WWC snapshot of http://www.fedworld.gov/govtbbs.htm taken on Sun Jun 4 2:09:59 1995

FedWorld Telnet Site Gateway

NTIS' FedWorld(R) is a project, set up by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), that connects you electronically to many Federal departments and agencies.

From FedWorld, you can access more than 100 computer bulletin board systems operated by the U.S. Government.

How Do I Connect?

To connect to FedWorld, all you need is a personal computer and a modem. Use your communications software package to dial FedWorld at 703/321-8020. Set your parity to NONE, Data Bits to 8 and Stop Bit to 1 (N,8,1). Set your terminal emulation to ANSI. You can also reach FedWorld via Internet using the telnet command. Telnet to fedworld.gov.

If you have technical problems or questions, please call 703/487-4608 weekdays, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. You can also leave questions in the form of E-mail on FedWorld to SYSOP.

These Government Online Systems Can Be Accessed by Calling (703) 321-8020 or telnet to fedworld.gov:

   :Name                     :Comment
  2:ALF (USDA)               :National Agricultural Library BBS
  3:ALIX (LC)                :Automated Library Information eXchange
  4:BOM-BBN (DOI)            :Bureau of Mines-Bulletin Board Network
  5:ISM-SIS (IRS)            :ISM Support Info System
  6:CIC-BBS (GSA)            :Consumer Information Center
  7:CLU-IN (EPA)             :Superfund Data and Information
  8:CPO-BBS (Census)         :Lists open jobs at the Census Dept
  9:ADA-BBS (DOJ)            :Amer. With Disabilities Act Info
 10:Computer Security (NIST) :Computer Sys Lab Computer Security BBS
 11:DCBBS (DC Govt)          :DC Government Information
 12:DMIE (NIST/CSL)          :NIST/CSL Data Management Information
 13:EBB (DOC)                :Economic data and information
 14:ELISA System (DOD)       :DoD Export License Tracking System
 15:GSA/IRM BBS (GSA)        :Information Resources Management Issues
 16:EPUB (DOE)               :Energy information and data
 17:FDA's BBS (FDA)          :FDA info and policies
 18:FDA/DMMS (FDA)           :PMA, IDE, 510k & guidance documents
 19:FERC-CIPS (DOE)          :Fed Energy Regulatory Commission
 20:FEBBS (FHWA)             :FHWA information and data
 21:VA Vendor BBS (VA)       :Learn about business opps at the VA
 22:FEDERAL BBS (GPO)        :GPO and Govt Data (Fee Based)
 23:OSS-BBS (GSA)            :GSA On-line Schedules System
 24:Eximbank BBS (EXIMBANK)  :Export/Import Bank data and info.
 25:JAG-NET (USN)            :Navy Judge Advocate General
 26:Labor News (DOL)         :Dept of Labor information and files
 27:Megawatt 1 (DOE)         :Information on energy and DoE
 28:NADAP (USN)              :Navy Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention
 29:RIBBS (USPS)             :US Postal Service Rapid Information
 30:EHSC-DDS                 :Army Engineering & Housing
 31:NDB-BBS(USDA)            :Human Nutrition Information Service
 32:NSSDC\NASA\Goddard       :The NASA NODIS Locator System.
 33:1040 BBS (IRS)           :Electronic Tax Filing Information
 34:SBB-BB (Treasury)        :Surety Bond Branch, Circular 570
 35:OIS (Bureau of Prisons)  :US Bureau of Prison employees
 36:SBIR-BBS (NASA)          :NASA Small Business Innovation Research
 37:WTIE-BBS (EPA)           :Wastewater Treatment Info Exchange
 38:QED-BBS (USGS)           :Quick Epicenter Determ and EQ data
 39:SALEMDUG-BBS (FEMA)      :State and local FEMA user groups
 40:SBA On Line (SBA)        :SBA Information & Data (Full Service)
 41:GAO WATCHDOG (GAO)       :Identify Waste Fraud and Abuse
 42:SBAI-BBS (SBA)           :Small Bus. Admin internal BBS
 43:Sample Weather Data (NWS):Sample data from Fee Based System
 44:OPM Mainstreet (OPM)     :OPM - Job Info, Personnel Guidance
 45:TELENEWS (DOE)           :Data and info on Fossil fuels
 46:USA-GPCS BBS (USA)       :Army Info System Software
 47:USCS-BBS (USCS)          :Customs and Exchange Rate Data & Info
 48:USGS-BBS (USGS)          :Geological Survey BBS/CD-ROM Info
 49:NLPBB (USN)              :CNO's Navy Leadership Policy BB
 50:FMS-BBS (Treasury)       :Financial Management Information
 51:OASH-BBS (HHS)           :Health & AIDS Information & Reports
 52:FEDIX                    :Links Fed Data to Higher Education
 54:GPSIC (USCG)             :GPS, Loran & Omega Info/status
 55:NGCR-BBS (USN)           :Next Generation Computer Resources Stan
 57:Gulfline (EPA&NOAA)      :Gulf Coast Pollution Information
