WWC snapshot of http://www.fedworld.gov/wneweb.htm taken on Sun Jun 4 2:09:54 1995

What's New on the FedWorld Web Server

March 20, 1995
Our new links including the US Army Homepage, the U.S. Department of Energy, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the National Park Service, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and more!

February 16, 1995
Commerce Information Locator Service(CILS)data is now available in Government Information Locator Service(GILS) formats.

January 30, 1995
Search abstracts that describe information products available from the U.S. Department of Commerce on the Commerce Information Locator Service (CILS) web page. CILS information has been made Government Information Locator Service (GILS) compatible.

January 20, 1995
Visit the new links to the US House of Representatives and Thomas, the home of legislative information on the internet!

January 17, 1995
More links are now available! Visit the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the National Archives Gopher.

January 5, 1995
Happy New Year! When you access an ftp site, are you clueless about the contents of the directories? Would you like to know what the file contains before transfering it?? Now you can on FedWorld's ftp site! First you will receive a listing of all the directories on the ftp site. Next you will receive a hyperlinked list of files and descriptions for each directory. Of course the traditional list of directories is still available. Let our webmaster@fedworld.gov know what you think!

December 14, 1994
FedWorld has improved access to the web FTP site! Now, when you access the ftp site from the FedWorld homepage, you will see a list of all the ftp directories and a description of the information contained in each directory.

December 9, 1994
The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University proudly announces the 1995 Innovations in American Government award competition. For full details, see the file harvard.txt in the National Performance Review directory on the FedWorld ftp site.

November 28, 1994
FedWorld has added more links, including the Consumer Information Center, the Small Business Administration and the US Fish and Wildlife services home page. Stop in at the Canada Communication Group, a special operating agency of Public Works and Government Services Canada, that helps its government clients collect, format, manage and distribute information.

October 28, 1994
FedWorld has now added e-mail forms for your convenience. We have links, on the FedWorld Contact page, to several different sources within FedWorld and NTIS. Make sure you check out the link to the White House.

October 19, 1994
Access to the NTIS Preview Database is now available to the public. Choose Recent U.S. Government Reports from the FedWorld homepage.

September 28, 1994
We are in the process of "revamping" our Web pages to decrease the number of graphics, which will reduce the time it takes to access the FedWorld Web Site. For now, we have replaced the letters on the US Government list of information servers with a short index. We are working on image mapping to solve our graphics problems. The subject categories have been updated to contain links to pages referencing education, justice, legislature, international relations, and labor web sites. More links to US Government Information sites have been added.

August 23, 1994
Check out the new links to the Library of Congress, the Japan Information Center, Congressand Senategophers and more...

August 16, 1994
OrderingNTIS products information has been added to our web server. What's New on the FedWorld Telnet Site and What's New on the FedWorld Web Server links have been added.

July 18, 1994
More links to Government Information Web Servers have been added. A link to the FedWorld Contact page has been established. Last revised date has been added.

July 6, 1994
A new link has been created to information about Japan on the NTIS homepage. NTIS offers a wide variety of information about Japan through arrangements with Japanese organizations as well as U.S. Government sources.

June 30, 1994
Announcement of the FedWorld Information Network Beta Test.

FedWorld is an electronic gateway to U.S. Government information operated by the Department of Commerce's National Technical Information Service (NTIS). FedWorld services include: