WWC snapshot of http://www.dfrf.nasa.gov/Facility/WATR/watr.html taken on Sat Jun 3 20:48:15 1995
The Western Aeronautical Test Range (WATR) is charged with supporting NASA aeronautics research flight test activities. Specifically the WATR provides telemetry/radar tracking, data acquisition, realtime processing, data display, and communication for all flight test activity at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center.

The mission of the NASA Dryden Western Aeronautical Test Range is to support the flight research programs undertaken by the Dryden Flight Research Center and other users by supplying a comprehensive set of test support facilities for the control and monitoring of all flight test activities; for the real-time acquisition and reduction of test data; and for the effective communication of information and data to flight and ground crews.

DISCLAIMER: This information is intended to give sufficient insight into the present capabilities of the WATR to enable users to plan a test program that will make maximum use of the services provided at the NASA Dryden WATR. It is intended that an earnest effort will be made to keep the information current. Therefore, users of this information can expect updates of individual sections from time to time.

o WATR Historical Background
o Telemetry/Radar Acquisition and Processing Systems (TRAPS)
o Mission Control Centers (MCC)
o Special Application Facility (SAF)
o Telemetry Tracking Systems
o Radar Tracking Systems
o RF Communication Systems
o Ground Intercommunications Systems
o WATR Video Systems

The Western Aeronautical Test Range is also actively involved in the design, development, and integration of systems in the area of computer software, high-speed data network, advanced digital circuitry, and high-speed high-bandwidth telemetry technology.

o WATR Hardware Developments
o WATR Software Developments
o WATR Software Users Manual

[ICON: Dryden] Dryden Home Page
Curator: Stephen Hoang - hoang@triton.dfrc.nasa.gov
Modified: May 26, 1995