WWC snapshot of http://www.census.gov/stat_abstract/ccdb/index.html taken on Wed May 31 20:56:40 1995

County and City Data Book

Find the latest official statistics for 1,078 cities, all 3,141 U.S. counties, and 11,097 places of 2,500 or more inhabitants in the latest County and City Data Book

Find out about:

Top City Rankings:

o Land Area, Population 1992
o Population 1980, Growth Rates
o Population Per Square Mile, 65 Years Old and Over
o Black Population
o Asian and Pacific Islander Population
o Hispanic Population
o Foreign-Born, Persons Speaking Other Languages
o Households
o Infant Death Rates, Crime Rate
o Enrollment, Educational Attainment
o Median Household Income, Public Assistance
o Poverty Rates, Housing Built 1939 or Earlier
o Median Housing Value, Renter-Occupied Housing
o Public Transportation, Unemployment Rate
o Labor Force
o Employment in Manufacturing, City Government Taxes
o Daily Temperature, Annual Precipitation
o FTP zipped worksheet files