WWC snapshot of http://www.alw.nih.gov/WWW/ALW-plan.html taken on Sat Jun 10 17:44:30 1995

NIH Advanced Laboratory Workstation Plans

May, 1995

Table of Contents

Discontinued Support Current Development Projects

Discontinued Support

In order to conserve resources and to improve interoperability and reduce costs by moving toward open standards, we must discontinue support for various hardware and software as described in the following sections. Users of hardware and software for which we have discontinued support should not rely on it to continue to work.


1/1/96: Systems with less than 200MBytes local disk

Workstations with less than 200MBytes local disk will no longer be supported as of January 1, 1996. We recommend expanding systems to a minimum of 1Gbyte disk and 64MBytes memory. We will notify administrators of workstations that do not meet these requirements.

1/1/96: DEC/Ultrix workstations

All models of DEC workstations running Ultrix will no longer be supported as of January 1, 1996. After this date, all files required to support DEC/Ultrix workstations will be purged from the ALW file system. Any DEC/Ultrix workstations still configured as ALW clients will no longer function as of the termination date. We recommend replacing DEC workstations with Sun, Hewlett-Packard, or Silicon Graphics workstations, which are supported by ALW. We currently do not plan to support the DEC AXP ("Alpha") workstation models.


3/1/95: Island Draw/Paint/Write

The Island Draw/Paint/Write application suite will no longer be available as of 3/1/95. Please contact the ALW staff for advice on alternatives.

7/1/95: SunOS 4.1.1

Workstations running SunOS 4.1.1 will no longer be supported as of 7/1/95. We will notify the administrators of machines requiring upgrade to SunOS 4.1.3 or higher.

7/1/95: twm window manager

The twm window manager will no longer be supported as of 7/1/95. This is the window manager selected by setting LOOK_FEEL to MIT in your ~/.login file. We recommend switching to MOTIF instead.

7/1/95: swm window manager

The swm window manager will no longer be supported as of 7/1/95. This is the window manager selected by setting LOOK_FEEL to SWM in your ~/.login file. We recommend switching to MOTIF instead.


7/1/95: SMTP mail service

SMTP mail access will be removed from the machine alw.nih.gov. As alternatives, we recommend use of messages, vui, or cui on ALWs, SMTP mail on helix, or DCRT's POP mail service. NOTE: this will affect only those who log in to the machine named alw.nih.gov to read their mail.

Also, ALW applications will not be available on the machine alw.nih.gov.

7/1/95: Restricted access to ALW application servers

Access to hosts cyclic.dcrt.nih.gov and sapporo.dcrt.nih.gov will be restricted to only those machines registered for ALW support services. Access by ALW users will only be allowed through the kerberized remote shell (rsh). Access from non-ALW machines (such as PCs and terminals) will no longer be permitted. As alternatives, we recommend use of the UNIX timesharing service on helix.nih.gov, or purchase of an ALW-supported workstation (Sun, HP, or SGI).

Current Development Projects

The following projects are underway and will most likely become generally available.

New Applications Software

Microsoft Excel on HP, SGI, and Sun
Microsoft Word on HP, SGI, and Sun
Biosym Molecular Modeling Software on SGI

New Operating Systems

IRIX 5.2
Solaris 2.3

New Services

Optional On-Site Hardware Maintenance Service for ALW Subscribers


Kerberos authentication

We plan to deploy versions of rsh, rcp, rlogin, telnet, and ftp that use Kerberos authentication to further protect the privacy of passwords in our networked environment and eliminate the use of ~/.rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv for host access control.

Client workstation monitoring

We plan to automatically e-mail to ALW administrators warnings of potential security vulnerabilities found on client workstations as a result of routine periodic monitoring by ALW security monitoring software.

Directory access monitoring

We plan to automatically e-mail to ALW users warnings of security vulnerabilities found on the Access Control Lists (ACLs) of home and group storage directories as a result of routine periodic monitoring.

AFS Access for PCs and Macs

We are developing or evaluating several approaches for implementing gateway software on Sun workstations which will enable PCs to access the AFS filespace as LAN Manager clients, and Macintoshes to access the AFS filespace as AppleShare clients.

AFS to DCE Migration

We are planning to migrate from the AFS distributed file system to the Open Software Foundation's (OSF) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). Migration to DCE is necessary because DCE, as an emerging de facto industry standard, will eventually supercede the AFS distributed file system upon which the current ALW System is based. Also, DCE will better enable us to extend ALW distributed systems technology to the IBM PC, Macintosh, and the Convex and IBM mainframes, thereby advancing DCRT's strategic plan to provide interoperability among these systems.

Future Directions

The following projects are still in the early planning stage. These plans may be changed or cancelled without notice.

Kerberos Authentication for PCs and Macs

Capability for PC and Mac users to authenticate with Kerberos server and establish secure communications with other participating systems using Kerberos clients such as telnet, rlogin, and ftp.

Disaster Recovery

Write additional copies of AFS backup tapes for storage off-site.

Common Desktop Environment

Support a single style of graphical user interface, the Common Desktop Environment (CDE), across all UNIX platforms. CDE is based on Motif and HP's OpenVue.

E-mail Interoperability

Standardize on a single, MIME-compliant Mail User Agent (MUA) across all strategic desktop platforms (PC, Mac, UNIX). Current MUA candidate is Eudora.

DCE for PCs and Macs

Deploy OSF/DCE on PCs and Macs to improve interoperability, security, and provide the environment needed to support future client/server applications.

Extended Coverage for Server Maintenance

Extend coverage for remedial hardware maintenance for ALW servers to 24 hours a day, 5 (or perhaps even 7) days per week.
Last modified: May 4, 1995

Keith Gorlen
Distributed Systems Section, Computing Facilities Branch
Division of Computer Research and Technology
National Institutes of Health