WWC snapshot of http://www.fws.gov/9508.html taken on Fri May 5 14:20:33 1995

News Release

Fish and Wildlife Service

For release February 28, 1995          Hugh Vickery  202-208-5634


State wildlife agencies will soon receive a record $411 million collected from Federal excise taxes paid by hunters, anglers, and boaters to support fish and wildlife restoration and recreation projects in 1995.

The Interior Department's U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will distribute the funds under the Federal Aid in Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration programs, helping to pay for thousands of conservation and recreation projects throughout the United States and its territories.

"Recreational anglers and hunters are among the unsung heroes of this country's conservation movement," Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt said. "The hundreds of millions of dollars they pay each year in taxes on sporting equipment have provided the foundation for conservation for more than 60 years."

Since the 1930s, these excise taxes have been largely responsible for the recovery of popular species of wildlife, including white- tailed deer, wood duck, and wild turkey, and the restoration of fisheries and aquatic ecosystems. In addition, the funds have helped pay for hunter education programs and boating access to rivers and lakes.

"There probably isn't a person in America who hasn't benefitted in one way or another from the contributions of sportsmen and sportswomen to Federal Aid, even if it's simply having more wildlife around to see and enjoy," said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Mollie Beattie.

A total of $211 million will be apportioned to the states under the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, commonly referred to as the Pittman-Robertson program after its Congressional sponsors. This compares to $182.1 million in 1994. Part of the increase is due to improved collection of taxes by the Treasury Department.

The money is derived from an 11-percent excise tax on sporting arms and ammunition, a 10-percent tax on pistols and revolvers, and an 11-percent tax on certain archery equipment. One-half of the tax on handguns and archery equipment is made available for state hunter education programs.

Projects include acquisition and improvement of wildlife habitat, introduction of wildlife into suitable habitat, research of wildlife problems, surveys and inventories of wildlife, acquisition and development of wildlife-related recreational facilities, and hunter education programs, including construction and operation of public shooting ranges.

Another $199.9 million will be passed along under the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act, often called the Dingell- Johnson/Wallop-Breaux program. This compares to $174.6 million in FY 1994. Overall deposits increased in FY 94 as a result of improved collections and record-keeping.

This funding results from a 10-percent excise tax on fishing equipment and a 3-percent tax on electric trolling motors and sonar fish finders. The "Wallop-Breaux" legislation of 1984 increased the tax base for sport fish restoration to include a portion of the Federal motorboat fuels tax and import duties on fishing tackle and pleasure boats.

Projects funded under this program include acquisition and improvement of sport fish habitat; stocking of fish; research into fishery resource problems; surveys and inventories of sport fish populations; and acquisition and development of boat ramps, fishing piers, and other recreational facilities.

In the past 60 years, the two Federal Aid programs have raised more than $4.5 billion for fish and wildlife conservation, management, and recreation projects. This year's $411 million total represents the highest annual total ever.

Distribution of sport fish restoration funds to the states is based on the land and water area and the number of fishing license holders in each state. Wildlife restoration funds are made available based on land area and the number of hunting license holders in each state. Distribution of hunter education funds is based on the relative population of each state.

The attached tables show the allocation of the final apportionment for fiscal year 1995.



