A Guide to Environmental Resources on the Internet by Carol Briggs-Erickson and Toni Murphy Version 2.0 Updated October, 1994 Welcome to A Guide to Environmental Resources on the Internet by Carol Briggs-Erickson and Toni Murphy. This is a guide to resources of an environmental nature which can be found on the Internet and was written to be used by researchers, environmentalists, teachers and any person who is interested in knowing and doing something about the health of our planet. The guide is arranged alphabetically by subject and then by the Internet tools used to locate those resources. It is not intended to be an instructional manual on the use of the tools, and the authors would recommend the books "The Whole Internet" by Ed Krol, "The Internet Companion" by Tracy LaQuey, or some of the guides that are available by anonymous ftp, such as "The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet" (which is located at ftp>ftp.eff.org/pub/Net_info/Big_Dummy/bigdummy.txt) for learning the use of the tools. Access to this guide is available via the "Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides", a joint project of the University (of Michigan) Library and the School of Information and Library Studies. Access points: anonymous FTP: host: una.hh.lib.umich.edu path: /inetdirsstacks file: environment:murphybriggs Gopher: North America USA Michigan Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented... Guides on the Sciences Environment URL for WWW/Mosaic: gopher://una.hh.lib.umich.edu/00/inetdirsstacks /environment%3amurphybriggs Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Major environmental organizations and networks 2.1 CIESIN 2.2 EPA 2.3 EcoNet 2.4 ERIN 3. Subject resources 3.1 Acid rain 3.2 Air pollution 3.3 Alternative energy/Energy 3.4 Ecosystems 3.5 Endangered species 3.6 Environment (general) 3.7 Environment and Education 3.8 Forestry 3.9 Greenhouse effect/Ozone depletion 3.10 Hazardous waste/Pollutants 3.11 Oceanic 3.12 Recycling 3.13 Sustainable agriculture 3.14 Water quality 3.15 Wetlands 3.16 Wildlife 4. Regulations and Standards 5. Regional Concerns 6. Library Online Catalogs 7. Bibliography 8. Index (For those who prefer searching by tool) 8.1 FTP 8.2 Gopher 8.3 Listserv 8.4 Telnet 8.5 World Wide Web (WWW) 9. Acknowledgements 1. Introduction This guide is arranged primarily by subject, but since there are a number of resources that reside within databases that are available to the public covering the whole scope of environmental concerns, and a number of agencies that deal with environmental standards and regulations, we decided to give these agencies and databases their own sections. We also found some resources that deal with the ecology of one geographic area. These were also put into a separate section. Everything else that we found, we felt could be placed under one or two subject headings except for the resources found in the many online catalogs available by gopher and telnet. Time constraints kept us from listing the catalogs by subject, but each catalog included contains at least 50 resources pertaining to three or more of our subject topics. We searched for our resources using gopher, telnet, archie, veronica, ftp, world wide web and wais. In the first version, we did not find much of relevance using World Wide Web subject entry points; nor were there a great number of wais documents. However, at this time there are many more World Wide Web sites and what we have found using www and wais is listed under each subject. Some of the files mentioned in this guide are in the GIF format. If you are not using Mosaic or other software that allows viewing of these image files, consult the following FAQ document on accessing software conversion programs. URL:file://bloom-picayune.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/alt.answers /pictures-faq/part3 2. Major environmental organizations and networks. 2.1 Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Contains environmental policies, conference information, full text of world treaties, WAIS searchable environmental sources and unpublished scholarly papers. A good source for general issues; many of the documents are available from other Internet sources, e.g. EPA, UNCED. Audience: Primarily earth scientists, but contains resources of interest to environmentalists, researchers, and educators. URL:gopher://gopher.ciesin.org URL:http://www.ciesin.org The CIESIN Catalog Services at Polytechnic University is searchable by: gopher> gopher.isnet.is Hytelnet Other Resources Miscellaneous Resources GreenPages Pilot Project at Polytechnic University URL:gopher://gopher.isnet.is/11/hytelnet/sites2/oth000.oth065 or URL:telnet://sirius.poly.edu login: gp 2.2 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The EPA maintains searchable databases covering a wide range of environmental issues in its "Online Library System". In addition to a main, national catalog of citations, there are searchable databases on hazardous wastes, clean lakes, and environmental financing. The publication, Access EPA, is also available. Audience: Researchers, consumers, environmentalists. Rating: Very comprehensive coverage, large dataset. URL:telnet://epaibm.rtpnc.epa.gov login: public menu: 1 In addition, the EPA maintains a gopher site covering topics such as agriculture, air, water, land, and related environmental topics. gopher> North America USA Washington DC USA Environmental Protection Agency URL:gopher://gopher.epa.gov Ongoing studies and reports are available through the Future Studies gopher and wais server. URL:gopher://futures.wic.epa.gov or URL:telnet://Server.wais.com/210/epafutures.src The EPA has also created a listserv to issue EPA press releases. Aimed at the news media and others interested in receiving an electronic copy of press releases. This is a list for distributing EPA reports only and no inquiries should be sent to the list. Subscribe to: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov. (Note "listserver", not the standard "listserv") In the body: SUBSCRIBE EPA-PRESS The EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards also maintains a network of bulletin boards. (See 3.2) 2.3 EcoNet Large, fee-based network comprised of many environmental discussions, reports, articles, and documents. Resources include U. S. EPA press releases and weekly transcripts of "Living on Earth" documents. Resources include U. S. EPA press releases and weekly transcripts of "Living on Earth" (NPR's Environment news program.) Large, Worldwide coverage and membership. Some materials are archived and available via ftp. Send a blank message to: econet-info@igc.apc.org for information. URL:file://igc.apc.org/pub/econet_brochure URL:gopher://igc.apc.org URL:http://www.econet.apc.org There are many discussion groups relating to environmental issues. Just a few include: en.alerts en.events en.climate en.energy en.recycle en.toxics sc.natlnews (Sierra Club) en.cleanair 2.4 Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) Network linking the Australian Nature Conservation Agency, the Australian Heritage Commission, the Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency, and the Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories. Main focus is on endangered species, vegetation, and area studies. Resources include data sets, images (GIF), international agreements, legislation and conference information. Emphasis on the Australian environment; some world coverage. URL:http://kaos.erin.gov.au/erin.html URL:gopher://kaos.erin.gov.au 3. Subject resources 3.1 Acid rain 3.1.1 Telnet Classroom Earth Classroom Earth (An environmental education resource made possible by a grant from NASA) has an Acid Rain Online Lab for teaching about the study of acid rain. Water sample data is entered by groups; the data can be downloaded and compared. URL:telnet://classroom_earth.ciesin.org 2010 hit RETURN when connected (For additional resources on acid rain, consult section 3.6 Environment (general)). 