WWC snapshot of http://www.gsa.gov/staff/pa/cic/backgrnd.htm taken on Sun Jun 4 2:17:06 1995

CIC Background and Activities

What is the Consumer Information Center?

"Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, Colorado 81009" is probably one of the best known addresses in the country. This is where Americans order millions of booklets published by more than 40 federal departments and agencies. The Consumer Information Center was established in 1970 to help federal agencies and departments develop, promote, and distribute consumer information to the public. CIC is part of the Office of Public Affairs of the U.S. General Services Administration.

What is the Consumer Information Catalog?
The Consumer Information Catalog is published four times a year and distributed to millions of consumers. Each issue has descriptive listings of more than 200 booklets from a variety of federal agencies. These publications cover everything from health to housing, from buying cars to building careers, from food to federal benefits. The Catalog is made available free through schools, libraries, consumer groups, federal offices with large numbers of visitors, congressional offices and in response to individual requests. Many of those requests come in as a result of CIC's nationwide television, radio, and print public service advertising campaigns for the Catalog. To get a free printed copy of the latest Consumer Information Catalog, send your name and address to: Consumer Information Catalog, Pueblo, CO 81009, or go directly to our Online Catalog Ordering Page.

Spring 1995 Consumer Information Catalog

Consumer Information Catalog

Download an electronic version of the Spring 1995 Catalog in .zip format (25K), or .txt format (51K). Be sure to select the "Load to Disk" option on your browser before downloading.

Publication Development
Providing the public with timely, relevant consumer information is what the Consumer Information Center is all about. To keep current, CIC pays close attention to emerging consumer issues and topics, and regularly reviews the booklets in the Consumer Information Catalog. When new issues need to be addressed, or old information updated, CIC assists the appropriate Federal agency in developing and offering new publications to the public. As part of developing a publication, CIC works with the writers to keep out government jargon and legalese. Publication suggestions from consumers are also welcomed and appreciated.

Cooperative Publishing
Although the majority of booklets listed in the Consumer Information Catalog are developed by Federal agencies alone, the Catalog also includes consumer information produced jointly by government and private industry. The Consumer Information Center's criteria for cooperative publications were written in cooperation with the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business, the American Council on Consumer Interests and the National Coalition for Consumer Education. They provide that the publication must: receive the endorsement of the appropriate Federal agency; clearly indicate that it is a joint government/industry effort; be an unbiased, objective presentation with clear labeling of industry or government positions whenever present; be free of advertising or promotional messages; and give permission for reprinting by educational and nonprofit groups.

Media Promotion
The Consumer Information Center regularly sends "New For Consumers" releases to more than 4,400 newspapers and magazines, consumer organizations and state and local consumer agencies that have requested them. "New For Consumers" releases highlight information from booklets listed in the Catalog, and provide ordering information for the booklets mentioned. In addition, CIC sends out "Federal Consumer Focus" live copy scripts to more than 4,400 radio and TV broadcasters. The scripts are written in varying lengths and highlight either information from publications or selected consumer news items. Both "New for Consumers" and "Federal Consumer Focus" are translated into Spanish. Finally, CIC works with magazines such as Family Circle and Parade to develop special media promotions on current consumer topics. In some cases, these are for single booklets, while in others, the magazine mentions a number of publications as part of a larger feature story.

Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS)
If you have a computer and a modem, you can call the Consumer Information Center's Bulletin Board System (BBS) at (202) 208-7679. Set your communications software to 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit (8/N/1), with ANSI/BBS terminal emulation. All speeds up to 14,400 baud accepted. After logging on, you can download the current Catalog, along with the full text of most of the publications it lists. A library of "New for Consumers" press releases and "Federal Consumer Focus" broadcast scripts is also acessible. Additional BBS features include selected Federal Register notices, weekly updates of consumer news and information and a calendar of upcoming meetings, seminars and conferences.

Public Service Advertising
CIC regularly develops and distributes television, radio and print public service announcements telling the public about the Consumer Information Catalog. These public service announcements generate many of the individual requests for the Catalog.

Media Hotline (202) 501-1794
Members of the CIC media staff help reporters research consumer stories. Because the staff works closely with most Federal agencies, they can put reporters in touch with contacts who will answer questions directly. And, although this service is not toll free, it saves reporters phone calls and helps them meet deadlines.

Distribution Services
CIC fills consumer requests for agency publications in response to Catalog listings and media promotions through the U.S. Government Printing Office facility in Pueblo, Colorado. Pueblo generally fills requests for booklets within ten working days, with total time for delivery usually within four weeks.

For More Information
The Consumer Information Center has a small staff of consumer information specialists available to speak at or participate in national conferences. CIC's exhibit, which includes free Catalogs, is also available for major conferences. For other information about the Consumer Information Center, call (202) 501-1794.

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