WWC snapshot of http://www.fedworld.gov/wnewtel.htm taken on Sun Jun 4 2:09:50 1995

What's New on the FedWorld Telnet Site

Headline: New Modem Lines!!!!!

posted at 02/23/95 17:05:08 by Bob Bunge

FedWorld is now testing a new bank of 48 14,400 baud modems. These modems can be accessed by dialing a new number, (703)321-FEDW (3339). Users with 14.4 and faster modems will see about a 30 percent increase in file transfer speed with these modems.

In the near future, this bank of modems will be expanded to 96 lines and will become the primary dial-in access point to FedWorld.

We encourage users to begin accessing these modems now. However, because they are still being tested, they may not aways be available. If you try the new number and it doesn't respond, please try the current number (703)321-8020. If you experience any problems with these modems, please either leave a message to SYSOP or call the FedWorld Help Desk at (703)487-4608 so that we can trouble shoot any problems.

Headline: IRS Tax Forms on FedWorld

posted at 02/06/95 19:03:26 by Bob Bunge

Thinking taxes? Enter /go IRIS from any FedWorld prompt to see the new Internal Revenue Information Services (IRIS) section on FedWorld. The IRIS system can also be accessed by selecting the Government Adminstration Mall from the MAIN FedWorld Menu. There, you'll find tax forms and information. While you can't file your return through IRIS, you can file electronically through a tax professional. Some people can file over their PCs, or even over the phone. If you're not one of those people, you will be soon. Electronic filing is the most accurate way to file your return.

Headline: IRS Tax Forms on FedWorld

posted at 01/12/95 17:58:26 by Bob Bunge

Thinking taxes? Enter /go IRIS from any FedWorld prompt to see the new Internal Revenue Information Systems (IRIS) section on FedWorld. IRIS contains hundreds of tax forms in several different computer formats.

Headline: Happy Holidays from the FedWorld Team!

posted at12/24/94 16:34:12 by Bob Bunge

The entire FedWorld team, Keren, Tim, Bob, Nancy, Rob, Alan, Bill, Paul, Mona and the dozens of folks who help us bring you the information that you are looking for, would like to wish each of our FedWorld users and customers a happy holiday season and hopes for a great new year!

Headline: New FedWorld Services (FCS & Preview Database)

posted at 12/15/94 16:44:00 by Bob Bunge

Each week, the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), FedWorld's parent U.S. Govt agency, receives about 600 new documents from Federal agencies, government contractors and foreign governments. NTIS makes these documents (mostly in either paper or microfiche) available to the public at cost.

From FedWorld, you can now search abstracts of documents sent to NTIS within the past thirty days via the NTIS Preview Database. This database is available from the Locate and Reference US Government option off the Main Menu or by entering /go NTISPREV from any prompt. Be sure to read the about and help information before using the database - it's a slightly different interface then most FedWorld options. This database is also available via the World Wide Web by opening the URL http://www.fedworld.gov.

FedWorld is happy to also announce the availability of a new service on FedWorld, the Food and Consumer Service BBS. You can get to the FCS BBS by selecting the Health Mall from the Main Menu or by entering /go fcs from any prompt.

Headline:Telnet IP address

posted at 11/22/94 11:51:02 by Ken Royer

FedWorld's telnet IP address has changed to Please make a note of this and we apologize for the inconvenience.


Headline: New FedWorld Menus Expected 11/16/94

posted at 11/14/94 18:28:18 by Bob Bunge

November 11, 1994

FedWorld expects to make major changes to the FedWorld Menuing system on 11/16/94 (FedWorld's second birthday!). Most of these changes are based on the many fine comments and suggestions that we have received from FedWorld users during the past two years. We believe that the new structure, which is subject based, will greatly ease finding information on FedWorld, yet will still retain large portions of the current structure. If you wish to gain an idea of what the new menus will look like, you can download the file MENUS.TXT from the MAIN Library of Files. This file also contains some hints for those users who have written automated scripts to access information on FedWorld.

Headline: Upcoming Menu Changes Notice

posted at 11/08/94 18:12:42 by Bob Bunge

In about two weeks, FedWorld expects to make major changes to the structure of the primary FedWorld menus. The new menus are designed around the many comments and suggestions that we have received during the past two years of operation. If you are a regular user of FedWorld, or have automated scripts that retrieve data from FedWorld, please watch this space for more details during the coming days. and information.

Headline: National Performance Review Open Meeting

posted at 11/07/94 09:39:40 by Bob Bunge

Starting November 9 and continuing for two weeks, Vice President Al Gore will host an electronic Open Meeting on Reinventing Government (formerly electronic town hall meeting). Federal workers from all parts of the country are asked to join the electronic conference and share reinvention experiences. Please pre-register by sending an Internet mail message (not a FedWorld mail message) to PARTICIPATE@AL.AI.MIT.EDU and put the words participate in the subject line.

Headline: ResearchBase

posted at 10/19/94 16:31:10 by Alan Willard

Another Subsystem has been added to the FedWorld Information Network! The ResearchBase information resource database is now available, to access ResearchBase select O at the Top menu then A at the Subsystem menu.

Headline: World Wide Web Browsers

posted at 10/06/94 08:24:50 by Nancy McBride

FedWorld has added several World Wide Web Browsers to the Miscellaneous Library of Files. In this library, you will also find some Windows utilities to assist you as you navigate the World Wide Web. To access these files, enter "F" from the main menu to enter the File Library section of FedWorld and enter "S" from the file library menu to select the Misc library.