3.2 Air pollution 3.2.1 LISTSERVS: SAFETY@UVMVM This is a group which discusses safety in all aspects. It is relevant here on topics of waste disposal (burning, etc.), and chemical hazards. 3.2.2 EPA bulletin boards: URL:telnet://ttnbbs.rtpnc.epa.gov Some available bulletin boards CAAA - Clean Air Act Amendments EMTIC - Emission Measurement Technical Information Center emission test methods and testing information) AIRS - Air quality and emissions BLIS - Compilation of air permits from air pollution control agencies. NATICH - Information submitted by EPA, state and local agencies about air toxics programs COMPLI - Stationary source and asbestos compliance policy CHIEF - Latest information on air emission inventories and emission factors ATPI - Current course offerings on air pollution 3.2.3 FTP sites: ftp.cic.net There are many good documents in the "e" directory at this site having to do with pollution and other environmental issues,useful to researchers. URL:file://ftp.cic.net/pub/nircomm/gopher/e-serials/alphabetic /e/env-link/india.pollution.gz URL:file://ftp.cic.net/pub/nircomm/gopher/e-serials/alphabetic /e/env-link/manila.air-pollution.gz URL:file://ftp.cic.net/pub/nircomm/gopher/e-serials/alphabetic /e/env-link/manila.air-pollution.gz URL:file://ftp.cic.net/pub/nircomm/gopher/e-serials/alphabetic /e/env-link/unocal.pollution.gz URL:file://ftp.cic.net/pub/nircomm/gopher/e-serials /alphabetic/e/env-link unix.hensa.ac.uk The pollution datasets at this site are of value to researchers and environmental scientists and legislators. URL:file://unix.hensa.ac.uk/pub/statlib/datasets/pollution 3.3 Alternative energy/Energy 3.3.1 LISTSERVS: HYDROGEN-L@URIACC.URI.EDU Discusses hydrogen as an alternative energy source. Some very lively discussions, but tends to be scientist oriented. ENERGY-L@TAUNIVM Good discussion of alternative energy. AE@SJSUVM1.SJSU.EDU This alternative energy discussion group is "intended to provide a forum to discuss the current state of the art and future directions of alternative energy sources that are renewable or sustainable." 3.3.2 Newsletters and electronic journal: Wind Energy Weekly, newsletter. For free online subscription, e-mail Tom Gray (Internet/Bitnet: tgray igc.apc.org) (EcoNet/PeaceNet:tgray@igc) (UUCP:uunet!cdp!tgray). Also available by gopher. URL: gopher://dale.ucdavis.edu:70/00/Committees and Organizations/Special Interest Groups/Instructional Technology Networking Consortium/Journals/Wind.Energy.Weekly Energy Ideas A monthly report encouraging the use of energy- efficient and renewable energy technologies. gopher> gopher.cic.net/1/e-serials/ alphabetic/ e/energy-ideas URL: gopher://gopher.cic.net/1/e-serials/ alphabetic/e/energy- ideas UK Solar Student Information Network (SSIN) Newsletter URL: http://lesowww.epfl.ch/ssin 3.3.3 FTP and gopher: Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Tecnology (CREST) This is an educational resource center providing services and education focusing on renewable energy, energy efficiency, the environment, and sustainable development. URL:file://ftp.digex.net/pub/crest/ae-guide URL:gopher://gopher.crest.org URL:ftp://solstice.crest.org URL:http://solstice.crest.org/ 3.3.4 Telnet Electric Ideas Clearinghouse BBS This bbs is sponsored by the Washington State Energy Office, the U.S. Department of Energy Though it provides document delivery to a limited number of western states, there are some citations which would be of interest to researchers, educators, and consumers in any location. Discussion forums include ENVIRON, NEWS, WIND, SOLAR, and others. The searchable periodical database includes over 100 bulletins, newsletters, and trade journals. URL: telnet://eicbbs.wseo.wa.gov 3.3.5 WWW Dept of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network URL: http://www.eren.doe.gov National Renewable Energy Lab URL: http://www.nrel.gov Dept of Energy, Office of Environmental Safety and Health The home page for this office contains links to several very large (zipped) "Frequently Requested Documents". URL: 3.4 EcoSystems 3.4.1 LISTSERVS: ECOSYS-L@vm.gmd.de Ecosystem theory in German ECOLOG-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU Discussion group of the Ecological Society of America. Includes grant information, job postings, general news and discussion of ecological topics. Very active group. ECOLOGY@EMUVM1 Politics and the environment. Discusses government policy, EPA rulings, etc. 3.4.2 FTP: URL:file://pencil.cs.missouri.edu/pub/student_envirolink/Ecosytem _Decay.txt (note the spelling of the word Ecosytem, type it exactly to get this document) 3.4.3 Gopher: Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory There is a nice searchable bibliography on Ecosystems in the Coweeta LTER Site. gopher> sparc.ecology.uga.edu Coweeta LTER Site Bibliographic References URL:gopher://sparc.ecology.uga.edu/11/cwtsite/cwtbib 3.5 Endangered species 3.5.1 FTP: UN Treaty (1973) available via ftp and gopher. Contains text on the international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora. Good for researchers and those interested in environmental law. ftp>jade.tufts.edu /pub/diplomacy/BH613.txt URL:file://jade.tufts.edu/pub/diplomacy/BH613.txt Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) The main focus is on endangered species, vegetation, and area studies. Resources include international agreements, legislation, and conference information. Emphasis on the Australian environment; some world coverage. gopher> kaos.erin.gov.au URL:http://kaos.erin.gov.au/erin.html URL:gopher://kaos.erin.gov.au 3.6 Environment (general) 3.6.1 LISTSERVS and newsgroups: ECOFEM@CSF.COLORADO.EDU List devoted to issues pertaining to women and the environment. Not for women only. Active discussion. ECO-FUND@UMDD.UMD.EDU Issues relating to environmental finance. Moderated discussion. ENVIROETHICS@MAILBASE.AC.UK A discussion group pertaining to international research in environmental ethics. Moderated discussion. Not a typical listserv. Subscribe by sending to: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk with the message: JOIN ENVIROETHICS ENVST-L@BROWNVM.brown.edu Environmental studies. Very busy list, good discussion. ENVBEH-L@POLYVM Environment and human behavior. Moderately busy, some similar postings to ENVST-L SFER-L@UCFIVM South Florida Environmental Reader (moderated) Pertains mainly to Southern Florida. BIODIV-L@BDT.FTPT.BR Group interested in forming a biodiversity network. (Archives of this list available via gopher at gopher>bdt.ftpt.br) BIOSPH-L@UBVM Biosphere, ecology discussion list alt.earth.summit sci.environment sci.bio.ecology clari.tw.environment 3.6.2 Gopher: EcoGopher at UVa EcoGopher provides easy access to information from many environmental agencies and organizations all in one place. Using "katie" - keyword search of all text in EcoGopher. Researchers, environmentalists and teachers can find an abundance of resources. There are also several good resources available on the one page gopher menu. gopher> ecosys.drdr.Virginia.edu katie URL: gopher://ecosys.drdr.virginia.edu/1 URL: http://ecosys.drdr.virginia.edu/Environment.html World Health Organization (WHO) Environmental health newsletter - updated regularly. URL: gopher://gopher.who.ch/11/.ehe/.news CIESIN (See 2.1 above for description) URL: gopher://gopher.ciesin.org URL: http://www.ciesin.org LTER - (Long Term Ecological Research gopher) Includes datasets, conferences, bibliographies, meeting abstracts, etc. Good for researchers, and environmental scientists. URL: gopher://lternet.edu CICNet gopher Access to newsletters, keyword searching of databases, EcoNet documents, etc. Resource for researchers, environmental scientists, oceanographers and others. URL: gopher://gopher.cic.net World Bank gopher The World Bank gopher has several resources pertaining to environmental issues. URL: gopher://ftp.worldbank.org:70/1 British Columbia Environmental Gopher Covers all aspects of environmental concerns in British Columbia. URL: gopher://gopher.env.gov.bc.ca:70/1 Environmental News Network Though the regional coverage is for