WWC snapshot of http://www.financenet.gov/stats/199502/autorespdetail.htm taken on Fri May 12 17:08:28 1995

Auto-Responder Usage Statistics for FinanceNet.Gov

Last updated: Wed, 01 Mar 1995 00:11:59 (GMT 00) NOTE: Byte totals are bogus, since the Auto-Responder server does not log byte counts.

Totals for Summary Period: Feb 1 1995 to Feb 28 1995

Files Transmitted During Summary Period             554
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period             554
Average Files Transmitted Daily                      20
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                      20

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 6.86  6.86           38       38 | Feb  1 1995
11.91 11.91           66       66 | Feb  2 1995
 5.23  5.23           29       29 | Feb  3 1995
 3.97  3.97           22       22 | Feb  4 1995
 2.17  2.17           12       12 | Feb  5 1995
 3.25  3.25           18       18 | Feb  6 1995
 6.86  6.86           38       38 | Feb  7 1995
 3.79  3.79           21       21 | Feb  8 1995
 4.69  4.69           26       26 | Feb  9 1995
 3.97  3.97           22       22 | Feb 10 1995
 1.26  1.26            7        7 | Feb 11 1995
 2.89  2.89           16       16 | Feb 12 1995
 4.51  4.51           25       25 | Feb 13 1995
 6.68  6.68           37       37 | Feb 14 1995
 1.99  1.99           11       11 | Feb 15 1995
 4.51  4.51           25       25 | Feb 16 1995
 2.53  2.53           14       14 | Feb 17 1995
 1.08  1.08            6        6 | Feb 18 1995
 1.81  1.81           10       10 | Feb 19 1995
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | Feb 20 1995
 3.25  3.25           18       18 | Feb 21 1995
 1.44  1.44            8        8 | Feb 22 1995
 2.17  2.17           12       12 | Feb 23 1995
 3.97  3.97           22       22 | Feb 24 1995
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | Feb 25 1995
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | Feb 26 1995
 4.33  4.33           24       24 | Feb 27 1995
 3.43  3.43           19       19 | Feb 28 1995