 58:FAA Safety Exchange (FAA):Small Plane Safety Reports & info
 59:NTIS QuikSERVICE (NTIS)  :Order NTIS Documents Online
 61:STIS (NSF)               :Science & Technology Information System
 62:MI-BBS (DOE)             :DoE Minority Impact Bulletin Board
 63:TECH SPECS (NRC)         :Technical Specs/ NRC Information
 64:Census-BEA (Census)      :Census BEA Electronic Forum
 65:IHS-BBS (HHS)            :Indian Health Service BBS
 66:NOAA-ESDD (NOAA)         :NOAA Environmental Services Data Direct
 67:Offshore-BBs (DOI)       :Off Shore Oil & Gas Data
 68:TQM-BBS (T. Glenn)       :Total Quality Management
 69:NIDR Online (NIH)        :Nat. Institute of Dental Research
 70:NIHGL (NIH)              :Nat. Inst. of Health Grant Line BBS
 71:PayPerNet #1 (OPM)       :Fed. Pay & Performance Management BBS
 72:MARlinespike BBS (DOT)   :Maritime Admin. Press Releases, Etc.
 73:CASUCOM  (GSA)           :Interagency Shared Services/Resources
 74:ATTIC (EPA)              :Alternative Treatment Tech Info Center
 75:NCJRS-BBS (DOJ)          :National Criminal Justice  Reference Sy
 76:DRIPSS (EPA)             :Drinking Water Info Processing Support
 77:PIM BBS (EPA)            :Pesticide Information Network
 78:CIM-BBS (DoD)            :Center for Information Management BBS
 79:NPS-BBS (EPA)            :Nonpoint Source Program BBS
 80:OEPC BBS (DOI)           :Interior's Off of Environment. Affairs
 81:DWIE-BBS (EPA)           :Drinking Water Information Exchange
 82:CABB (Dof State)         :Passport Info/ Travel Alerts
 83:BUPERS Access (USN)      :Navy Personnel Information
 84:FCC-State Link (FCC)     :FCC daily digest & carrier stats/report
 85:HUD-N&E BB (HUD)         :HUD News & Events BB.  Press Releases
 87:FREND #1 (NARA)          :Fed. Register Electronic News Delivery
 88:FREND #2 (NARA)          :Fed. Register Electronic News Delivery
 89:NHS-BBS (HHS)            :National Head Start BBS
 90:WSCA-BBS (DOL)           :Board of Wage & Service Contract Appeal
 91:TEBBS (OGE)              :Office of Government Ethics BBS
 92:HSETC MD (USN)           :Naval Health Sci Edu & Training Command
 93:PPCUG/RDAMIS (DOD)       :Pentagon Users Group BBS
 95:CBEE (USCG)              :Coast Guard On-Line Magazine & News
 96:ATD BBS (FAA)            :Air Transport Div. BBS
 97:ATOS-BBS (FAA)           :Air Traffic Operations Service BBS
 98:AEE BBS (FAA)            :FAA Office of Environment & Energy
 99:OCA BBS (PRC)            :Postal Rate Commission/Consumer Advocat
100:GEMI (GSA)               :GSA Electronic Management Information
101:Airports BBS #1 (FAA)    :Airport operators and designers
102:EnviroNET (NASA)         :Space Environment Information Service
103:FAA HQ BBS (FAA)         :FAA Headquarters BBS
104:IRS-SOI (IRS)            :Public Taxpayer Statistical Information
105:ARA-BBS (FAA)            :Aviation Rulemaking Advisory BBS
106:IMA BBS (USA)            :Integration & Analysis Center BBS
108:ACF-BBS (HHS)            :Admin. for Children and Families
109:NTIA-BBS (DOC)           :Radio Freq. Management Issues
110:ED Board (DOEdu)         :Dept of Ed Grant & Contract Info
111:BHPr-BBS (HHS)           :Medical & Health Services Information
112:Marine Data BBS (NOAA)   :Marine Databases & Files
113:Call-ERS BBS (USDA)      :Agriculture Economic Research Info
114:Call ERS (USDA)          :Economic Research Line Service Line 2
115:ABLE INFORM (DOEdu)      :Disability & Rehab Data & Info
116:PTO-BBS (PTO)            :Patent and Trademark Office BBS
117:PerManNet (Dof State)    :US Agency for International Development
118:Quick Facts! (NIAAA/HHS) :Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism Information
119:IITF-BBS (NTIA)          :Info. Infrastructure Task Force BBS
123:IBNS/OMPAT BBS (DOD)     :Military Performance Assessement
124:EDOS (DC Crt Appeals)    :US Court of Appeals, District of Columb
125:RSA-BBS (RSA)            :Rehabilitation Services Administration
126:FRESBB (GSA)             :Federal Real Estate Sales Bulletin Boar
127:NIH Info Center (NIH)    :NIH Information, Files, Pubs
128:NCUA BBS (NCUA)          :National Credit Union Administration
129:NBCI-BBS  (USDA)         :Natl Biological Control Institute
130:OECI-BBS (DOC&DOD)       :Defense Conversion Information
132:AVADS-BBS (DOI)          :Dept of Interior Job Announcements
133:NRCDR-BB (NRC)           :NRC Decommisioning Rulemaking BBS
134:CSO BBS (EPA)            :Cleanup Standards Outreach BBS
135:GAO-Policy (GAO)         :GAO Office of Policy's BBS