Washington, Oregon,Idaho, Montana, Coloardo, Utah, Nevada and Wyoming, there is a lot of national environmental resources of interest here. URL: gopher://gopher.uidaho.edu/11s/e-pubs/enn 3.6.3 Telnet: PENPages There are many good documents on the environment here that would be useful to teachers, researchers and environmentalist. URL:telnet://psupen.psu.edu login: your two-letter state code keyword search: environment Envirolink Network There are some great bibliographies, statistical resources and other documents relevant for researchers and environmentalists at this site. This site has seen tremendous growth in volume over the course of research for this guide. URL:telnet://envirolink.org login: gopher URL:http://envirolink.org OLS database The EPA mainframe is open 24hrs/day, except from 8:00 PM Sunday to 7:00 AM Monday (EST). The OLS database contains book citations, federal agency technical reports, indices, audiovisual materials, maps, journals and other documents. The National Catalog, Hazardous Waste, and Lakes databases can be searched by single keyword. They allow searchers to combine terms in a boolean type search. URL:telnet://epaibm.rtpnc.epa.gov select Public Access select OLS select 1 EnviroNet This is a resource for space environment information. It contains handbook sections which are good resources for teachers and environmental researchers. URL:telnet://envnet.gsfc.nasa.gov login: envnet passwd: henniker SciLink There are two discussion groups that are relevant here, "environment" and "earth." You can also send private messages to other SciLink users. This is a good resource for educators, environmentalists and students k-12. URL:telnet://scilink.org login: guest passwd: guest Compelling earth views NASA photographs of the earth from space. URL:telnet://sseop.jsc.nasa.gov login: PHOTOS password: PHOTOS Fedworld Though not a strictly environmental resource, Fedworld is rich in environmental papers and reports. All aspects of the environment can be found here in the form of research reports, documents, and files. Some of the NTIS reports include: Acid Precipitation Air Pollution Clean Coal Technologies Hazardous Material Data File Toxic Release Inventory on Tape Catalog of Environment Reports & Studies In addition to NTIS information, PBSRCH files include research on environmental concerns (recycling, methane from solid wastes, acid mine drainage, etc.) URL: telnet://fedworld.gov EnviroFreenet Provides e-mail accounts, environmental bulletin boards, chat conferences, and access to EnviroGopher and EnviroWeb through EnviroLink. Also available via gopher. URL: telnet://envirolink.org Follow the directions when connected. URL: gopher://envirolink.org/EnviroFreenet 3.6.4 E-mail: Environmental Audit '90-Energy and Water Conservation (chart) 40 page discussion with charts to raise campus consciousnous towards the environment. Concise, interesting, good statistics, useful for those involved in college campus ecology and recyling programs. e-mail> Julian Keniry (julian@NWFDC.NWF.ORG) Good bibliography. Relevant for researchers on environment and women's studies. Title: Women and the Environmental Movement Author: Jennifer L. Harder jlharder@ucdavis.edu Available by e-mail from: Geoffrey Wandesforde-Smith 3.6.5 FTP: EcoNet Energy & Climate Information Newsletter Informative newsletter, useful to researchers and environmental scientists. ftp> ftp.cic.net /pub/nircomm/gopher/e-serials/alphabetic /e/econet/ecix.gz URL:file://ftp.cic.net/pub/nircomm/gopher/e-serials/alphabetic /e/econet/ecixtc.Z GREENDISK (introductory issue of environmental journal on computer diskette, subscription costs $35.00/year, disk envelopes and labels made of recycled materials). Worth the cost, if you're buying environmental journals, without the guilt of killing trees. Relevant for researchers and general public. ftp> igc.org/pub/GreenDisk URL:file://igc.org/pub/GreenDisk Many other environmental newsletters and journals are available at the anonymous ftp site at ftp.cic.net in the directory pub/nircomm/gopher/e-serials. Included are: BEN (Botanical Electronic News) Biosphere (Newsgroup newsletter) Climate/Ecosystem Dynamics Energy Ideas Env-Link ERIN (Newsletters of the Australian Environmental Resources Information Network) in PostScript format (maps and detailed drawings included) LTER (Long-term Environmental Research) Data Management Bulletin and LTER Network News South Florida Environmental Reader (also available via www at URL: http://envirolink.org/florida) University of Michigan Global Change Newsletter Bibliography on the effects of fire on all aspects of the environment. ftp> life.anu.edu.au /pub/landscape_ecology/firenet/firebib /firebib.txt URL:file://life.anu.edu.au/pub/landscape_ecology/firenet/firebib /firebib.txt BASIC Software ftp: Environmental programs, looked useful for educators and researchers. The program listed here compares ecological population relationships. ftp> netserv1.its.rpi.edu /pub/faculty/bungay/envir1/ecology.bas URL:file://netserv1.its.rpi.edu/pub/faculty/bungay/envir1 /ecology.bas 3.6.6 WWW: The Environment (Community) This WWW site provides links to several environmental resources. URL:http://www.einet.net:/galaxy/Community/The-Environment.html Environment: HOLIT - a Hebrew language database. We could not evaluate this database, because we do not speak Hebrew, but there seemed to be enough data here to check into it for those researchers able to read Hebrew. URL:http://vms.huji.ac.il/www_teva/environment.html Environmental Resource Center Stored environmental data and information. URL: http://ftp.clearlake.ibm.com/ERC/HomePage.html Consortium on Green Design and Manufacturing. An interdisciplinary research effort of the College of Engineering at U.C. Berkeley and an industry/university partnership concentrating on environmentally-conscious product design and manufacturing. URL: http://euler.berkeley.edu/green/cgdm.html Bibliography of Biodiversity Assessments This large (400K+), keyword-enhanced bibliography lists reports, conference papers, and journal articles pertaining to a broad spectrum of environmental topics. URL: http://kaos.erin.gov.au/life/general_info/biodiv_assess.html U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Searchable abstracts of reports pertaining to health; many are based on environmental issues. These include reports on environment-related effects on health, environmental contaminants in food, cancer risks from the environment. URL: http://www.os.dhhs.gov 3.6.7 General newsletters and serials: (which can be accessed via gopher and/or ftp) Student Envirolink env-link+forms@andrew.cmu.edu Sense of Place An electronic magazine produced by students at Dartmouth. Useful to students, educators and researchers. e-mail to SOP@dartmouth.edu for notification of latest issue. The Scientist A biweekly newspaper dealing with the life sciences read by scientists and researchers. Some articles are relevant to educators and environmentalists. gopher> inforM.umd.edu ftp> ds.internic.net /pub/the-scientist URL:file://ds.internic.net/pub/the-scientist E, The Environmental Magazine URL:gopher://gopher.internet.com MEEMAN Archive (Environmental Journalism) Database of environmental articles, citations and abstracts. Useful for researchers, environmentalists, and educators. URL:telnet://hermes.merit.edu login: mirlyn, choose MEEM LTER (Long-term Environmental Research) Data Management Bulletin) Datasets, bibliography, bulletin boards. Data of interest to researchers, educators and environmental scientists. URL:gopher://lternet.edu Electronic Green Journal Professional refereed publication. Practical and scholarly articles, bibliographies, editorial comments and announcements on conservation, pollution, hazardous waste disposal, etc. Original articles accepted for publication. A resource for educators. Gif files must be transferred in binary. Subscriptions are being planned for the near future. ftp ftp.uidaho.edu/pub/docs/publications/EGJ URL: file://ftp.uidaho.edu/pub/docs/publications/EGJ and gopher gopher.uidaho.edu/University