WWC snapshot of http://www.i3.se/faq.html taken on Sun May 28 23:30:18 1995

Answers To Common Questions

What is i3, really?

i3 is a company registered in Stockholm (The full name is actually i3 Stockholm AB). It is a not-for-profit company, formed with the purpose of creating a new forum for furniture design and debate on design issues.

What Internet connection does the resturant use?

We use a normal 2B+D ISDN link (Telia Access Duo). Our Ethernet LAN is connected to the ISDN line using a CombiNet EtherWare 200 ISDN/EtherNet bridge.

The CombiNet Bridge does an automatic dialup to a similar box at the Telia network center as soon as there is any traffic crossing the link. First a single ISDN 64kBit channel is connected. When the average load on this link exceeds 48kBit, a second channel is connected, bringing the total available bandwidth to 128kBit.

What hardware does the resturant use?

Our server runs on a HP 9000/712 workstation equiped with 64MB RAM and 2GB harddisk.

We also use Macintosh computers for image processing, and NCD X-Terminals to provide more access points in the resturant.

What software does the resturant use?

Our WWW server is integrated with an Informix Dynamic OnLine database. In this database we are able to store the extensive amount of image data our design database contains, while making it easy to maintain the information.

The full integration of the WWW server and the Informix database ensures that information presented on the web will always be up to date. The fact that no intermediate .html files are stored also increses the performance of our server.