LABSTAT is the Bureau of Labor Statistics' official database, available through Anonymous FTP and gopher. For a direct link to the LABSTAT gopher menu, click here. For more information, please read the following documentation.

List of Databases

LABSTAT provides current and historical data for 26 surveys, as well as numerous press releases. LABSTAT on the Internet is composed of individual databases (in flat file format) corresponding to each of the surveys. These survey-specific databases are identified by a two-character survey name abbreviation, as listed below.
	AP      Average Price Data
	BG      Collective Bargaining-State & Local Gov't
	BP      Collective Bargaining-Private Sector
	CU      Consumer Price Index-All Urban Consumers
	CW      Consumer Price Index-Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers
	EB      Employee Benefits Survey
	EC      Employment Cost Index
	EE      Employment, Hours, & Earnings-National
	EI      International Price Index
	EIS     Special Export Comparison Index
	EP      Employment Projections by Industry
	GP      Geographic Profile
	HS      Occupational Injury & Illness Rates
	IN      International Labor Statistics
	LA      Local Area Unemployment Statistics
	LI      Department Store Inventory Price Index
	MP      Major Sector Multifactor Productivity Index
	PC      Producer Price Index Revision-Current Series
	PD      Producer Price Index Revision-Discontinued Series
	PF      Federal Government Productivity Index
	PI      Industry Labor Productivity Index
	PR      Major Sector Productivity & Costs Index
	SA      State & Area Employment, Hours, & Earnings
	SH      Occupational Injury and Illness Rates
	WP      Producer Price Index
	WS      Work Stoppage Data

Directory Structure and Files

LABSTAT is divided into a number of directories and sub-directories.
	/pub and its sub-directores contain all the data.

	/time.series and its sub-directories contain the survey-specific
	historical time series.  All survey-specific directories (i.e., 
	/ap.../ws) contain:

		xx.series:      Series-level data.    Observation-level data, which may be
				partitioned, depending on the size of the
				files.         Survey-specific mapping files, which relate
				codes to meaningful names (e.g., State code
				and State name).

		xx.doc:         Documentation for individual surveys, 
				including a survey description, the table
				structure, information on data partitioning,
				and definitions of data elements.

	/news.release contains the two most recent releases for all BLS news
	releases, as well as documentation.

	/doc contains all the survey-specific documentation, the news 
	release documentation, and this overview.

LABSTAT Database Documentation

The LABSTAT database documentation is designed to be a reference tool for users of the LABSTAT system. The documentation for each database consists of three sections:
Narrative:              A brief discription of the survey, and the data 

Table Structure:        Individual data elements are stored in tables.  
			The Table Structure for each database provides the 
			names of the tables, and the individual data 
			elements stored in each table.

Database Elements:      The Database Elements section provides information 
			about the individual data elements, including field
			length, valid values, and description for each data     

LABSTAT News Release Documentation

The BLS news releases available on the Internet provide reports on the findings of several BLS programs along with national indicators such as the Employment Situation and the Consumer Price Index. Each news release is in ASCII text format and sub-divided into three sections:


BLS Home Page