ALW Quick Reference Guide WWC snapshot of taken on Sat Jun 10 17:47:14 1995

Advanced Laboratory Workstation Quick Reference Guide

Getting Started on an Advanced Laboratory Workstation (ALW)

The Advanced Laboratory Workstation (ALW) Quick Reference Guide is designed as an easy to use reference aid for novice users. This document covers:
  1. Logging on and off an ALW
  2. Passwords and authentication procedures
  3. Requesting disk space
  4. Further ALW information and assistance available

Using This Document

This document uses the following conventions to guide you as to how you enter UNIX commands and how you distinguish these commands from information displayed by ALW.

bold face text
Variable information and UNIX commands or information you type or action you perform.
Typewriter face text
Any information displayed on screen that you do not enter, such as your system's prompt, or information displayed in response to your entries.
normal face text
Symbols and conventions used by this document to explain the command or response.

How to Login to an ALW

Respond to the login prompt by entering your user name and password in the steps outlined below.
  1. login: user-name
  2. Password: password (NOTE: This is not visible to you as it is typed)

A successful login by an ALW user to any ALW results in:

The UNIX pathname for your home directory has this format:

/afs/ institute/user-name

If your user name and password do not allow a successful login call 496-UNIX for assistance.

Logging Out of an ALW

You have three choices available when you have finished your work session:
  1. Destroy your tokens
  2. Exit from the X-Windows environment only and return to the UNIX shell.
  3. Completely leave the UNIX environment.
You can exit from X-Windows at any time you desire. However, in order to log out from the UNIX environment you must first exit from X-Windows as shown below.

STEP 1: To exit from the X-windows environment,

  1. Click on the terminate button on the X-Window-System`s icon or dialogue box displayed on screen.

  2. Click on the terminate button displayed on the resulting pop-up confirmation box.

STEP 2: To log out from a UNIX shell session

  1. Terminate the X-Windows session (step 1 above).
  2. Enter the logout command.

Changing an Account Password

For the security of the individual account and the system as a whole, every ALW account must have a password. Choose a password that is easy for you to remember, but not easy for someone else to guess.

To change the password for an ALW account use the kpasswd command as shown below.

  1. hostname% kpasswd (NOTE: The actual hostname that appears as part of the prompt will be your system's name)
  2. Old-password: OLD-PASSWORD
    (NOTE: This is not visible to you as it is typed.)
  3. New password: NEW-PASSWORD
    (NOTE: This is not visible to you as it is typed.)
  4. Please re-enter new password: NEW-PASSWORD
    (NOTE: This is not visible to you as it is typed.)
You will know that you have successfully changed your password when ALW returns with a:

prompt after you have verified your new password.

NOTE: Here and throughout the rest of this document you will see the system prompt given as: hostname%

This is used as a convention in this document for illustratation. The actual name you will see displayed will depend on your machine's actual name.

Renewing/Cancelling Andrew File System (AFS) Authentication -- klog/unlog

The Andrew File System (AFS) authentication you obtain at login lasts for about 25 hours. To renew authentication for an ALW account use the klog command..
  1. hostname% klog
  2. Password: PASSWORD
    (NOTE: This is not visible to you as it is typed.)
When you leave your ALW unattended we STRONGLY recommend that, you cancel the authentication when you leave and re-authenticate when you return.

To cancel authentication for an ALW account use the unlog command.

  1. hostname% unlog

Security under AFS

AFS allows the owner of a directory to set permissions for all the files the directory contains. The most common permissions are listed below.
           read      read and lookup access
           write     read and write access
           all       write and administer access
           none      no access
When access is set on a directory it does not propagate to subdirectories that currently exist only to subsequently created subdirectories.

Set the Access Control List (ACL) on an AFS directory with the fs command.

For example, to allow a colleague to read, but not write, your files follow the sequence outlined below while at the hostname% prompt.

  1. hostname% cd your-directory
  2. hostname% fs seta . -acl user-name write colleague-name read
  3. hostname% fs lista .

    Access list for . is
    Normal rights:
      colleague-name rl
      user-name rlidwk
NOTE: all files in a new user's home directory, except those in the private subdirectory, are initially readable by everyone.

Requesting ALW Disk Space

Every ALW user gets a home area limited to about 20 Megabytes. Requests for additional disk space should be submitted via the ptr utility. Requests for disk space for very large files should be limited to 200 Megabytes per request.

UNIX Documentation

To read on-line documentation for a
UNIX command use the man command.

For example, to list the manual page for the ls command use the command below.

hostname% man ls
Refer to (vendor supplied) UNIX man pages for hard-copy information about UNIX commands.

Andrew Tools Documentation

In the X-windows environment, use the help command for on-line information about "Andrew applications" (e.g. messages, ez):

For example, enter the following commands at the hostname% prompt.

        help           to browse all help
	help messages   to browse for help on messages
	help ez        to browse for help on ez
All on-line UNIX documentation is also available in the help browser.

AFS Documentation

Refer to the AFS User's Guide or AFS Command Reference for hardcopy information about the AFS System.

Call 496-UNIX for information about availability.

ALW Documentation

PostScript versions of most ALW documentation can be found on any ALW workstation in the directory /usr/local/alwpub/doc. These can be printed on a local PostScript printer with the lpr command.

ALso, the document you are viewing can most likely be printed directly from your current viewing application. Refer to your application's documentation for output instructions.

ALW User Assistance

Use the ptr command to submit written requests for help and/or written problem reports.
hostname% ptr

To discuss immediate and/or complex problems with ALW technical support staff:

Call 496-UNIX for further user assistance.

Last updated: Thu Mar 3 10:23:15 EST 1994
Content by ALW staff members.
Title logo by John Pfeifer.
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