Customer Service Standards

Our Purpose

The International Trade Administration (ITA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce is dedicated to helping U.S businesses compete in the global marketplace.

Our Mission

Our Client Services

We serve a large and diverse client base ranging from highly experienced exporting firms to firms seeking their first sale overseas.

We provide services in Washington, D.C., in major export centers throughout the United States, and at our offices overseas.

In September 1993, the 19-agency Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee, chaired by Secretary of Commerce Ronald H. Brown, issued the National Export Strategy to help our customers improve their international market posture. Among the first benefits are:

Trade Information

The U.S.Government provides trade and commercial information to assist businesses to enter foreign markets. ITA's Trade Information Center (TIC) is an information clearinghouse for the 19 federal agencies which administer international trade and export promotion programs.

The TIC counsels businesses on how to locate and use government programs and trade information. You can use a toll free number or access the National Trade Data Bank (NTDB), a comprehensive source of trade information. We will:

Trade Promotion and Exporter Services

We offer a variety of specialized products and services to help U.S. businesses compete in the global marketplace. Major examples include: personalized counseling by trade specialists and industry and country experts, to help businesses enter international markets and increase export sales; an Advocacy Center to assist U.S. firms seeking major projects/contracts worldwide; trade events to help businesses sell products in overseas markets; an agent distributor service to provide a customized overseas search for qualified agents or distributors; customized sales surveys offering an assessment of how a specific product will sell in a given foreign market ; and Matchmaker delegations to "match" U.S. firms with business contacts overseas. We will:

Fair Treatment Under U.S. Trade Laws

We administer law to ensure U.S. firms receive fair treatment on imports and relief from unfair trading practices. Domestic industry may petition under U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) Law where there is reason to believe imports are being unfairly sold. We provide information and assistance to U.S. business regarding the administration of the AD/CVD laws.

We license and regulate foreign-trade zones (customs free zones). Eligible parties may apply for a license to operate an FTZ. States and local communities use zones for economic development efforts. The FTZ Board is required to review manufacturing in zones in terms of the public interest. We will:

Our Pledge To You

We Want To Hear From You

We listen to your feedback. Our products and services are provided to help you compete in the global marketplace.

Since 1991, we have sent surveys to over 50,000 customers and have made many program improvements based on your suggestions. To ensure that our products and services meet your needs, we will:

Let Us Know What You Want

We welcome your suggestions to improve the products and services we provide.

Since 1991 we have been gathering feedback from our customers. To date, we have used your input to make many significant changes to our products, services, and operations. If it is important to you, it is important to us.

If you are interested in additional information about ITA's customer service program, please contact:

Ed Meyer
U.S. Department of Commerce
International Trade Administration, Room 4001
14th St. and Constitution Ave. N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20230
Phone (202) 482-5436. Fax: (202) 482-4066.
Internet E-Mail:

Please complete the form below, attach your suggestions and comments, and send them to the above address.






