One of the keys to improving financial management in the future will be the increasing ability for financial professionals to communicate on a daily basis with one another in a "forum" in which one can post and receive answers and solutions to questions and problems encountered in daily work. The Internet Usenet provides that unique opportunity. The preferred method to access these discussion forums is through a "newsreader". Some of the more popular shareware newsreaders can be located and downloaded from the FinanceNet FTP server. To reach the "financenet" newsgroup, point your newsreader to:

For those who will not have access to a newsreader, for one reason or another, all posted forum messages will be reflected onto the FinanceNet gopher and WWW servers for everyone to read under the servers' Usenet directory. A unique new Internet service has been engineered to allow anyone with an Internet e-mail address to freely post messages to this newsgroup by using a special mail address. Browsers will be able to read all messages posted either way by merely viewing the FinanceNet gopher or WWW servers.