Headline: Securities and Exchange Commission

posted at 09/30/94 14:21:32 by Alan Willard

FedWorld is continuing to broaden the scope of information online and provide the most current and accurate government information available to the public. FedWorld is proud to announce the development of yet another subsytem online. The Securities and Exchange Commission is now available through the FedWorld network. You can access Securities and Exchange Commission by selection O from the main menu. Please feel free to provide any comments or questions about our latest addition.

Headline: National Cancer Institute

posted at 09/29/94 10:11:14 by Sysop

FedWorld is continuing to broaden the scope of information onlineand provide the most current and accurate government information available to the public. FedWorld is proud to announce the development of yet another subsystem online. The National Cancer Institute now has the Cancer Network (CANCERNET) available through the FedWorld Information Network. You can access CANCERNET by selecting option O from the main menu. Please feel free to provide any comments or questions about our latest addition.

FedWorld Management

Headline: Library Change, Conferences and Haiti Maps

posted at 09/28/94 09:34:36 by Bob Bunge

You can now order a 17"x17" four color wall map of Haiti that was produced by the CIA from the FedWorld Marketplace. Enter MH from the Main FedWorld Menu. Also newly available is the 1994 World Factbook, with information on hundreds of countries from around the world.

NTIS will be hosting a conference to show Federal Government Program Managers how NTIS services, like FedWorld, can help them save money, get their products out to more people and meet NPR goals. Download the file PR-MS3.TXT from the MAIN Library for more information.

The files in the Teltrend Library of Files have been moved to a new Library called TEL.

We expect a number of interesting new subsystems to be turned on in early October, including information from the National Cancer Institute, Securities and Exchange Commission and the Food and Nutrition Service. Keep your eyes on the Subsystems/Databases section of FedWorld.

Headline: MODEM pool

posted at 09/09/94 16:50:26 by Sysop

FedWorld has been experiencing a large usage increase in the past month. This has prompted us to increae our access as quickly as possible. Limited hardware and budget have postponed major enhancements but we have been able to establish 8 more dial lines for our dial users. This should improve access on FedWorld somewhat. We are working hard to increase the number of lines and will keep you posted on changes.

FedWorld Management

Headline: New Subsystem on FedWorld

posted at 08/22/94 15:10:40 by Sysop

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been added to the FedWorld architecture. NRC contains a wide range of information and products as well as information centers, databases and email feedback/forums. You can access the new subsystem by selecting option O from the main menu and then selecting option D "Nuclear Regulatory Commission".

Headline: Dole and Updated Mitchell Health Plans in Marketplace

posted at 08/17/94 10:09:28 by Bob Bunge

An _updated_ version of the Mitchell Health Care Reform Bill that is being debated in Congress is now available from the FedWorld Marketplace.

Also available is the Dole Health Care Reform Bill. The full text of either of these proposed laws can be downloaded to your computer within minutes of placing your order.

Select the Marketplace Option from the MAIN Menu, or enter M2 to immediately view a list of Health Reform Plans.

From the Marketplace Menu, select option 2, Health Reform Plans. The updated Mitchell plan is product number 9, the Dole plan is product number 10. There is a $20 fee for downloading either of these files; Most major credit cards accepted online.

Headline: New Viewer online

posted at 08/15/94 23:37:28 by Sysop

FedWorld has implemented a file viewer for all files on the network. The new viewer has the ability to do page up and page down commands as well as scroll through the document a line at a time. You may still do local search within a document using the new command option L. This is an effort to improve the ease of viewing, scanning and retrieving information from the FedWorld Information Network.

FedWorld has also implement UNIX based Gateways to our library of files. This means that all public files will be updated instantly to our FTP site, Web Server and the existing Library of files. The FTP server will now exist on a UNIX platform which will provide a more sutible compatibility with FTP applications on the Internet. To reach the FTP server FTP to or ftp.fedworld.gov. To reach our Web site the address is www.fedworld.gov.

Headline: Mitchell Health Reform Plan Available

posted at 08/15/94 14:05:48 by Bob Bunge

The Mitchell Health Care Reform plan that is being debated in Congress is now available from the FedWorld Marketplace. The full text of the proposed law can be downloaded within seconds of your placing the order. Select the Marketplace Option from the MAIN Menu, or enter M2 to immediately veiw a list of Health Reform Plans.

From the Marketplace Menu, select option 2, Health Reform Plans. The Mitchell plan is product number 8. There is a $20 fee for downloading this file; most major credit cards accepted online.

Headline: Registry of Users (Optional)

posted at 08/02/94 14:56:18 by Sysop

The Registry of Users located in the Utilities section of FedWorld is being modified to represent a more accurate information structure. During this transition it will be temporarily unavailable. This is not the same registry that your user id's and passwords are kept in.

Thanks for you support.

Headline: Registry of Users

posted at 07/14/94 08:45:44 by Sysop

The Registry of Users will be cleaned out on 25 July. This area will be redeveloped to carry a more professional audience and clean out the bad data that is spread throughout the data structure. We incourage you to re-register if you desire. We apologize for any inconvience these actions cause.

Thanks for you support.
Fedworld Management

Headline: Telnet (BETA)

posted at 07/08/94 09:22:18 by Sysop

FedWorld now supports 100 incoming telnet sessions. This is a BETA test and problems may occur. If you experience anything unusual during a telnet session please let us know. Thanks for your support and patience on this matter.
Our telnet address is FEDWORLD.GOV.

Headline: Information Center

posted at 06/30/94 08:49:40 by Sysop

A new and improved information center has been established online. The Information Center includes FAQ's, specialized help screens, data on FedWorld, purchasing information and other pertinent information to help you understand and locate what you are looking for. Any feedback on this new are is appreciated.

Ken Royer