of Idaho Publications URL: http://gopher.uidaho.edu/1/UI_gopher/library/egj 3.6.8 WWW The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO strives to contribute to adequate environmental management and rational energy consumption through research and advice. URL: http://www.tno.nl/TNO/intro.html EcoWeb at U. of Virginia Gives access to EcoGopher, U. of Virginia Resource Tracking System, and EcoChat. URL: http://ecosys.drdr.virginia.edu/EcoWeb.html 3.7 Environment and Education 3.7.1 LISTSERVS: GRNSCH-L@BROWNVM (Green School List) IAPWILD (World School for Adventure Learning) This listserv is limited to schools who wish to interact and exchange ideas with students, explorers and scholars around the world. ASEH-L@TTUVM1 American Society of Environmental Historians ENVST-L@BROWNVM Environmental studies discussion. This is a moderately active group discussing a variety of environmental issues often relating to education and teaching. SEACnet (Student Environmental Action Coalition Network). There are several mailing lists related to this group. To subscribe to any of them, send a message to: listproc@ecosys.drdr.virginia.edu seac+discussion (General discussion list) seac+nafta (NAFTA discussion list) seac+highschool (High School Caucus list) subscribe seac+announce Your Name 3.7.2 Telnet: Classroom Earth (See An environmental education resource made possible by a grant from NASA. A good resource for educators and students k-12. telnet crearth.ciesin.org 2010 hit RETURN when connected URL:telnet://crearth.ciesin.org 2010 3.7.3 Gopher: EcoGopher (see also 4.3 Federal Register for Grant Funding) URL:gopher://ecosys.drdr.virginia.edu/1 CTI Centre for Biology. Educational software reviews relating to teaching. Includes pollution simulators and environmental programs. Relevant to educators, students and environmental scientists. URL: gopher://gopher.csc.liv.ac.uk/11/ctibiol EElink (Environmental Education) This site is rich in educational resources. URL: gopher://nceet.snre.umich.edu ERIC lesson plans K-12 lesson plans pertaining to science and the environment. URL: gopher://ericir.syr.edu/11/Lesson/Science Columbia Public Schools lesson plans K-12 ecology lessons by grade level. URL: gopher://bigcat.missouri.edu/schoolhouse/Columbia Public Schools/Resource Library/Schools/Columbia/library/wise Choose grade level, then /biological sciences/ecology. International Ecology Art Project Project Ecology is the brainchild of Tadao Kawasaki of Ibaraki School, Ibaraki, Japan. It entails students drawing their impression of world ecology. Pictures are exchanged by snail- mail. URL: gopher://riceinfo.rice.edu:1170/11/Projects/Ecologyart K-12 ecology information on the New York State Education Department's OTPAD/ACT gopher. URL: gopher://unix5.nysed.gov:70/11/K-12 Resources/Math, Science & Technology/Science/Life Science -- Biology, Medicine, Ecology/Ecology ERIC/CSMEE ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education. Provides materials of interest to the science, mathematics and environmental education communities. URL: gopher://gopher.ericse.ohio-state.edu 3.7.4 FTP: Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Tecnology (CREST) This is an educational resource center which provides services and education focusing on renewable energy, energy efficiency, the environment, and sustainable development. The file "00index" contains a list of available files. URL: file://ftp.digex.net/pub/crest URL: gopher://gopher.crest.org URL: ftp://solstice.crest.org URL: http://solstice.crest.org/ Software reviews archives Reviews of programs in ecology. For students and educators. gopher> archives.math.utk.edu Software Life Sciences Programs in Ecology URL: file://archives.math.utk.edu/life.sciences/ecology/ Solar energy factsheet for kids. Interesting solar energy facts for students and educators. URL: file://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/environment/alternative- energy/nc_solar_center/factsheets/slr4kids.fsh 3.7.5 WWW Unite group at U. of Kansas K-12 resources for educators and students, including projects in plant and animal energy sources, water pollution, and air pollution. URL: http://unite.tisl.ukans.edu/explorer/RNatu1.html 3.8 Forestry 3.8.1 LISTSERVS/newsgroups: FOREST@NIC.FUNET.FI send subscribe message to: mailserver@nic.funet.fi FMDSS-L@PNFI.FORESTRY.CA Forest Management Decision Support System NATRESLIB-L A discussion group for Natural Resources Librarians. Subscriptions and messages are sent to the list moderator, Anne Hedrich at: annhed@cc.usu.edu bionet.agroforestry 3.8.2 Gopher: METLA Gopher system of Forestry, Environment and Natural Resource sponsored by the Finnish Forest Research Institute. Contains statistics on Finnish forestry. URL: gopher://pihta.metla.fi/11 URL: gopher://gopher.metla.fi See also the Finnish Foresty Research Institute of Helsinki Forestry Web ( below) University of British Columbia (UBC Press) mounts citations to its published books by subject; they publish books in environmental and resource studies and include a section on forestry. gopher> gopher.ubc.ca Libraries and Information Sources UBC Press Books in Print Forestry URL:gopher://gopher.ubc.ca:70/11/libraries/ubc-press/books-in- print/Forestry Publications and short articles are available through the Purdue Cooperative Extension. gopher> hermes.ecn.purdue.edu PCE Gopher Information Server Agriculture Forestry and Natural Resources URL:gopher://hermes.ecn.purdue.edu The Ecological Data Exchange (EDEX) URL:gopher://yaleinfo.yale.edu:7000/11/Forestry/edex Forestry gopher at University of Minnesota Contains reports on areas of forestry and conservation, and bibliographies relevant to the study of natural resources. URL: gopher://minerva.forestry.umn.edu Oregon State University Forest Science Laboratory gopher Database of Geographic Information System (GIS) files. Files may not be downloaded from the gopher, but may be obtained by e-mailing a request form to GIS-request@fsl.orst.edu. URL: gopher://gopher.fsl.orst.edu 3.8.3 Telnet: PENPages (See above for description) Keyword search on forestry retrieved 112 documents. URL:telnet://psupen.psu.edu login: your two-letter state code 3.8.4 Bibliographies: Title: Water Quality and Forestry e-mail wqic@nalusda.gov 3.8.5 FTP: 1992 UNCED Forest Principles UN Environmental Summit. Text of Agreement on Environment and Development. URL:file://life.anu.edu.au/pub/biodiversity/rio/unced.forest Usenet news discussion of agroforestry. URL:file://fly.bio.indiana.edu/usenet/bionet/agroforestry Canadian forestry This document is a list of the people in charge of the Canadian Forestry Department. URL: file://relay.cs.toronto.edu/ca-domain/registrations-flat /ca.forestry 3.8.6 WWW: Finnish Forest Research Institute of Helsinki Research, conferences, biodiversity information and mailing list archives. See also Finnish Forest Research Institute of Helsinki gopher above ( URL: http://www.metla.fi 3.9 Greenhouse effect/Ozone depletion 3.9.1 Newsgroups: sci.geo.meteorology frequent discussions on ozone 3.9.2 Gopher: British Columbia Atmosphere Caucus A good source of information on the ozone. gopher> freenet.victoria.bc.ca Atmospheric Ozone Information URL:gopher://freenet.victoria.bc.ca/11/atmosphere Ozone Depletion Gopher Many reports on ozone are located at this site. URL:gopher://serra.unipi.it:2347/7?ozone+depletion 3.9.3 FTP: Introduction to the Ozone Layer. Several documents explaining ozone depletion in layman's terms. Ozone depletion articles written by Robert Parson from U. of Colorado. Deals with physical properties of UV radiation and ozone. He is admittedly not an expert in this field. URL:file://bloom-picayune.