WWC snapshot of http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/woaerror.html taken on Sun Jun 4 2:10:18 1995


A. Missing depths in WOA94-05/SATL/5504/5504bot.ol


OCL profile number 68099 is missing a depth value between 50 and 80 meters.  
The missing value is 60.00 meters.  Profile 68099 is listed below with the 
problem in line 6 of the profile (after the first 18.00 value in line 6).  
The "18.00..00" needs to be replaced with "18.0000   60.00".


74   39-53.200 -43.3671934101023.000   68099  170 5 10 20 30 40 60
    0.00  0.7400 33.9800  7.5700  2.0900 16.0000    5.00 0.7400-99.9990-99.9990
-99.9990-99.9990   10.00  0.7400 33.9800-99.9990  2.0900 17.0000   20.00 0.7400
 33.9800  7.5800  2.0900 17.0000   30.00  0.7200 33.9800-99.9990  2.0900 17.0000
   40.00  0.6500 33.9800  7.5400  2.1500 18.0000   50.00  0.5900 33.9900-99.9990
  2.1500 18.00..00  0.5800 33.9900  7.5200  2.1500 18.0000   80.00 0.5800
 33.9900-99.9990  2.1500 19.0000  100.00  0.5600 34.0100  7.4300  2.1500 24.0000
  150.00  0.3100 34.0500  7.0500  2.2600 27.0000  195.00  1.0200 34.1500 6.0800
  2.4000 28.0000  290.00  1.8300 34.3700  4.7400  2.6800 45.0000  390.00 1.9400
 34.4300  4.3700  2.6800 45.0000  580.00  2.0500 34.6200-99.9990-99.9990-99.9990
  780.00  1.9700 34.6900  3.8200  2.7400 60.0000  970.00  1.7900 34.7000 3.8800
  2.5100 66.0000


74   39-53.200 -43.3671934101023.000   68099  170 5 10 20 30 40 60
    0.00  0.7400 33.9800  7.5700  2.0900 16.0000    5.00  0.7400-99.9990-99.9990
-99.9990-99.9990   10.00  0.7400 33.9800-99.9990  2.0900 17.0000   20.00  0.7400
 33.9800  7.5800  2.0900 17.0000   30.00  0.7200 33.9800-99.9990  2.0900 17.0000
   40.00  0.6500 33.9800  7.5400  2.1500 18.0000   50.00  0.5900 33.9900-99.9990
  2.1500 18.0000   60.00  0.5800 33.9900  7.5200  2.1500 18.0000   80.00  0.5800
 33.9900-99.9990  2.1500 19.0000  100.00  0.5600 34.0100  7.4300  2.1500 24.0000
  150.00  0.3100 34.0500  7.0500  2.2600 27.0000  195.00  1.0200 34.1500  6.0800
  2.4000 28.0000  290.00  1.8300 34.3700  4.7400  2.6800 45.0000  390.00  1.9400
 34.4300  4.3700  2.6800 45.0000  580.00  2.0500 34.6200-99.9990-99.9990-99.9990
  780.00  1.9700 34.6900  3.8200  2.7400 60.0000  970.00  1.7900 34.7000  3.8800
  2.5100 66.0000


OCL profile number 482193 has an incorrect data value between 50 and 75 meters.  
The correct value is 34.2000 .  Profile 482193 is listed below with the 
problem in line 4 of the profile (value "34.20.4000 40  ").  This value needs to
be replaced with "34.2000  " 


