Employment and Unemployment Statistics Contacts

Program Information

Business Establishment List        Michael Searson       (202) 606-6469
Employment and Earnings  
 Periodical                        Gloria P. Green             606-6373
Employment and Wages (ES 202)      Staff                       606-6567
 Data Diskettes and Tapes          Staff                       606-6567
Employment Situation:
  News Release                     Staff                       606-6378
                                                            or 606-6373
Recorded Messages                  24-Hour Hotline             606-7828

Establishment Survey 
 Employment, Hours, Earnings:
National Data                      Staff                       606-6555
  Benchmarks                       Patricia Getz               606-6521
  Data Diskettes                   David Hiles                 606-6551
  Real Earnings-News Release       David Hiles                 606-6551
State and Area Data                Kenneth Shipp               606-6559
  Data Diskettes                   Guy Podgornik               606-6559

Foreign Direct Investment Data     Staff                       606-6568
Occupational Employment 
 Statistics Survey                 Lawrence Johnson            606-6569
National Labor Force Data:                                     606-6378
 Concepts and Definitions          Staff                    or 606-6373
 Employment and 
   Unemployment Trends             Staff                       606-6378
 Machine-Readable Data and 
   Diskettes                       Gloria P. Green             606-6373
 Microdata Tapes                   Rowena Johnson              606-6345

Occupational Data:
 Current Population Survey         Staff                       606-6378
 Occupational Mobility             Lawrence Leith              606-6378

State and Area Labor Force Data:
   Characteristics                 Edna Biederman        (202) 606-6392
  Data Diskettes and Tapes         Jessie Marcus               606-6392

Weekly and Annual Earnings: 
  Current Population Survey        Staff                       606-6378

Special Topics

Absences from Work                 Staff                       606-6378
Discouraged Workers                Harvey Hamel                606-6378
Displaced Workers                  Jennifer Gardner            606-6378
Educational Attainment             Staff                       606-6378
Flexitime and Shift Work           Earl Mellor                 606-6378
Home-Based Work                    William Deming              606-6378
Job Tenure                         Lawrence Leith              606-6378
Longitudinal Data/Gross Flows      Francis Horvath             606-6345
Women in the Labor Force           Howard Hayghe               606-6378
Mass Layoff Statistics             Lewis Siegel                606-6404
Minimum Wage Data                  Steven Haugen               606-6378
Minority Workers                   Peter Cattan                606-6378
Multiple Jobholders                John Stinson                606-6373
Older Workers                      Diane Herz                  606-6378
Part-Time Workers                  Staff                       606-6378
Seasonal Adjustment Methodology    Robert McIntire             606-6345
Standard Industrial
 Classification System             Mary Anne Phillips          606-6473
Standard Occupational 
 Classification System             Michael McElroy             606-6516
Unemployment Trends                Staff                       606-6378
Veterans                           Sharon Cohany               606-6378
Women in the Labor Force           Howard Hayghe               606-6378
Work Experience                    Staff                       606-6378
Working Poor                       Jennifer Gardner            606-6378
Youth, Students, and Dropouts      Abraham Mosisa              606-6378
Topics Not Specifically Mentioned  Staff                       606-6378

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