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group /sci.environment/Ozone_Depletion* Articles from ECO newsletter. Useful to researchers. URL:file://pencil.cs.missouri.edu/pub/student_envirolink/ Greenhouse_Effect.txt Good article on solar collectors. There are articles on solar homes, energy-saving landscaping, and other alternative energy topics. Relevant for educators, environmentalists, students. URL:file://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/environment/ alternative-energy/nc_solar_center/factsheets/aspvsite.fsh Tiempo is a bulletin on global warming and the Third World. URL:file://igc.apc.org/pub/ECIX/tiempo* Ozone graphics. Two GIF images of ozone levels and chlorine monoxide over the northern and southern hemisperes. Both maps were produced by the Microwave Limb Sounder aboard the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite. URL: file://plaza.aarnet.edu.au/micros/pc/garbo/pc/gif-astro/ ozone93a.gif URL: file://plaza.aarnet.edu.au/micros/pc/garbo/pc/gif-astro/ ozone93b.gif United Nations Treaties Files containing the United Nations treaties on ozone: Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (1985) and Montreal Amendment, London (1990). URL: file://wiretap.spies.com/Gov/Treaties/ozone.85 URL: file://wiretap.spies.com/Gov/Treaties/ozone.90 3.9.4 Telnet: PENPages (See above for description) URL: telnet://psupen.psu.edu login: your two-letter state code keyword search: ozone layer 3.9.5 WWW University of Oregon Physics Department Environmental Science Database. Ozone depletion and UV radiation faqs. URL: http://zebu.uoregon.edu/energy.html Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Contains environmental datasets regarding the ozone, greenhouse gases, and data collected from international organizations. URL: http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ URL: telnet://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov login:gcdir 3.10 Hazardous Waste/Pollutants 3.10.1 LISTSERVS: SAFETY@UVMVM Discusses laboratory safety, hazardous waste disposal, etc) Very active and good discussion. HAZMAT-L A forum for facilitating a central resource of chemical information such as regulatory status, and toxicology information. Subscribe: majordomo@csn.org 3.10.2 Gopher: Detailed factsheets of EPA's three hundred and fifty toxic substances. URL:gopher://ecosys.drdr.Virginia.edu:70/11/library /factsheets/toxics OSHA information Occupational Safety and Health regulations. gopher> ginfo.cs.fit.edu (see also for additional gopher site) URL:gopher://ginfo.cs.fit.edu:70/1 Everything you wanted to know about landfills. URL: gopher://wissago.uwex.edu:70/v/uwex/course/landfill Material Safety Data Sheets Project sponsored by the Chemistry Department at the University of Utah. They have established an archive of unlicensed and unrestricted data sheets in ASCII text. URL: gopher://atlas.chem.utah.edu:70/11/MSDS 3.10.3 FTP: SIRI The Safety Information Resource on the Internet (SIRI). This is a gopher and ftp site which provides access to file libraries, a searchable index and gopher links to other safety-related gopher sites. Though dedicated to a variety of safety issues, much information on issues regarding hazardous waste can be found here. URL:file://siri.uvm.edu/SIRI/SIRI_file_library/Text_files Hazardous Materials Reports A database of the Hazardous Materials reports is available in three parts via ftp: URL: file://gandalf.umcs.maine.edu/pub/hazmat/hazmat_1 URL: file://gandalf.umcs.maine.edu/pub/hazmat/hazmat_2 URL: file://gandalf.umcs.maine.edu/pub/hazmat/hazmat_3 Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly Published by the Environmental Research Foundation RACHEL: "Random Access Chemical Hazards Electronic Library" Numerous articles on the health effects of hazardous wate, landfills and other environmental issues. Available through ftp and gopher. URL: file://ftp.std.com/periodicals/rachel URL:gopher://ftp.std.com/11/periodicals/rachel 3.10.4 Telnet RTK (Right to Know) Database Tables of information on pollution and the companies which generate it. Includes Toxic Release Inventory. telnet> rtknet.org login: public URL: telnet://rtknet.org login: public The Occupational Safety and Health Exchange Lots of information resides here. Several databases relating to safety. URL: telnet://bbs.ccohs.ca 3.11 Oceanic 3.11.1 LISTSERVS: PACIFIC@BRUFPB Discussion on all aspects of the Pacific Ocean. Not very active. 3.11.2 Gopher: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Bibliographies, oceanographic data and data from experiments reside on this gopher. Researchers and professional oceanographers will find this information relevant to their studies. URL: gopher://pearl.whoi.edu/11/WHOI-databases Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Canada) Marine biology habitat ecology gopher. Contains software to develop ecosystem models, fisheries mailing lists, computational biology information. gopher> biome.bio.dfo.ca URL: gopher://biome.bio.dfo.ca Center for Coastal Studies--Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UCSD) gopher> gopher-ccs.ucsd.edu URL: gopher://gopher-ccs.ucsd.edu 3.11.3 Telnet/WWW NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) This is an excellent source of oceanic data for researchers and educators. URL:telnet://esdim1.nodc.noaa.gov login: noaadir or URL:telnet://gopher.esdim.noaa.gov login: gopher Also available via WWW: URL:http://www.nodc.noaa.gov Oceanic Information Center Oceanic has an easy to use interface. Kermit is compatible and OIC has directions for importing it from ftp sites and installing it. URL:gopher://diu.cms.udel.edu 3.11.4 FTP: Sea surface temperature data [URL:file://aurelie.soest.hawaii.edu/pub/avhrr/images 3.11.5 WWW The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. This site has "collected huge amounts of data related to Global Change research." Included are real time ozone soundings, a hydrographic atlas of the Southern Ocean, a listing of oceanographic acronyms and a searchable database. URL: http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/ 3.12 Recycling 3.12.1 LISTSERVS: RECYCLE@UMAB Recycling in practice. Good discussion. NCIW-L@YALEVM Nutrient cycling issues. Not a lot going on here. RECYC-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU The College and University Recycling Coordinators Exchange List for discussion of recycling programs at institutions of higher learning. 3.12.2 Telnet: PENPages (See description above) Keyword search on recycling URL:telnet://psupen.psu.edu login: your two-letter state code 3.12.3 Gopher: The Texas A&M University gopher has a section on recycling. Contains nontechnical, consumer-oriented information. gopher> gopher.tamu.edu Browse information by subject Recycling Aggies for a Clean Tomorrow URL:gopher://gopher.tamu.edu/11/.dir/recycle.clean.dir 3.12.4 WWW: Global Recycling Network Inc. Information service to aid businesses around the world to recycle resources, surplus manufactured goods and outdated or used macinery. URL: http://www.clinet.fi/grn 3.13 Sustainable agriculture 3.13.1 LISTSERVS: SUSTAG-L@WSUVM1 Sustainable agriculture discussion group. almanac@ces.ncsu.edu Subscribe sanet-mg (electronic conference of the Sustainable Agriculture Network) SAN is supported by a grant from the USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program. There is a lot of information available through this network and a number of access points. For information, contact Gabriel Hegyes, SAN Coordinator: ghegyes@nalusda.gov 3.13.2 Telnet: PENPages (See description above) Keyword search on sustainable agriculture retrieved over 50 documents. URL: telnet://psupen.psu.edu login: your two-letter state code AGRALIN (Agricultural Bibliographic Information System of the Netherlands) Includes Union Catalogue of Agricultural Books and Periodicals of the Wageningen Agricultural University Library and 70 other Dutch libraries with collections on agriculture and nature conservation. telnet> agralin1.bib.wau.nl login: hello opac.bas URL: telnet://agralin1.bib.wau.nl 3.13.3 Bibliographies: Title: Evaluation of Agricultural Best Management Practices To order: e-mail wqic@nalusda.gov 3.13.4 FTP: Very good sustainable agriculture bibliography for researchers, farmers, and educators. URL: file://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/agriculture/ sustainable_agriculture/sanet/showcase.bibliography 3.14 Water quality 3.14.1 LISTSERVS: WATER-L@SUVM1 