WWC snapshot of http://www.georgetown.edu/labyrinth/subjects/italy/italy.html taken on Sat Jun 10 16:44:19 1995


* Labyrinth Library Italian Bookcase

Italian Culture Resources

Renaissance Dante Exhibition
Collaborative Online Project of U. Notre Dame Library and the Newberry Library, Chicago.

Florence: Online Catasto of 1427
A World Wide Web searchable version of tax data for the city of Florence in 1427-29, based on David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Principal Investigators, Census and Property Survey of Florentine Dominions in the Province of Tuscany, 1427-1480.

Sandro Botticelli Image directory

Vatican Library Exhibit: Rome Reborn
One of the best World Wide Web projects, hosted by Sunsite, UNC.

General Internet Resources: Italy and Italian Language

Italian Resources on the Internet

Italian Language Resources in the WWW Virtual Library

Italian Lessons via the Web: Lessons by Lucio Chiappetti

Universities in Italy

Image credit: top image from the Della Catena Map of Florence, ca. 1471-82.

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