WWC snapshot of http://www.alw.nih.gov/WWW/whats-new-www.html taken on Sat Jun 10 17:45:52 1995

What's New on the ALW System Web Pages

April 20, 1995
ALW March DCRT Interface Article
A HTMLized version of the March 95 DCRT Interface Article is made available on ALW System Web page.
March 16, 1995
New Internet surfing resource The Medical Matrix
This is a guide to medical resources on the Internet catagorized and presented in a hypertext fashion.
Feb 15, 1995
Restructuring of Weather Resources
The weather resources have been reorganized and some new ones have been added.
Feb 7, 1995
Addition of Zip code Lookup
In the Desk Reference Tools you will now find a zip code lookup based on the address you provide. This service is provided by the United States Postal Service and uses a Forms based interface.
Jan 11, 1995
Legislative Branch page reorganized
In the light of each half of the U.S. Congress proceeding at different speeds at getting information onto the Internet, the Legislative Branch page has been reorganized so that information about each half of Congress is more discernable.
Jan 9, 1995
WWW Searches page made local
The W3 Search Engines page has been made local for faster access.
Dec 13, 1994
ALW has a new introduction page.
ALW has HTML-ized its introductory brochure and is now offered for general information about the ALW System.
Sept 30, 1994
The ALW Specific section has been slightly reorganized
For new users that are not familiar with the ALW System, this section has been reorganized to get at more generic information first.
WWW Suppor for QUANTA
The online support offered by the makers of the molecular modeling program QUANTA has been included in the ALW Specific section of the home page as well as on the ALW Applications page in the QUANTA section.
Help for new users to the WWW and NCSA Mosaic
A useful notice to new users of the WWW and NCSA Mosaic has been included at the top of the ALW System home page.
Sept 28, 1994
Addition of Transarc's Home Page
Transarc, the maker of AFS, has a home page which is accessable only from AFS clients running a WWW client.
Sept 13, 1994
Addition of the ALW Security Features to WWW page
A summary security features provided by the ALW System.
Sept 8, 1994
Addition of the ALW Special Notices section
A section for timely special notices concerning ALW client users has been added to the ALW System Web page.
Sept 7, 1994
ALW June DCRT Interface Article
A HTMLized version of the June 94 DCRT Interface Article is made available on ALW System Web page.
Sept 1, 1994
Addition of Comments form to WWW page
If your WWW client supports Forms, then you can now use the Comments to www-alw@alw.nih.gov link at the bottom of the ALW System home page to submit comments and/or suggestions.
June 3, 1994
More Searching the Internet References
More ways of "surfing the net" have been added to the Searching the Internet section of the ALW WWW Home page.
April 5, 1994
More AFS References
The AFS v3.3 release notes as well as some miscellaneous AFS resources have been added to the AFS References section of the ALW WWW Home page.
April 4, 1994
NIH Class Library Reference Guide
The NIH Class Refernce Guide is now online in the ALW WWW Home page. The NIH Class Library is a portable collection of classes similar to those of Smalltalk-80 that has been developed using the C++ programming language under the UNIX operating system.
April 4, 1994
AFS Beginner's Guide
A beginner's guide to the fundamentals of AFS is now online in the ALW WWW Home page. Topics such as authentication, volumes, an access control lists are included.
April 1, 1994
NIH E-mail phone book queries
Querys can now made of the online in the ALW WWW Home page NIH E-mail Phonebook. One needs to be using a WWW client that support Forms (eg. Mosaic).

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