This is a water quality discussion list. There is not a lot of activity on this one, but some interesting discussion. AQUIFER@IBACSATA Pollution and groundwater discharge. Not much discussion on this list. A groundwater modeling discussion list is being developed. Interested participants may contact Sam Standring at xsstandring@fullerton.edu. 3.14.2 E-mail: Environmental Audit '90-Energy and Water Conservation (chart) 40 page discussion with charts to raise campus consciousnous regarding water usage. Concise, interesting, good statistics. e-mail> Julian Keniry (julian@NWFDC.NWF.ORG) Bibliographies: Title: Water Quality and Forestry To order: e-mail wqic@nalusda.gov 3.14.3 FTP: There are a number of relevant documents in the /gopher/directory. This document is relevant for environmentalists, and researchers, with emphasis on teaching. URL: file://ftp.cic.net/pub/great-lakes/gopher /GroundWaterStrategy.txt There are a number of relevant documents on groundwater quality at this site also, one of which is listed below. URL: file://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/political-science /Community_Idea_Net/Cleaning-Up-Groundwater-Contamination Water Quality Database Citations are available from each Extension Service in the Land Grant System. In addition, more than 350 complete documents are available for recovery online. That number is expected to reach 1,000 by the end of 1994. gopher> hermes.ecn.purdue.edu Purdue Cooperative Extention Gopher Environment Water Quality URL: gopher://hermes.ecn.purdue.edu/Purdue Cooperative Extention Gopher/Environment/Water Quality WAIS: info.cern.ch : water-quality.src URL: telnet://hermes.ecn.purdue.edu login: cerf password: purdue 3.14.4 Gopher Universities Water Information Network (UWIN) This network is sponsored by the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR). Water resources publications and educational information. The citation databases are excellent for researchers and educators. URL: gopher://uwin.c-wr.siu.edu This network also offers a Water Talk bbs where discussion groups include: Hydrology, International Issues, Water Quality, and Water Policy. URL: telnet://gopher.c-wr.siu.edu or URL: telnet://bbsrelay.c-wr.siu.edu (You will be greeted with login instructions.) British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Park. This gopher contains articles on the quality of ground water in British Columbia. It includes maps and images, water well records and snow survey bulletins. URL: gopher:// 3.15 Wetlands 3.15.1 FTP: Very good report on Great Lakes/St. Lawrence River Basin. Of interest to researchers and environmental legislators. There are several other environmental reports at this site under WaterAirLand. URL:file://ftp.cic.net/pub/great-lakes/waterairland/ SpecialPlaces/wetlands.report 3.15.2 WWW: National Wetlands Inventory Information on the activities and data of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Contains National Wetlands Inventory digital wetlands maps for several locations in the "dlgdata" directory. URL: http://www.nwi.fws.gov/ URL: file://enterprise.nwi.fws.gov/dlgdata 3.16 Wildlife 3.16.1 LISTSERVS: CITES-L@WCMC.ORG.UK Established to discuss wildlife trade and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). To subscribe, send to LISTPROC@WCMC.ORG.UK. CONSBIO@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU Discussion regarding conservation biology. Low activity. CTURTLE@NERVM Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation discussion group. Some active discussion on this list. ENDANGERED SPECIES PROGRAM INFORMATION Several reports have been mounted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. These include lists of endangered and threatened species (to be updated monthly) and species maps. For information, send email to R9IRMLIB@mail.fws.gov with message: SEND HELP. This will return a list of available materials and the commands to use. FISH-ECOLOGY@SEARN.SUNET.SE Academic forum on fisheries ecology and related topics. LEPS@KAIWAN.COM Mail list for those interested in Lepidoptery (the study of butterflies and moths). Open to amateurs and professionals. MARMAN@UVVM.UVIC.CA Marine mammals research and conservation. Moderate activity. WILDNET@TRIBUNE.USASK.CA Send to: wildnet-request@tribune.usask.ca. The moderator asks members to submit a brief biographical profile; this listing is available to memberson request. It is valuable in identifying members of the group who may share common backgrounds and interests. 3.16.2 Telnet: PENPages (see above for description) Keyword search on wildlife retrieved 50 very up-to-date documents. URL:telnet://psupen.psu.edu login: your two-letter state code 3.16.3 FTP: sunsite.unc.edu There are many good documents at this site about wild flora and fauna. URL:file://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/agriculture/ /sustainable_agriculture /general URL:file://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/agriculture/ sustainable_agriculture/discussiongroups/ newsgroups/bionet.general Several Smithsonian wildlife pictures are available from this site as well. URL:file://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/multimedia/pictures/smithsonian /gif89a/science-nature files: eagle.gif, owls.gif, many others Australian Wildlife Legislation URL:file://wiretap.spies.com/Gov/Aussie/wildlife.act AVES Information on birds with pictures of each species. ftp> vitruvius.cecer.army.mil/pub/gifs URL: file://vitruvius.cecer.army.mil/pub/gifs 3.16.4 WWW The Froggy Page Links to everything froggy, including images, sounds, stories and songs. URL: http//www.cs.yale.edu/HTML/YALE/CS/HyPlans/loosemore- sandra/froggy.html 3.16.5 Gophers Endangered and Threatened Species Lists Includes amphibians, reptiles, birds, crustaceans, plants. URL: gopher://gaia.sci-ed.fit.edu/11/subj/Science /Environmental/end-thr 4. Regulations and Standards 4.1 United Nations Environment Programme (ENEP) UNCED, Agenda21, preconference documents URL:gopher://nywork1.undp.org URL:file://info.umd.edu/inforM/Educational_Resources/Government/ International/UnitedNations WAIS> info.cern.ch unced-agenda.src 4.2 Environmental Safety and Health Information Center (ESHIC) ESHIC is a central repository for the Department of Energy. Tiger Team Assessment documents, plans, and assessments. It includes DOE documents concerning compliance, regulations, policy, training, and long-term planning. URL:gopher://dewey.tis.inel.gov:2013/1 4.3 Federal Register Searchable by subject (Environ, Energy, Agriculture) and by agency. URL:gopher://gopher.counterpoint.com 4.4 OSHA Document Citations Searchable OSHA document citations. URL:gopher://ginfo.cs.fit.edu:70/1 4.5 Federal Legislation via Library of Congress The Library of Congress Information System contains federal legislation introduced in Congress since 1973. Information includes summaries and status of legislation. Searchable by subject (legislative), member's name, key words, bill number, public law number, committee name. Current file updated daily. This database has limited hours. URL:telnet://locis.loc.gov (no login required) 4.6 Whitehouse Press Releases on the Environment Press releases, speeches and proclamations are available by subject at this location and many are included on the environment. An easy place to find relatively current information from the Whitehouse. URL:gopher://info.umd.edu:901/11/inforM/Educational_Resources/ Government/United States/Executive/WhiteHouse/ PressReleases/Environment 4.7 EPA Press Releases are available by subscribing to: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov with the following message: SUBSCRIBE EPA-PRESS Used as distribution list only. 4.8 Chronological listing and description of environmental laws. URL:http://www.epri.com/Strategic/VitalIssues /EnvironmentalLaws.html 5. Regional Concerns 5.1 LISTSERVS: COMPSY-L@UIUCVMD Midwest ecological issues ELAN@CSF.COLORADO.EDU The environment in Latin America Network NATURA-L@UCHCECVM Ecology and environmental protection in Chile