WWC snapshot of http://www.fws.gov/cais.html taken on Fri May 5 14:23:26 1995

Catalog of Automated Information Systems

The Catalog of Automated Information Systems (CAIS) was created as a result of a problem analysis conducted by Dr. Alan R. Fisher, National Data Administrator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service). One of the findings of this study was:

     "Automated information systems exist throughout the
     Service.  However, people do not know what systems
     exist or are being developed.  Therefore, they cannot
     assess their usefulness.  This lack of knowledge
     results in the development of redundant systems.  When
     an automated system is terminated, data stored in the
     system are often lost because interested parties are
     ignorant of the plans for termination."

The CAIS provides a reference wherein a reader can learn about 123 automated information systems owned by, or used by, the Service. For the purposes of this catalog, an automated information system is defined as a software application, database, or simulation model that represents a significant information resource. These systems may or may not be spatially referenced.

The CAIS describes each system with the information necessary to enable a reader to assess its usefulness. You may wish to review a list of definitions for terms used in the CAIS. The reader may contact the System Manager for more information on an information system. The intended audience for this catalog includes Field Biologists, Systems Developers, Research Centers, the Division of Information Resources Management (IRM), IRM Coordinators, and the General Public. The CAIS will continue to evolve as new systems are added and as the descriptions of existing systems are updated. The last update was done in June 1994.

The CAIS can be searched by means of a WAIS server, and both general and field-specific queries are supported. Queries are not case sensitive so upper and lower case letters may be used. A general query will search all the text in a system description. A field-specific query will search only the specified field or fields. You may wish to review a list of suggested search words that can be used in your initial queries.

The following fields may be searched in a field-specific query:


Examples of General Queries

(Find all systems that contain the word wetland)
wetland or wetlands
(Find all systems that contain the words wetland or wetlands)
contaminants and birds
(Find all systems that contain the word contaminants and the word birds)
contaminants not 'storage tanks'
(Find all systems that contain the word contaminants but do not contain the word pair, storage tanks)
'endangered species'
(Find all systems that contain the word pair, endangered species)
'endangered species' and 'life span'
(Find all systems that contain the word pair, endangered species, and the word pair, life span)

Examples of Field-Specific Queries

name = wetlands
(Find all systems that contain the word wetlands in the name field)
name = (wetlands or contaminants)
(Find all systems that contain the word wetlands or the word contaminants in the name field)
(acronym = LEMIS) or (description = 'law enforcement')
(Find all systems that contain the word LEMIS in the acronym field or the word pair, law enforcement, in the description field)

How to Query the CAIS

  1. Select the word QUERY below.
  2. Select the Catalog of Automated Information Systems.
  3. Enter your query.
  4. Select the maximum number of results you wish to see.
  5. Select the Submit button.
  6. Scroll down the screen to see the results of your query.
  7. Click on the high-lighted word(s) of the result(s) you would like to read, print, or save.
  8. Use your client software's "Back" icon or "History" function to return to the query screen.

QUERY the Catalog of Automated Information Systems

Please direct questions and comments, via email or telephone, to:

   Dr. Alan R. Fisher
   National Data Administrator
   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service