WWC snapshot of http://www.alw.nih.gov/WWW/ALW-doc-forms.html taken on Sat Jun 10 17:53:13 1995

ALW Documentation/Forms

You can download any of these documents/forms by first setting your Web client to download mode (if using NCSA Mosaic, use the "Options/Load To Local Disk" option).

You can also access these files directly from an ALW client machine from the indicated directories below.

Miscellaneous Documentation (see /usr/local/alwpub/doc)

  • ALW Quick Reference Guide [PostScript]
  • Selecting good passwords
  • Registration Forms (see /usr/local/alwpub/forms)

    [PostScript format]
  • ALW Machine Registration - register or to change info for a machine
  • ALW User Registration - register a new ALW user account
  • ALW Group Registration - register a group name to be used for naming diskspace volumes that will be used by a group of people
  • ALW Software Registration - register and use your own software license of an ALW supported program
  • Comments to www-alw@alw.nih.gov

    To ALW Home Page