MEH20-L@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL Devoted to water issues in the Middle East SFER-L@UCF1VM South Florida environmental list 5.2 FTP: 5.2.1 Report of the Bi-national Program to Restore and Protect the Lake Superior Basin. URL:file://pencil.cs.missouri.edu/pub/student_envirolink/ Lake_Superior_Basin_Project.txt 5.2.2 GLIN Great Lakes Information Network GLIN offers a variety of information about the ecology of the Great Lakes Region, including current events, bibliographies, legislation, natural elements, calendars of current events and much, much more. URL: file://ftp.great-lakes.net URL: gopher://gopher.cic.net:2000/11/glin/glin-access 5.3 Gopher: 5.3.1 Texas Studies Gopher Armadillo, the Texas Studies Gopher, is designed to provide instructional resources and information about Texas natural and cultural history and the Texas environment. The site also includes several resources on environmental issues. gopher> riceinfo.rice.edu URL:gopher://riceinfo.rice.edu:1170/11/Texas/Environment 5.3.2 Central European Environmental Data Request Facility (CEDAR) Contains regional information and United Nations information. Includes the International Directory of Expertise database. URL:gopher://pan.cedar.univie.ac.at 5.4 E-journals BEN@CUE.BC.CA Botanical/ecological information on Canada. (subscribe: ACESKA) 5.5 Other regional information sites 5.5.1 Oregon environmental legislation Text of Oregon environmental bills. gopher>gaia.ucs.orst.edu Oregon Legislative Information System Natural Resources URL:gopher://gaia.ucs.orst.edu/11/osu-i%2bs/OLIS/Natural%20 Resources 5.5.2 National Capital Freenet Good Canadian source of environmental information. URL:telnet://guest@freenet.carleton.ca:23/ at main menu, type: go envir 5.5.3 EcoNet (fee-based) Covers many areas: California, Hawaii, Florida, New York, Africa, Siberia, Scotland and others. Send blank message to: econet-info@igc.apc.org for information. 5.5.4 Environmental News Network Briefings. Environmental issues of Northwest U.S. URL:gopher://gopher.uidaho.edu/11/%20UI%20Gopher%20Services/ Library%3a%20Electronic%20Publications/ENN 6. Library catalogs This is a selected listing of library catalogs with extensive environmental holdings. All can be reached through gopher and the following telnet addresses. If no login is specified, follow screen instructions when connected. Acadia University telnet: auls.acadiau.ca login: opac URL: telnet://opac@auls.acadiau.ca Arizona State University telnet: carl.lib.asu.edu login: carl URL: telnet://carl@carl.lib.asu.edu Athabasca University telnet: aucat.athabascau.ca login: aucat URL: telnet://aucat@aucat.athabascau.ca Augusta College telnet: acvax.ac.edu login: ACPAC exit: URL: telnet://remote@alis.csufresno.edu California State University at Hayward telnet: library.csuhayward.edu login: library URL: telnet://library@library.csuhayward.edu California State University at Long Beach telnet: coast.lib.csulb.edu login: vt100, start URL: telnet://vt100, start@coast.lib.csulb.edu California State University at Sacramento telnet: eureka.lib.csus.edu login: library URL: telnet://library@eureka.lib.csus.edu CARL - Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries search individual catalogs telnet: pac.carl.org (Two good opacs in this system for environmental resources are U. of Colorado at Boulder and Colorado School of Mines) URL: telnet://pac.carl.org Claremont Colleges California telnet: blais.claremont.edu login: library URL: telnet://library@blais.claremont.edu Connecticut State University telnet: csulib.ctstateu.edu login: csulib exit: h URL: telnet://library@csulib.ctstateu.edu Dartmouth telnet: lib.dartmouth.edu exit: bye URL: telnet://lib.dartmout.edu Drake University telnet: lib.drake.edu login: cowles URL: telnet://cowles@lib.drake.edu Florida State University System telnet: luis.nerdc.ufl.edu login: luis URL: telnet://luis@luis.nerdc.ufl.edu Georgia State University telnet: library:gsu.edu exit: quit URL: telnet://library.gsu.edu Harvard University telnet: hollis.harvard.edu login: hollis URL: telnet://,hollis@hollis.harvard.edu Indiana University telnet: iuis.ucs.indiana.edu login: guest choose: IUCAT URL: telnet://guest@iuis.ucs.indiana.edu Laurentian University (Sudbury, Ontario) telnet: laulibr.laurentian.ca login: netlib URL: telnet://netlibr@laulibr.laurentian.ca Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory telnet: aish.llnl.gov login: patron URL: telnet://patron@aish.llnl.gov Loyola Marymount University telnet: linus.lmu.edu login: library URL: telnet://library@linus.lmu.edu Michigan State University telnet: hermes.merit.edu login: tab to command line, type dial magic URL: telnet://magic@hermes.merit.edu Northeastern University telnet: library.lib.northeastern.edu URL: telnet://library.lib.northeastern.edu Pima College, Arizona telnet: libcat.pima.edu login: lib URL: telnet://library@libcat.pima.edu San Diego State University telnet: library.sdsu.edu 74 URL: telnet://library@library.sdsu.edu San Jose State University telnet: sjsulib.sjsu.edu login: lib exit: h URL: telnet://lib@sjsulib.sjsu.edu Santa Clara University telnet: sculib.scu.edu login: clara URL: telnet://clara@sculib.scu.edu Sonoma State University telnet: vax.sonoma.edu login: opac URL: telnet://opac@vax.sonoma.edu Tufts University telnet: library.tufts.edu login: tulips URL: telnet://tulip@library.tufts.edu University of Alabama, Huntsville Huntsville, Alabama telnet: library.uah.edu login: he URL: telnet://library@library.uah.edu University of Arizona telnet: sabio.arizona.edu login: sabio URL: telnet://sabio@sabio.arizona.edu University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Ark. telnet: library.uark.edu login: library URL: telnet://library@library.uark.edu University of California telnet: melvyl.ucop.edu URL: telnet://melvyl.ucop.edu University of Colorado at Colorado Springs telnet: arlo.colorado.edu login: arlo URL: telnet://arlo@arlo.colorado.edu University of Hawaii at Manoa telnet: starmaster.uhcc.hawaii.edu login at enter class: lib exit: //exit URL: telnet://lib@starmaster.uhcc.hawaii.edu University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign telnet: illinet.aiss.uiuc.edu login: b choose: luis URL: telnet://b@illinet.aiss.uiuc.edu University of Iowa telnet: oasis.uiowa.edu login: oasis URL: telnet://oasis@oasis.uiowa.edu University of Maine system telnet: ursus.maine.edu login: ursus URL: telnet://ursus@ursus.maine.edu University of Miami telnet: stacks.library.miami.edu login: library exit: q URL: telnet://library@stacks.library.miami.edu University of Michigan telnet: hermes.merit.edu login: mirlyn URL: telnet://mirlyn@hermes.merit.edu University of Minnesota telnet: lumina.lib.umn.edu login: PA URL: telnet://PA@lumina.lib.umn.edu University of Northern Iowa telnet: starmaster.uni.edu login: library, type 1 at service prompt URL: telnet://1,@starmaster.uni.edu University of Notre Dame telnet: irishmvs.cc.nd.edu login: library exit: x URL: telnet://library@irishmvs.cc.nd.edu University of the Pacific telnet: pacificat.lib.uop.edu login: library URL: telnet://library@pacificat.lib.uop.edu Wesleyan University, Connecticut College and Trinity College telnet: library.wesleyan.edu login: luct exit: stop URL: telnet://luct@library.wesleyan.edu Williams College, Massachussetts telnet: library.williams.edu login: library URL: telnet://library@library.williams.edu Yale University telnet: umpg.cis.yale.edu port 6520 URL: telnet://orbis@umpg.cis.yale.edu:6520 7. Bibliography 7.1 Drew, Bill. "Not Just Cows." URL: gopher//snymorva.cs.snymorva.edu/hh/GOPHER_ROOT1: not_just_cows.html 7.2 Gaffin, Adam. "Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet" URL: file://ftp.eff.org/pub/Net_info/Big_Dummy/bigdummy.txt 7.3 Krol, Ed. "The Whole Internet", 2nd edition. 7.4 LaQuey, Tracy. "The Internet Companion." 