90  182-59.950 -49.0001967 2 7 2.000  482193  140 5 10 20 30 40 60
    0.00  1.1400 34.1700  7.3700  0.5300149.0001   10.00  1.0000 34.1700  7.3400
  0.8300149.0001   25.00  0.7900 34.1800  7.1600  0.8300141.0001   50.00  0.5800
 34.20.4000 40  7.0000  0.8300126.0001   75.00  0.5200 34.2200  7.0000  0.83001+
  100.00  0.2600 34.3100  6.5400  0.8300126.0001  150.00  0.2500 34.3300  6.5000
  0.8300126.0000  198.00  0.2000 34.3600  6.4800  0.8300126.0000  295.00-99.9990
 34.4800  5.6300  0.8300126.0000  393.00  0.2600 34.5300-99.9990-99.9990-99.9990
  491.00  0.2900 34.5600  5.4500  0.8300126.0000  737.00  0.3700 34.6200  5.1900
  0.8300126.0000  984.00  0.3500 34.6400  5.1600  0.8300143.0000 1178.00  0.2900


90  182-59.950 -49.0001967 2 7 2.000  482193  140 5 10 20 30 40 60
    0.00  1.1400 34.1700  7.3700  0.5300149.0001   10.00  1.0000 34.1700  7.3400
  0.8300149.0001   25.00  0.7900 34.1800  7.1600  0.8300141.0001   50.00  0.5800
 34.2000  7.0000  0.8300126.0001   75.00  0.5200 34.2200  7.0000  0.8300126.0001
  100.00  0.2600 34.3100  6.5400  0.8300126.0001  150.00  0.2500 34.3300  6.5000
  0.8300126.0000  198.00  0.2000 34.3600  6.4800  0.8300126.0000  295.00-99.9990
 34.4800  5.6300  0.8300126.0000  393.00  0.2600 34.5300-99.9990-99.9990-99.9990
  491.00  0.2900 34.5600  5.4500  0.8300126.0000  737.00  0.3700 34.6200  5.1900
  0.8300126.0000  984.00  0.3500 34.6400  5.1600  0.8300143.0000 1178.00  0.2900


This data file can be obtained on-line from NODC. Please follow the instructions listed below for World Wide Web access or anonymous FTP.


B. Missing data in WOA94-07

Data in WMO 10-degree squares 7007, 7008, 7108 and 7109 should be duplicated in CD-ROMs WOA94-04 and WOA94-07 since these squares include portions of both the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. Data for these WMO squares are found in WOA94-04 but not in WOA94-07. For those interested in all the North Pacific data, the data for these WMO squares will be placed on-line and also made available on a diskette upon request.
Location of on-line data:

World Wide Web:       http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/
                      click on ""
                      go to World Ocean Atlas 1994 CD-ROM and look for 
                       data to download

anonymous ftp:        ftp ftp.nodc.noaa.gov
                      login: anonymous
                      cd   /dist/WOAERRORS/NPAC/7007/  or
                           /dist/WOAERRORS/NPAC/7008/  or
                           /dist/WOAERRORS/NPAC/7108/  or
                           /dist/WOAERRORS/NPAC/7109/  or
                      get filename (or mget for multiple files)
                      bye (to log off)


C. Data with incorrect directory structure in WOA94-09

The following data have an incorrect directory structure and are incorrectly placed in WOA94-09.


The correct directory structure is in WOA94-08 \SIND\3512\


D. The following three data sets are incorrectly duplicated in WOA94-09.


The correct directory structure is WOA94-09 \SPAC\5309\


The correct directory structure is WOA94-09 \SPAC\5414\


The correct directory structure is WOA94-09 \SPAC\5608\


E. Truncation of CTD profiles

About one third of all WOA94 CTD profiles were truncated due to a programming error that was believed to have been corrected. Thus, some of the profiles in the CTD files are listed to depths shallower than they were actually measured. This error affects the profiles in the CTD files only and not the Station Data file. As soon as possible, we will list all truncated profile numbers and distribute new CTD files.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this mistake. Please check the NODC Mosaic homepage or the NODC Bulletin Board for further details.


We would like to thank John Klinck, Ricardo Locarnini, Norman Hall, George Hermerdinger and Theresa McKee for bringing these problems to our attention.

Version 1: 03/14/95
Version 2: 03/27/95