Computer Security Disclaimer

Use of Internet network resources, such as those provided by Financenet, involves potential computer security risks:

1. Documents and files may contain software viruses. Looking at a file in a text editor is generally safe, but downloading a program to a computer, and executing it, may introduce a virus to the PC.

It is advisable to either refrain from executing programs obtained over the network, or use a virus detecting utility before running such a program.

2. It is wise to follow generally accepted network security procedures, such as password protecting network resources (they may exist on your own PC), choosing strong network passwords, making tape backups of files on network computers, etc. Any computer connected to the Internet is subject to attack by hackers.

3. Documents and files available through Financenet may contain inaccuracies. Technology to authenticate documents exists, but is not readily available to most users. Unless you have such software technology, it is prudent to limit the trust you place in Internet accessed documents. Internet resources such as Gopher and the World Wide Web (WWW/Mosaic) create the appearance of a seamless information network. Actually, Internet accessed documents exist on different servers, managed by different organizations. Consequently, that Financenet operations staff have little or no control of the majority of documents that can be accessed, via pointers, through Financenet resources.


The following Financenet Home Page, Conferences, News groups, Journals, Forums etc., are provided "as is", without expressed or implied warranty and may be discontinued at any time. There is no stated or implied representation about Financenet's capabilities' suitability, accuracy or stability.

Financenet does not support or endorse any commercial offerings. However, references to commercial offerings may appear for informational purposes, or as a personal opinion of a contributor.

This capability is intended for all personnel interested in the Financial Activities of Federal, Local and State governments. The vision is that this capability will increase the competency and knowledge of users. The potential audience to include Chief Financial Officers, Accounting professionals, Suppliers and Vendors from many industries along with all finance professionals. This is a PUBLIC FACILITY and all information can be viewed by all.


Permission for use is granted for non-commercial, personal or educational purposes. Permission is granted to describe this document in product or on-line services, but not to produce in whole or in part without written permission. Reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that any copyrighted information available via Financenet is clearly marked. In general, most information is in the public domain, and can be used by anyone, for any purpose.
