages designed to promote festivals & competitions and publish the results.

Regional Beer Guides, Pubs & Brewpubs
On-line guides to finding good beer around the world.

Miscellaneous WWW Resources
Interesting beer pages that I couldn't decide where to put.

Other Internet Resources
Pointers to non-WWW resources on the Internet (Usenet, FTP, etc.)

Beer-related Software
FTP links to beer and brewing software for DOS/Windows/Mac/Unix.

John A. Lock
Atlanta, GA USA
E-mail: jlock@mindspring.com
My Home Page: <URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~jlock/home.html>
Internet services provided by: Mindspring Enterprises