WWC snapshot of http://www.alw.nih.gov/WWW/rates-fy95.html taken on Sat Jun 10 17:46:10 1995

New ALW System Rates for the Fiscal Year 95

Charges for Advanced Laboratory Workstation (ALW) disk storage will remain the same, even though DCRT will be reducing the subsidy it provides for ALW services from 2/3 to 1/3 for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 1994.

Holding the line on disk storage rates while moving ALW closer to full cost recovery is possible because, this past year, DCRT replaced the ALW file servers and disk drives with newer, faster technology that is more reliable and is much less expensive to purchase and maintain.

The new rates for FY95 beginning October 1, 1994

Category                        New Rate      Old Rate
ALW Subscription                  200.00        100.00
  (per month)
Disk Storage                        0.01          0.01
  (per MByte/day)
ALW Installation                  500.00        500.00
  (per occurence)
Private AFS Server Mgmt           600.00        300.00
  (per month)
Private AFS Server Disk Mgmt        1.00          1.00
  (per GByte/day)

Note that DCRT plans to eliminate the ALW subsidy entirely beginning October 1, 1995.

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