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 2.35  2.35           13       13 |  00
 2.35  2.35           13       13 |  01
 2.17  2.17           12       12 |  02
 1.62  1.62            9        9 |  03
 1.26  1.26            7        7 |  04
 0.54  0.54            3        3 |  05
 1.62  1.62            9        9 |  06
 3.25  3.25           18       18 |  07
 6.50  6.50           36       36 |  08
 6.50  6.50           36       36 |  09
 6.32  6.32           35       35 |  10
 6.68  6.68           37       37 |  11
 8.12  8.12           45       45 |  12
 5.42  5.42           30       30 |  13
 6.50  6.50           36       36 |  14
 7.22  7.22           40       40 |  15
 9.21  9.21           51       51 |  16
 4.51  4.51           25       25 |  17
 3.07  3.07           17       17 |  18
 3.79  3.79           21       21 |  19
 3.25  3.25           18       18 |  20
 2.71  2.71           15       15 |  21
 3.43  3.43           19       19 |  22
 1.62  1.62            9        9 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | at    Austria
 1.44  1.44            8        8 | au    Australia
 2.53  2.53           14       14 | ca    Canada
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | co    Colombia
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | de    Germany
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | dk    Denmark
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | fi    Finland
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ie    Ireland
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | in    India
 1.08  1.08            6        6 | it    Italy
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | jp    Japan
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | no    Norway
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | pl    Poland
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | se    Sweden
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | sg    Singapore
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | th    Thailand
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | tr    Turkey
 2.17  2.17           12       12 | uk    United Kingdom
 4.69  4.69           26       26 | us    United States
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | za    South Africa
24.01 24.01          133      133 | com   US Commercial
26.71 26.71          148      148 | edu   US Educational
12.27 12.27           68       68 | gov   US Government
 9.39  9.39           52       52 | mil   US Military
 5.42  5.42           30       30 | net   Network
 4.33  4.33           24       24 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | bitnet 
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | usarc-hq3 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | at.ac.wu-wien
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | au.edu
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | au.edu.csu.riv
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | au.gov.caa
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | au.gov.sa.health
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | au.telememo.ausgovfinance
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | bitnet.albnyvms
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | ca.ab.mtroyal.wpgate
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.acumen
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.bc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.hwc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.laurentian
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | ca.mb.winnipeg.city
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.nb
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.nt
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.on.toronto
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.uleth
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.umanitoba.lan1
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ca.uoguelph
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | co.edu
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.accessil
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.ainet
 5.05  5.05           28       28 | com.aol
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.aracor
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.attmail
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.bear
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.bellcore.cc
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.cftnet
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.chiron
 0.90  0.90            5        5 | com.compuserve
 0.90  0.90            5        5 | com.compuserve.mhs
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.cygnus
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | com.delphi
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.dpw
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.factory
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.filetek
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.gtefsd
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.hargray
 0.90  0.90            5        5 | com.ibmmail
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.illinova
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.informix
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.intdata
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.interaccess
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.interramp
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.interserv
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.jacc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.jci
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.lm
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.logicon
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.mcimail
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.mgs
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.mozcom
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.mprnj
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.ncm
 2.17  2.17           12       12 | com.netcom
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.netcom.uucp
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.newhorizon
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.onliners
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.pdv
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.pgs.tensor
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | com.pipeline
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.portal
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | com.primenet
 1.81  1.81           10       10 | com.prodigy
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.psi
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.qgraph
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | com.sourcebbs
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.sybase
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.tellus
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.timeplex
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | com.tmn
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | de.fh-lueneburg
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | de.kfk
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | de.uni-freiburg
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | dk.aau
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.albany.fab
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.andrews
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.arizona
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.auburn
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.auburn.cgs
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.berkeley
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.berklee
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.bgu.ecn
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.calpoly.aix
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.colorado
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.columbia
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.columbia.cpmc
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.cornell
 1.08  1.08            6        6 | edu.csus
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.csus.ccs
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.csustan
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.cup
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.dartmouth
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.fau
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.fsu.cob
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.fsu.scri
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.georgetown
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.gsu
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.iastate.bus
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.iupui.wmh
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.kennesaw
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.lane
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.maine
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.marymount
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.mass
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.millikin
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.montana.oche
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.morehead-st
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.neu.dac
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.nmsu
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.nwu
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.nwu.acns
 0.90  0.90            5        5 | edu.nyu
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.oakland.acs
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.odedodea
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.olemiss.cc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.orst
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.princeton
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.purdue.acn
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.roanoke
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.sangamon
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.sfsu
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.smu.cis
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.t-bird
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.tulane.tcs
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.ua.cba
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.ucdavis
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.ucr
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.udel
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.ufl.cba
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.ufl.nerdc
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.uga.cc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.uic.cc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.uic.phy
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.uiuc.ag
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.umd
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.umich
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.umkc
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.umn.tc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.umt
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.umuc
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.unf.cis
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.utdallas
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.uvi
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.uwec
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.uwf.cc
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.uwm
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.uwsa
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.vcu
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.vsc.csc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.vsla
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.westga.cc
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.wfu.is
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.whs
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.winthrop
 0.90  0.90            5        5 | edu.wisc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.wmich
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.wooster
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | edu.wright
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | edu.wustl
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | edu.ysu
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | fi.helsinki
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.bpa
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.cabq
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.co.denver
 1.08  1.08            6        6 | gov.dhhs.ssw
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | gov.doe.er
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.dol
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.dot
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.ed
 1.62  1.62            9        9 | gov.epa
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | gov.fdic
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.frb
 0.90  0.90            5        5 | gov.gsa
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | gov.hud
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.ia
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | gov.ihs.tucson
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.lbl
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.loc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.nasa.arc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.nasa.hq
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.nasa.larc
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | gov.nih.niaid.pc.niaid
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.nrc
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | gov.or
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | gov.or.ris
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | gov.rhilinet
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.rl
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.stpaul
 0.90  0.90            5        5 | gov.usaid
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | gov.usdoj
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.usia
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | gov.va
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | gov.wapa
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | ie.esb
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | in.ernet
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | it.cnr.pa.itdf
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | it.onion
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | it.stm
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | it.unipi
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | jp.or.mitre
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.af
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | mil.af.afmea
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.af.hq
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | mil.af.kadena
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.af.usafe
 2.53  2.53           14       14 | mil.army
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.army.usace.npp
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.deca
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | mil.dfas.cleveland
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | mil.disa.ims
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | mil.dla
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.dla.dcmds
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.dla.dcsc.ditso
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.dla.dsac
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | mil.navy
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.navy.chinalake
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.navy.mugu
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | mil.navy.nctsw
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | mil.navy.nuwc.nl
 1.44  1.44            8        8 | mil.osd
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | net.capcon
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.cic
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | net.digex
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.earthlink
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.gate
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | net.hooked
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.iac
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.icon
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | net.ind
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | net.infi
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | net.ixc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.laser
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.monad
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.netusa
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | net.nyser
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.super
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | net.tiac
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | net.vnet
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | no.oslonett
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | nz.ac.vuw.fca
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.anser
 0.54  0.54            3        3 | org.apc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.cam
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.capaccess
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.ccf
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | org.class
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | org.dma
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | org.essential
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.io
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.jjhill
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.lafn
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | org.link
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.marinfo
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.prairienet
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.qcs
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | org.rand
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | org.svpal
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | pl.gov.mofnet
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | pl.gov.mofnet.mof
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | se.kth
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | se.umu.soc
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | sg.nus
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | th.ac
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | th.ac.chula
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | tr.edu.ege
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | uk.ac
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | uk.ac.ed
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | uk.ac.leeds.admin
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | uk.ac.sunderland
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | uk.co.compulink
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | uk.co.demon
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | uk.gov
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | uk.gov.ccta
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | us.ar.k12.afsc
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | us.fed
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.fed.ferc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.mi.detroit.ci.water
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.mn.state.leg.auditor
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.mo.lib.sgcl
 0.72  0.72            4        4 | us.mo.state.dese
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.nm.taos
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | us.oh.columbus
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.or
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.pa.chester.co
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.sc.tec.sum
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | us.tn.cc
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.tx.state
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | us.vt.k12.cssd.vema
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | us.wa.lib.kitsap
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | us.wi.state
 0.36  0.36            2        2 | usarc-hq3.at
 0.18  0.18            1        1 | za.co.digitec

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
46.39 46.39          257      257 | email-in
53.61 53.61          297      297 | info