WWC snapshot of http://www.fws.gov/hotlist.html taken on Fri May 5 14:17:51 1995

Hot List of Servers

This Hot List is provided in order to assist employees of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in using the Internet. Of course, this service is also available to others. Please note that reference to a commercial site does not constitute an endorsement.

My intent is to provide a collection of useful starting points from which users can link to other useful sites. For example, from the Department of the Interior World Wide Web (WWW) server, a user could link to the WWW servers of all of the bureaus within the Department of the Interior. This list is not exhaustive, and it never will be. However, if you discover an information source that would be useful to our employees, or to the Natural Resources Community in general, please send the information to fishera@mail.fws.gov and I will add it to the Hot List.

The first nine categories are subject categories. Each contains references to various types of servers including: WWW servers, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) sites, Gopher servers, Telnet sites, etc. If you are using multi-purpose client software, such as MOSAIC, you should be able to access all of them. The last category contains list servers, list processors, and library servers which are accessible through electronic mail.

For information on the software tools required to access different types of servers, please see our help page.

Please be aware that the following categories are not mutually exclusive.


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Directories and General Information

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Geospatial Information

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Government (Congress)

Return to list of categories

Government (Federal)

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Government (State)

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Miscellaneous Useful Sites

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Natural Resource and Environmental Information

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Technical Info and Software re: the Internet

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List Servers, List Processors, and Library Servers

A good overall source of information on list servers is the LISTSERV Home Page. The sites listed below deal with subject matter relevant to the work of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

To subscribe to a list server or list processor, send an electronic mail message to the indicated address. Include the indicated text in the body of the message. Replace the items in []'s with your information. For example to subscribe to the Entomology list server, the text should be:

      subscribe entomo-l John Doe

To subscribe to the Geoweb list processor, the text should be:

      subscribe Geoweb DoeJ@your.mail.address

To subscribe to a library server, send an electronic mail message to the indicated address. Include the indicated text in the subject (repeat subject) of the message.

Please note that library servers are identified by asterisks.

When your receive a message confirming your subscription to one of these servers, you will usually receive a list of commands for that server. Save these commands because at some point in time, you may wish to "unsubscribe" or to modify how you receive messages.

     Name:     Biodiversity and Ecosystems Network
     Address:  listproc@straylight.tamu.edu
     Text:     subscribe bene [your name]

     Name:     Biodiversity Center
     Address:  listserv@ucjeps.berkeley.edu
     Text:     subscribe biodicen-l [your name]

     Name:     Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species
     Address:  listproc@wcmc.org.uk
     Text:     subscribe cites-l [your name]

     Name:     Ecological Society Of America
     Address:  listserv@umdd.umd.edu
     Text:     subscribe ecolog-l [your name]

     Name:     Entomology
     Address:  listserv@uoguelph.ca
     Text:     subscribe entomo-l [your name]

     Name:     Fish-Ecology
     Address:  listserv@SEARN.SUNET.SE
     Text:     subscribe fish-ecology-l [your name]

     Name:     Geoweb
     Address:  majordomo@census.gov
     Text:     subscribe Geoweb [your Internet email address]

     Name:     GIS
     Address:  listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
     Text:     subscribe GIS-L [your name]

     Name:     Lakes-L
     Address:  majordomo@badger.state.wi.us
     Text:     subscribe lakes-l

     Name:     Maps
     Address:  listserv@uga.cc.uga.edu
     Text:     subscribe maps-l [your name]

  *  Name:     National Biological Survey (NBS) Library Server
     Address:  NBSITCLIB@mail.fws.gov
     Text:     send help

     Name:     Natural Resources Librarians And Information Specialists
               Discussion Group
     Address:  annhed@cc.usu.edu
     Text:     There is no special message format required - just ask Anne
               Hedrich to add you to her list.

     Name:     National Spatial Data Infrastructure
     Address:  listproc@grouse.umesve.maine.edu
     Text:     subscribe nsdi-l [your name]

     Name:     The Wildlife Society GIS Working Group
     Address:  listserv@vm1.nodak.edu
     Text:     subscribe twsgis-l [your name]

Return to list of categories

Please direct questions and comments, via email or telephone, to:

   Dr. Alan R. Fisher
   National Data Administrator
   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service