7.5 Nickerson, Gord. "Environment Resources." URL: file://hydra.uwo.ca/libsoft/ENVIRON.WFW 7.6 Smith, Una. "A Biologist's Guide to the Internet." URL: file://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/biology/guide 7.7 Wendling/Christiansen. "Guide to Online Resources for the Conservationist" URL: file://nic.sura.net/pub/nic/conservation-guide.11-93 7.8 Yanoff, Scott. "Special Internet Connections." URL: file://csd4.csd.uwm.edu/pub/inet.services.txt URL:http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/DataSources/Yanoff.html 8. Index 8.1 FTP sites archives.math.utc.edu aurelie.soest.hawaii.edu bloom-picayune.mit.edu ds.internic.net enterprise.nwi.fws.gov fly.bio.indiana.edu ftp.cic.net,,,, 3.15.1 ftp.digex.net, ftp.great-lakes.net 5.2.2 ftp.std.com ftp.uidaho.edu gandalf.umc.maine.edu igc.apc.org 2.3, igc.org info.umd.edu 4.1 jade.tufts.edu 3.5.1 life.anu.edu.au, netserv1.its.rpi.edu, pencil.cs.missouri.edu 3.4.2,, 5.2.1 plaza.aarnet.edu.au relay.cs.toronto.edu siri.uvm.edu solstice.crest.edu, sunsite.unc.edu,,,, unix.hensa.ac.uk vitruvius.cecer.army.mil wiretap.spies.com, 8.2 GOPHERS atlas.chem.utah.edu biome.bio.dfo.ca dale.ucdavis.edu dewey.tis.inel 4.2 diu.cms.udel.edu ecosys.drdr.virginia.edu,, envirolink.org ericir.syr.edu freenet.carleton.ca 5.5.2 freenet.victoria.bc.ca ftp.worldbank.org futures.wic.epa.gov 2.2 gaia.ucs.orst.edu 5.5.1 gaia.sci-ed.fit.edu ginfo.cs.fit.edu, 4.4 gopher-ccs.ucsd.edu gopher.cic.net,, 5.2.2 gopher.ciesin.org 2.1, gopher.counterpoint.com 4.3 gopher.crest.org, gopher.csc.liv.ac.uk gopher.ericse.ohio-state.edu gopher.fsl.orst.edu gopher.env.gov.bc.ca gopher.epa.gov 2.2 gopher.esdim.noaa.gov gopher.internet.com gopher.isnet.is 2.1 gopher.tamu.edu gopher.ubc.ca gopher.uidaho.edu,, 5.5.4 gopher.who.ch hermes.ecn.purdue.edu, igc.apc.org 2.3 info.umd.edu 4.6 kaos.erin.gov.au 2.4,, 3.6 lternet.edu, minerva.forestry.umn.edu nceet.snre.umich.edu nywork1.undp.org 4.1 pan.cedar.univie.ac.at 5.3.2 pearl.whoi.edu pihta.metla.fi, riceinfo.rice.edu, 5.3.1 serra.unipi.it sparc.ecology.uga.edu 3.4.3 unix5.nysed.gov uwin.c-wr.siu.edu wissago.uwex.edu 8.3 LISTSERVS AE@SJSUVM1.SJSU.EDU 3.3.1 AQUIFER@IBACSATA 3.14.1 ASEH-L@TTUVM1 3.7.1 BIODIV-L@BDT.FTPT.BR 3.6.1 BIOSPH-L@UBVM 3.6.1 CITES-L@WCMC.ORG.UK 3.16.1 COMPSY-L@UIUCVMD 5.1 CONSBIO@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU 3.16.1 CTURTLE@NERVM 3.16.1 ECOFEM@CSF.COLORADO.EDU 3.6.1 ECO-FUND@UMDD.UMD.EDU 3.6.1 ECOLOG-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU 3.4.1 ECOLOGY-L@EMUVM1 3.4.1 ECOSYS-L@VM.GMD.DE 3.4.1 ELAN@CSF.COLORADO.EDU 5.1 ENERGY-L@TAUNIVM 3.3.1 ENVBEH-L@POLYVM 3.6.1 ENVIROETHICS@MAILBASE.AC.UK 3.6.1 ENVST-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU 3.6.1, 3.7.1 * EPA-PRESS@UNIXMAIL.RTPNC.EPA.GOV 2.2, 4.7 FISH-ECOLOGY@SEARN.SUNET.SE 3.16.1 FMDSS-L@PNFI.FORESTRY.CA 3.8.1 FOREST-L@NIC.FUNET.FI 3.8.1 GRNSCH-L@BROWNVM 3.7.1 HAZMAT-L 3.10.1 HYDROGEN-L@URIACC.URI.EDU 3.3.1 IAPWILD@VM1.NODAK.EDU 3.7.1 LEPS@KAIWAN.COM 3.16.1 MARMAN@UVVM.UVIC.CA 3.16.1 MEH20-L@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL 5.1 NATURA-L@UCHCECVM 5.1 NATRESLIB-L/annhed@cc.us.edu 3.8.1 NCIW-L@YALEVM 3.12.1 PACIFIC@BRUFPB 3.12.1 RECYCLE@UMAB 3.12.1 RECYC-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU 3.12.1 * R9IRMLIB@mail.fws.gov 3.16.1 SAFETY-L@UVMVM 3.2.1, 3.10.1 SANET-MG/almana@ces.ncsu.edu 3.13.1 SFER-L@UCFIVM 3.6.1, 5.1 SUSTAG-L@WSUVM1 3.13.1 WATER-L@WSUVM1 3.14.1 WILDNET@TRIBUNE.USASK.CA 3.16.1 * Distribution lists only (no discussion) 8.4 TELNET agralin1.bib.wau.nl bbs.ccohs.ca classroom_earth.ciesin.org 2010, eicbbs.wseo.wa.gov envirolink.org, envnet.gsfc.nasa.gov epaibm.rtpnc.epa.gov 2.2, esdiml.nodc.noaa.gov fedworld.gov freenet.carleton.ca 5.5.2 gsmd.gsfc.nasa.gov gopher.c-wr.siu.edu gopher.esdim.noaa.gov hermes.ecn.purdue.edu hermes.merit.edu locis.loc.gov 4.5 psupen.psu.edu,,, 3.12.2,, 3.15.2, 3.16.2 rtknet.org scilink.org Server.wais.com 2.2 sirius.poly.edu 2.1 sseop.jsc.nasa.gov ttnbbs.rtpnc.epa.gov 3.2.2 8.5 WWW http://ecosys.drdr.virginia.edu, http://envirolink.org, http://euler.berkeley.edu http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov http://kaos.erin.gov.au 2.4,, http://lesowww.epfl.ch http://solstice.crest.org, http://unite.tisl.ukans.edu http://vms.huji.ac.il http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de http://www.ciesin.org 2.1, http://www.cs.yale.edu http://www.econet.apc.org 2.3 http://www.einet.net http://www.epri.com 4.8 http://www.eren.doe.gov http://www.metla.fi http://www.nodc.noaa.gov http://www.nrel.gov http://www.nwi.fws.gov http://www.os.dhhs.gov http://www.tno.nl http://zebu.uoregon.edu 9. Acknowledgements Our many thanks to Dr. Kenneth Linton and James Kane of Muskegon Community College, clients who were instrumental in helping us to identify relevant resources for this guide. We would also like to thank Joe Janes and Lou Rosenfeld, our families who were so patient, various and sundry furry critters, whoever invented the fax machine and Alexander Graham Bell. We received a tremendous response from the environmental community. The following people were essential to us in the compilation of this guide by contributing their suggestions, reports, and expertise. Our heartfelt thanks to: Barber, Rob (State University New York) Berbara, Ricardo (United Kingdom) Beverstock, Dave (Environmental Research Institute of Michigan) Bouwmans, Ivo (Delft University Clean Technology Institute, The Netherlands) Brien, Marilyn (Texas) Budde, Bernard (The Netherlands) Chenery, Mary Faeth (LaTrobe University) Cushman, John (New York Times) Diekmann, Jens. Dombrowski, Janet (National Geographic Society Library) Endacott, Phil. Feild, Junior (Auburn University) Finlay, Jeff (St. Peter's College) Fredericks, Eldon (U. S. Department of Agriculture) Gray, Tom (EcoNet; editor 'Wind Energy Weekly') Gronbeck, Christopher (Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology [CREST]) Gross, Louis (University of Tennessee) Harder, Jennifer L. (UC Davis) Hegyes, Gabriel A. (Sustainable Agriculture Network) Hinchman, Ray (Argonne National Laboratory) Hunt, Ronn (U. S. Department of Education) Ip, David (Canadian Forest Service) Jaroch, Ed Jascourt, Stephen Keniry, Julian. Klein, Matt (Ball State University) Koch, Ernst-Christian (Kaiserslautern-University, Germany) Kool, Richard (British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks) Krug, Gretchen (SILS University of Michigan) Lang, Anthony (University of Toronto, Canada) Lawrence, Kevin. Lerner, Joshua (San Joaquin Valley Endangered Species Recovery Planning) Line, Mark (Open Pathways) Link, Terry (Michigan State University) Lynch, Maureen (Environmental Protection Agency) Makuch,Joseph. (Water Quality Information Center) Mclaren, Doug (University of Kentucky) Morris, Joyce. Nickerson, Gord (Library Software Archives) Pellinen, Matti (Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, Finland) Phillips, Dave (New York) Rose, Michael. Rowe, Stewart Sackman, Gleason (Moderator of InterNic net-happenings) Sagady, Alex (American Lung Association) Sandmeyer, Robert. Spiegel, Erica. Srinivas, Ravi (Syracuse University) Stein, Michael (EcoNet) Stewart, Tom. Taylor, Leon (Tulane University) Teeter, Robert Truong, Tri (University of Texas) Visser, Clyde R. Wandesforde-Smith, Geoffrey. Weaver, Mike (Environmental Protection Agency) Webster, Barry (Ann Arbor) Whittington, Jim. Woods, Eric Yeakley, Alan Yurman, Dan Standard Disclaimer: We do not guarantee that the information found in this guide will be available to everyone, or that it will not have moved or been removed by its owner by the time that this guide is published. We make no claim that this guide is totally comprehensive on any of the subjects that we have included here. We found an abundance of information on environmental topics; due to time constraints not all of this information could be included. Additionally, there may well be resources that we were unable to find, or that were added after this guide was published. At this time, we intend to update the guide every six months or so. And to this end we ask that users of this guide would inform us of omissions and/or new resources as they are found. Carol Briggs-Erickson (cbriggs@alumni.sils.umich.edu) and Toni Murphy (murphyt@sils.umich.edu) .