WWC snapshot of http://www.pitts.emory.edu/renovation.html taken on Fri Jun 9 21:38:49 1995

Renovation Project News

Pitts Theology Library is pleased to announce that money has been secured and plans approved for the renovation of it's heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems. This greatly needed renovation will allow us to provide both a safer environment for our collection as well as a more comfortable environment for our patrons and staff.

The renovation will include replacement of all windows in the building, replacement of the heating and air conditioning units, and upgrading the fire suppressant systems in the building. The renovation will begin in May, 1995, and be completed before the beginning of the Fall, 1995 semester.

As you might imagine, such a renovation will cause some disruption to our service this summer. The library staff is working with the Candler School faculty and others in the university to minimize the disruption. As much as possible, we want to continue to meet the needs of our patrons.

As details about the renovation and its impact on our service this summer become available, they will be posted here. We hope you will check here periodically to get the latest news about the renovation.

Should you have questions or comments about the renovation, we invite you to use the following input form or send mail to: www@www.pitts.emory.edu.

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