WWC snapshot of http://www.gsa.gov/irms/ki/sipmo.htm taken on Sun Jun 4 2:17:07 1995

Office of Information Security


NII Federal Information Security

Infrastructure Program Management Office


Successful implementation of the electronic commerce and E-Mail national initiatives in government, in addition to a number of other Government Information Technology Service (GITS) and National Information Infrastructure (NII) goals, is directly dependent on the timely availability of supporting security services including access control, authentication, non-repudiation, integrity, and privacy (confidentiality). An Information Security Infrastructure is necessary to support these security services. The SI-PMO was formed to coordinate, oversee, monitor, implement and report on the development of this security infrastructure.

The Office Of Information Security, Security Infrastructure PMO home pages are currently under construction. Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. If you require additional information please contact us at one of the following.
Telephone Number:202-708-7310
Postal Address:GSA Office of Information Security 7th & D Sts.. SW Room 5060 Washington DC 20407 Attn:Business Management

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