WWC snapshot of http://www.dfrf.nasa.gov/PhotoServer/whatsnew.html taken on Sat Jun 3 20:50:01 1995

What's new on the Dryden WWW Photo Server

Here is a list of changes and additions to the Dryden WWW Photo Server.

April 23, 1995
Major overhaul of the pages (again...). Now images are listed by project name instead of by type of aircraft. Is it better? Worse? Should they be sorted differently? Please let me know: binkley@xavier.dfrc.nasa.gov

Added 48 new images.

March 22, 1995
Added 46 new images.

February 15, 1995
Added XB-70 image. Added links to other NASA image archives.

February 8, 1995
Added 15 new images.

Janruary 10, 1995
Added 25 new images. X-series aircraft, F-series aircraft, Others.

Added visitor counter and access stastics.

December 23, 1994
Added about 30 new images marked with the [Image: NEW] graphic. New images will be marked [Image: NEW] for about 30 days. Updates will now occur monthly...I'm just too busy...unless there is an event requiring press release images.

November 28, 1994
Added a Space photo section. We don't do any space related work at Dryden, but the images are cool.

Added STS-66 landing images.

November 28, 1994
Reorganized the photos into section...with over 100 images on-line, the single page was getting very unwieldy. Please let me know if this is a good or bad idea. Thanks. binkley@xavier.dfrc.nasa.gov

November 28, 1994
Started this what's new page as per user suggestion. What will they think of next? :-)

[BUTTON: back] Photo Server Home Page
Curator: Robert Binkley - binkley@xavier.dfrc.nasa.gov

Modified: February 15, 1995