                     WILDLIFE             HUNTER
STATE              RESTORATION          EDUCATION        TOTAL

ALABAMA           2,836,700             930,400          3,767,100
ALASKA            8,569,933             396,014          8,965,947
ARIZONA           3,966,904             843,972          4,810,876
ARKANSAS          3,063,854             396,014          3,459,868
CALIFORNIA        6,178,120           1,188,040          7,366,160
COLORADO          4,432,392             758,582          5,190,974
CONNECTICUT         856,993             756,906          1,613,899
DELAWARE            856,993             396,014          1,253,007
FLORIDA           2,578,442           1,188,040          3,766,482
GEORGIA           3,419,306           1,188,040          4,607,346
HAWAII              856,993             396,014          1,253,007
IDAHO             3,567,018             396,014          3,963,032
ILLINOIS          3,203,527           1,188,040          4,391,567
INDIANA           2,702,582           1,188,040          3,890,622
IOWA              2,805,006             639,388          3,444,394
KANSAS            3,146,565             396,014          3,542,579
KENTUCKY          2,693,934             848,592          3,542,526
LOUISIANA         2,716,589             971,710          3,688,299
MAINE             2,009,549             396,014          2,405,563
MARYLAND          1,110,354           1,101,002          2,211,356
MASSACHUSETTS       856,993           1,188,040          2,045,033
MICHIGAN          7,541,281           1,188,040          8,729,321
MINNESOTA         5,217,290           1,007,429          6,224,719
MISSISSIPPI       2,667,559             592,520          3,260,079
MISSOURI          4,253,543           1,178,280          5,431,823
MONTANA           5,348,230             396,014          5,744,244
NEBRASKA          2,965,028             396,014          3,361,042
NEVADA            3,235,088             396,014          3,631,102
NEW  HAMPSHIRE      856,993             396,014          1,253,007
NEW  JERSEY         856,993           1,188,040          2,045,033
NEW  MEXICO       3,851,620             396,014          4,247,634
NEW  YORK         5,287,561           1,188,040          6,475,601
NORTH  CAROLINA   3,285,639           1,188,040          4,473,679
NORTH  DAKOTA     2,471,632             396,014          2,867,646
OHIO              3,869,231           1,188,040          5,057,271
OKLAHOMA          3,119,168             724,316          3,843,484
OREGON            4,255,397             654,485          4,909,882
PENNSYLVANIA      7,358,560           1,188,040          8,546,600
RHODE  ISLAND       856,993             396,014          1,253,007
SOUTH  CAROLINA   1,926,392             802,864          ,729,256
SOUTH  DAKOTA     3,010,064             396,014          3,406,078
TENNESSEE         4,123,700           1,123,042          5,246,742
TEXAS             8,569,933           1,188,040          9,757,973
UTAH              3,349,335             396,014          3,745,349
VERMONT             856,993             396,014          1,253,007
VIRGINIA          3,030,608           1,188,040          4,218,648
WASHINGTON        3,298,158           1,120,626          4,418,784
WEST  VIRGINIA    2,128,923             396,014          2,524,937
WISCONSIN         5,688,036           1,126,400          6,814,436
WYOMING           3,690,312             396,014          4,086,326
PUERTO  RICO        856,993                   0            856,993
GUAM                285,665              66,000            351,665
VIRGIN  ISLANDS     285,665              66,000            351,665
AMERICAN  SAMOA     285,665              66,000            351,665
N.  MARIANA  ISLANDS285,665              66,000            351,665
TOTAL           171,398,660          39,601,340        211,000,000


            ALABAMA                        3,105,840
            ALASKA                         9,996,650
            ARIZONA                        4,101,117
            ARKANSAS                       3,258,752
            CALIFORNIA                     9,996,650
            COLORADO                       4,997,360
            CONNECTICUT                    1,999,330
            DELAWARE                       1,999,330
            FLORIDA                        5,033,984
            GEORGIA                        3,707,791
            HAWAII                         1,999,330
            IDAHO                          3,337,973
            ILLINOIS                       4,294,704
            INDIANA                        3,118,129
            IOWA                           2,693,322
            KANSAS                         2,880,439
            KENTUCKY                       3,151,494
            LOUISIANA                      3,313,633
            MAINE                          1,999,330
            MARYLAND                       2,101,493
            MASSACHUSETTS                  1,999,330
            MICHIGAN                       7,502,157
            MINNESOTA                      7,333,882
            MISSISSIPPI                    2,636,940
            MISSOURI                       5,168,471
            MONTANA                        4,677,471
            NEBRASKA                       2,543,552
            NEVADA                         3,025,207
            NEW HAMPSHIRE                  1,999,330
            NEW JERSEY                     1,999,330
            NEW MEXICO                     3,559,604
            NEW YORK                       5,144,864
            NORTH CAROLINA                 3,109,799
            NORTH DAKOTA                   1,999,330
            OHIO                           5,288,680
            OKLAHOMA                       3,800,362
            OREGON                         4,846,724
            PENNSYLVANIA                   5,252,434
            RHODE ISLAND                   1,999,330
            SOUTH CAROLINA                 2,286,132
            SOUTH DAKOTA                   2,415,067
            TENNESSEE                      3,988,988
            TEXAS                          9,996,650
            UTAH                           3,513,386
            VERMONT                        1,999,330
            VIRGINIA                       3,113,424
            WASHINGTON                     4,665,709
            WEST VIRGINIA                  1,999,330
            WISCONSIN                      6,693,963
            WYOMING                        2,956,028
            PUERTO RICO                    1,999,330
            GUAM                             666,443
            VIRGIN ISLANDS                   666,443
            AMERICAN SAMOA                   666,443
            N. MARIANA ISLANDS               666,443
            DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA             666,443
            TOTAL                        199,933,000